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My Favorite Aunt Katie

Posted by: Age: 40's & 50's Posted on: 14 comments
41 likes 531 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: pool, toys aunt.

Everyone always has a favorite Aunt and Katie has always been mine.

From as far back as I can remember my aunt Kate has always been someone I've always looked up to. Her being my mom's youngest sister she and I were only 12 years apart, a very pretty woman that married well to a guy that I always thought the world of as well.
Kate was the one that even though we lived 100 miles apart she was the one that always showed up for my school events in support of everything I was involved in.
As years passed she and I always kept in touch even tho sometimes we would only see each other once a year at family reunions and I always looked forward to going just to see her again.
So this summer was no different, July came around and it was once again reunion time and like usual getting an email from her making sure I would be there.
As we caught up again this year she told me that she wasn't looking forward to August because her husband would be going to away overseas on business for almost 3 weeks and now with her kids gone it was going to be a long time for her.


It was then I realised that right in the middle of the span he was gone I had a 3 day business conference within 30 miles of where she lived and it was quickly decided that I stay with her instead of staying at the motel provided for me.
The time finally arrived and the first day I left home and drove directly to the conference and once it was over I went to her place late afternoon.  That night we hung around the pool and drank wine until bedtime.
The next morning (Thursday) I got up at 6 AM to get ready and when I finally went to the kitchen she was already up preparing breakfast for me before I left which was an incredibly sweet gesture but not necessary because the hotel where it was being held always had a nice spread set out for us every morning.
I got back to her place around 4 that afternoon and we decided to hit the town for dinner and a few drinks that night and it ended up being a little late before we got back home so before I went to bed I again reminded her that it wasn't necessary to prepare breakfast for me and told her she could sleep in in the morning.
Next morning ,same thing..up early and as I walked to my car I get a phone call from my boss saying the meeting would start at 10 am instead of 8 today and bought me a few hours of getting caught up on business matters on my computer so I quietly re-entered the house and went back into my bedroom where I sat and did my work.

After about and hour I heard movement around the house and knew Kate was awake and thought I'd sit with her for a few minutes before I had to leave so I went down to the kitchen to say hi and as I walked around the corner there she sat, on a kitchen bar stool robe completely opened, leaning against the counter facing me with her eyes closed and her hand and her fingers busy between her legs !!!!
There was no mistaking what she was doing,I must have made a gasp or noise and right then she opened her eyes and seen me standing there not 4 feet away,she let out a scream and jumped to her feet trying to close her robe the whole time trying to comprehend what I was doing there and then trying to say she was sorry.
I'm not sure who was more embarrassed but I know I could not have felt more sorry for her..almost in tears she hid her face in her hands and again saying she was sorry, I finally started to laugh and said...god Katie..I'm glad I'm not the only one that starts my day like that.
I know saying that didn't really hide the emberessment, but I think it made her feel a little bit better so I did put my arm around her and told her it's not a big deal and to just forget about it and with that I told her I'd be back around 3:30 gave her another hug and left.
Needless to say the whole time at the conference this was on the back on my mind, just how bad she must be feeling and to be honest feeling the slightest bit aroused having never seen anything like that before.
I got through the day and got back to her place to find her sitting outside by the pool with a bottle of wine chilled and some snacks set out and when I walked out she says I hope this is alright I thought we'd just chill out here tonight.
I quickly changed into my bikini and came out and for the first bottle of wine as we talked and I could tell there was still the elephant in the room and finally somewhere through the second bottle I got up enough nerve to try to comfort her and finally just came out and said..Kate..are you still bothered about this morning ?
God yesss
Don't be. I'm serious, I'm sorry I inturupted you. Trust me I know how it is when they leave town.
Yea ...kinda sucks
Hey..its not like I caught you with another man
Long pause then a smile...and she looks at me and ask...so really..you start days like that too ?
Hell yes..I'm guessing a lot of us do.
And with that we broke the ice. I've never talked about sex with her in my life..but for whatever reason she felt like talking, Like two school girls opening up for the first time to each other, the next few hours were filled with laughter and of course more wine and maybe it was the wine but I think she just wanted to talk. Nothing graphic, just 2 good friends talking out at the pool having some good laughs when she finally gives me a big smile and walks away toward a small cabinet in the corner and within a few seconds comes back and places on the table a vibrator !

She looks at me and says this is my boyfriend when he's away. I call him Blue..Big Blue, or Blue the pool guy.. We must have laughed for 10 minutes straight,the sight of this big blue soft rubber vib with a suction cup on the end of it, ya just turn it on and stick it to the tile on the pool wall..and life is good..
Of course I then had to describe the one I had hidden in my naughty drawer at home just to let her know she wasn't the only one to enjoy these things and the laughter continued as well as the naughty talk.

