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My Curious Urologist, Part 5

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 7 comments
7 likes 24 views Category: Series Tags: milking, swallowing cum, post-orgasm torture, anal stimulation, ball-spanking, zesty
Mr. Johnson gets milked at the clinic.

"Yeaaaah! Woo, woo, woo! Nice squirting, Pavel! Your little dick can really shoot!" the girl beside Erin crowed as she clapped her hands and got closer to the embarrassed young man on the table. The two other girls joined her in clapping and gathering around the trough as they looked down at the sperm sample he had just left. David stayed by the door.


"Yeah, that first squirt was a doosey. How far did it go?" Gemma asked as she used a tissue to wipe Pavel's shrunken penis. He stayed on the table, his penis and balls still on display as the girls found the streak of cum that landed the farthest. 



"0.99 meters. That's pretty good, Pavel," the same girl said as she reached up and rubbed his hairy balls. "Should we measure to see how much there was?" she continued as she squeezed his small balls.



"It doesn't matter, Jessie. He just bragged about how far he could squirt, so we decided to get the proof. He only had three or four squirts, so that's not enough to compare with Mr. Johnson," Penny said as she helped Pavel sit up on the table. 



"So, this guy really had a big one?" Jessie asked, her thumb indicating me. I thought I had been forgotten as I sat in the chair with my still-hard cock.



"It was pretty incredible. 18 squirts, and he shot over three feet," Penny said as she helped Pavel get down from the table, his limp penis wiggling from the short jump.



"18 squirts? That's huge! How much was it?" Erin asked as she turned to look at my turgid cock. The other girls turned to look at the man who just shot 18 squirts of semen. I guess I should have been proud, but I was just feeling embarrassed by the attention.



"How much was it, Gemma?" Penny asked as she helped Pavel put his pants back on. Gemma was wiping Pavel's sperm out of the trough.



"Just over half a cup ........... 133 cc's ..........." Gemma answered nonchalantly as the girls focused on my swollen penis.



"Half a cup! Wow, that's a lot of sperm! No one cums like that! You must be extra-tired after squirting out a load like that," Jessie said with admiration. 



'That's why we sat him down there .......... oh, and also, because we have to measure him soft," Penny said with a smile. Pavel was now back at his station.



"He came like that and he's hasn't gone soft? What's wrong, Mr. Johnson, do you still have some in there? Does this big dick have more inside?" Jessie asked as she grabbed my bulging penis. I shuddered as she gave it a firm squeeze. Erin reached in and grabbed my balls, saying, "They do feel pretty full." Her warm hand felt nice on my balls.



"Yeah, we were hoping it would go down by now. Do you need to cum again, Mr. Johnson? Is that the only way we are going to measure your soft penis?" Penny asked as she walked over to join the three girls. The hands on my penis and balls were definitely making me feel good, and Penny's question made me suspect that they were eager for another demonstration.



"Uh, well ........... I guess ............ if that's .............." I muttered as I wondered if I could cum so soon after such an intense orgasm.



"Oh, oh ...... let me do it!" Jessie cried, pulling my cock until the head bulged. Penny laughed as she said, "You'd better be ready for a gusher. He's probably still got a lot in there." She stood and watched as the three girls pulled me out of the chair and Jessie led me to the table.



"I know how we should do it. Get him up on the table," Jessie instructed, helping the girls heft me onto the table facing away from the others. She got me to stay on all fours with my ass towards Pavel's control station. My long penis hung down as I felt very exposed and on display.



"I'm going to milk him! This thing is so much like a big, fat udder," Jessie giggled, smacking my dangling penis and making it sway. She sure seemed eager to play with my penis. 



"I can help. I need more experience in making these things squirt," Erin said as she reached in and pulled on my penis. I did feel kind of like a cow since my 'udder' was hanging down between my legs and the girls were grabbing me from behind.



"You start like this," Jessie instructed as she replaced Erin's hand and started gently stroking. She went from the base to the tip, giving an extra squeeze as she reached my cockhead. The sensation was warm and sensual, and I realized I liked being milked.



"How about these?" Erin blurted as she grabbed my hanging balls and pulled roughly. I jumped and wiggled my hips as her grasp gave me a touch of pain.



"You've got to be careful with those; they're pretty sensitive," Jessie instructed as she replaced Erin's hand and began gently squeezing my balls. It was almost like she was going to squeeze the cum out of my balls as she continued to milk my cock. I groaned slightly at the 'full' sensation.



"I think he likes it. How about this thing? I saw Penny poke inside Pavel, and that's when he started squirting," Erin asked as she gingerly touched my exposed asshole. Her finger sent a shock up my body, and I jerked my hips.



All three girls giggled as they saw me react to Erin's finger on my asshole, and Gemma came closer to inform them, "It should still be pretty loose. I had him stretched wide open to stroke his prostate. That could be why he came so much."



"Hmm, looks like he's leaking. You wanna try some of this on him?" Jessie asked as she offered the tip of my slippery dick to Erin. She giggled some more as she swiped across my messy peehole, making me moan in response. She moved her finger quickly to my puckering hole, and found hardly any resistance as she pushed inside.



"Aaahhh!" I exclaimed as this added sensation pushed me closer to orgasm. All three girls giggled as Erin wiggled her finger inside my anus, pushing in and out to slowly 'fuck' me. I could feel my sphincter relaxing as I was reminded of how wide it had been only twenty minutes ago.



"Mmm, it's so open. He's barely gripping me. I can push all the way inside. I think I can find his little button," Erin said as she played inside my asshole, wiggling around to find my prostate. My hips bucked at the sensation, and all three girls laughed as Jessie continued to milk my excited cock. I felt very much on display with my ass in the air and three girls standing so close behind me, laughing and commenting on my predicament.



"It looks so smooth ..... so different from Pavel's," the third girl remarked, and Jessie said, "these things are pretty smooth, too. Why don't you give them a squeeze?" I felt her hand leave my balls, and a cooler hand took over, squeezing and pulling with a stronger touch. I now had one girl milking my cock, one girl pulling my balls, and one girl swirling her finger inside my asshole. The sensations were building up inside my body, and I knew it wouldn't be long before my cock gave them what they wanted.



"Hey, Penny, you don't need to collect this, or measure it, or anything, do you?" Jessie asked as she tugged on my slippery penis a bit faster. She reached in to feel my oozing peehole, rubbing her finger through my precum. This attention sent another flood of pleasure up my body, and I felt my orgasm building.



"No, we got his sperm already; just let it squirt on the table. You'd better be ready for a flood, though. He might have a second load like the first," Penny warned as she got closer to watch my second orgasm. All the attention on my 'milking' gave me an extra thrill, and I knew I couldn't hold back any longer. Erin's finger rolled across my prostate just as I felt the rush of my ejaculation. I looked down to see a big gush of semen splash on the table, and Erin gasped as Jessie said, "I've got this. It's so long ....." She pulled my squirting penis back between my legs as she bent down and swallowed my cockhead. I could see her gag a little as she sucked and gulped down each spurt as it entered her mouth. I came forcefully in her mouth and she kept swallowing, drinking down all of my sperm. When she thought I was done, she pulled off to look at my bulging cockhead, and let her tongue lick a long drop of semen oozing out of my peehole. 



"I forgot we have the sperm-lover in the room," Penny joked as she watched Jessie getting every last drop of cum out of my cock. It felt so good as I was in her mouth, but now that my orgasm was over, her tongue on my peehole was a bit irritating. I started to protest as Jessie continued to milk my cock and pop her lips over my cockhead. She sucked very forcefully, as if she could pull more sperm out of my balls, and I groaned and managed to say, "That's too much! I'm all done! You won't get any ....."



I felt a sharp sting as Jessie slapped my exposed butt while she continued to suck. The third girl got the idea, and gave my balls a smack as she squeezed them tightly. I gave a yelp and tried to pull my balls out of her hands, but she had a firm grasp. Erin got into the torture idea by slamming her finger all the way inside my asshole, sending a jolt up my body. The ecstasy of orgasm was now being replaced by a dull ache as my balls had no more sperm to give, but the girls were determined to get more 'milk'.



"Ohh ....... ooohhh .....oooww ......." I cried as the sucking on my too-sensitive penis was now painful. Several more blows landed on my balls before the girl let them go, and Erin slowly pulled out of my loosened asshole, tickling the swollen lips as her hand lingered there.



"Ohh ..... oh, please ........." I moaned as Jessie's sucking became unbearable. Her tongue was still playing around my peehole as she sucked my empty penis.



"You can stop now, Jessie. You got what you wanted. He gave you a lot, didn't he?" Penny said as she touched Jessie's shoulder and urged her to stop torturing me. I felt my penis slip out of her mouth, and then she patted my smooth balls as she answered, "he had a lot in there. It was so good .......... mmm, I just love fresh cum."



I was ready to crumple onto the table in exhaustion, but I somehow stayed on all fours as the girls stepped back to view their 'milking victim' after they had extracted his 'milk'.












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