Soon after Kate excused herself to go to the ladies' room and while she was away I kept staring at big blue and I thought for a laugh I'd get in the pool with it when she returned and did as instructed and stuck it to the pool wall, and when she came out I just put my legs around it to see if she'd even notice it was gone.
Sure enough she walks up to the table and then looks at me in the pool and says hey where's blue?
Gosh I don't know...
And with that she jumps into the pool and sees it between my legs and just that quick she says Tammy you don't even have it on....you rookie
God no..I was just joking around.
Right then she reaches for it and hits the on switch and sticks it back on the pool wall and says go ahead try it..
I know had I been sober this wouldn't be happening but for fun I again wrapped my legs around it leaving my suit bottom in place but instantly felt this wave hit me and she knew it and started laughing and says..not terrible is it?
I think I was speechless for a moment them mumbled ummm nooo it feels pretty good.
As hard as I tried to make it look like I was still joking around with it we both knew that I was getting aroused..very aroused.

It wasn't long and I started thrusting my hips just a bit still feeling a bit odd about humping my aunt's vib with her watching me but it almost felt to good to stop and then she whispered over my shoulder, go ahead and fuck it sweetie..I looked back at her and said..will you if i do ?
Well sure I will...
That's all I needed to hear. I reached down and pulled my suit to one side and allowed it inside me, oh my god..Instantly I began bucking as big blue kept going deeper and deeper and then feeling my aunt's hands wrap around my stomach, then whispering again..enjoy it sweetie..having her hands roam my stomach and my lower breasts was more than i could take and with that I rode out the most out of control orgasm I'd had in a long time.
After coming down I inched off of my new friend and I honestly felt like my knees were going to buckle and right then turned to her and said..ok..next..and it was almost like she would have pushed me out of the way had I not moved fast enough she reached down in the water and actually dropped her bottoms to her feet and within seconds positioned herself on her toy..and as she leaned back in the water I did as she did with me and positioned myself behind her with my arms around her waist.
Giving her hips just room to ride her toy my hands also roamed her belly as she put her hands over mine as to almost guide then up toward her breasts, as my hands rested just under her breasts I could feel the weight of them resting on my thumbs then with one quick sweep of her hands pulled her top over huge breasts then putting her hands back over mine.
As she continued rocking she began to moan and I took my fingers and lightly touched the bottoms of her slightly sagging boobs with her hands still firmly holding my hands against her being careful and not knowing what to do I continued to just lightly pinch the bottoms of her breasts as she leaned back even further against me almost as if she was using me for support while she continued to fuck herself.
And within a minute or so she murmers ..oh my god ..and I could feel her tense up and almost without thinking she lifted my hands covering both of her boobs and started moaning..I realised she was like me and loves having her boobs squeezed during sex so I held them tight feeling her huge erect nipples against the palms of my hand.
I have never really felt another womans breasts before let alone during sex and I doubt she has ever had hers felt by another woman either but I must admit it was very arousing and guessing from the way she was reacting she thought so to.
She bucked and moaned for the next few minutes the whole time with her hands squeezing my hands as mine squeezed her breasts until she finally gasped and said..oh god..enough..enough and with that released her grip on my hands and then me removing my hands off of her then patted her on her shoulders, she then turned and facing me looks down with a giggle and pulls her top back over her boobs then reaches in the water and pulling her bottoms back on.

Right at that moment given what had just happened I actually thought about taking another ride but thought I'd better not and we both exited the pool with smiles on our faces and returned to our table and sat back down to finish our wine and it was then she patted my hand and with a giggle says..well that was certainly a first...
By now evening was setting in as well as hunger and we retired to the house and ate a light dinner and sat around and watched TV until we both fell asleep on either ends of the couch then eventually retired to our bedrooms for the evening.

The next morning I had plans of leaving fairly early to go home and when I got to the kitchen she was still in her robe preparing breakfast both of us nursing slight hangovers and a fond memory that wasn't even brought up until I was all packed and she was walking me to the door when she finally gives me a big hug and says..I really enjoyed your stay here and I have to tell you..what happened yesterday..well that was just icing on the cake then says..I think that thing is hanging on the pool wall , I hope it didn't drown....with that we both had one last good laugh and I went home...on the way home I get a text from her...says...nope still working with a whole bunch of smiley faces, so when I got home I texted her back and I certainly had a great few days...let me know the next time hubby leaves and maybe we can do it again...reply....make it a promise and we have a deal.

I have no intentions of ever telling my husband what happened that day and I'm sure she won't either but its certainly another fond memory of my Aunt Kate.





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