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Multi-story Balcony Party

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 11 comments
12 likes 63 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Balcony, voyeurism, exhibitionism, , Teens, addicted, lesbian, public sex

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I was horny and there was music, loud conversation and laughter coming from a room somewhere nearby. We were on maybe the 14th floor and it sounded like it was higher up. Eventually, the noise died down a bit, but I still couldn't sleep, so I let slipped my hand into my panties and gently carressed my warm, still slightly wet pussy. It was just then that I heard some noise coming from outside. I thought it sounding like a moan, but wasn't sure. 


A few years ago, in my early thirties, I went to Hawaii with my girlfriend. She was there on a business trip, but we were able to stay at a nice hotel on the beach in Waikiki.  One night, we went out for dinner and had a little wine, so I was feeling more than a little tingly by the time we got back to our our room. We got ready for bed because she had an early morning. We snuggled in for a few minutes, but then she went to sleep, leaving me tingly and now wet, too.  I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I was horny and there was music, loud conversation and laughter coming from a room somewhere nearby. We were on maybe the 14th floor and it sounded like it was higher up. Eventually, the noise died down a bit, but I still couldn't sleep, so I let slipped my hand into my panties and gently carressed my warm, still slightly wet pussy. It was just then that I heard some noise coming from outside. I thought it sounding like a moan, but wasn't sure.  Normally, hearing a noise outside would have shut me right down, but I heard loud sigh that sounded more like a male...I kept rubbing and now thought about what might be happening outside. We had sliding doors that opened onto a small balcony and I wondered if I could open them without waking my girlfriend.  I quietly slipped out from under the covers and went to the balcony door and found it easy to unlock the door.  Then I heard a loud female moan, definitely coming from the balcony upstairs.  I reached down and slid my panties off and started running, still gently but much more urgently now. Forgetting for a moment that my night shirt didn't hid anything, I slowly slid the door open and gently set foot out onto our balcony, rubbing myself and looking up toward where I heard definite sounds of sexual pleasure. Standing there, now exposed, I clearly saw the face or a beautiful blonde, maybe early 20s and leaning over the railing of the balcony above and to the side of our balcony, no more than 10 feet away. She was clearly getting fucked from behind and loving it, eyes closed and breathing faster now. And now I couldn't stop either. One of my fantasies was watching another couple fuck with abandon, not noticing me while I watched. I rubbed faster and could feel a building sensation and now I was totally sopping wet and maybe making those little noises that caused the blonde  to open her eyes and look down toward our balcony. I will never forget the look of surprise on her face. She audibly gasped and ducked out of sight. I finally saw the figure of her man in the late night shadows on their balcony, standing briefly unable to move. Then the figure moved swiftly. I heard the sound of their door opening. They disappeared inside and shut the door and I was left alone. I never wanted to fuck so badly in my life and yet couldn't bring myself to wake my girlfriend. I quietly went back inside, slide my panties back on and sat on the carpet next to the sliding glass door, looking up and hoping to see more of my two lovers up above, lightly petting myself through the fabric of my panties, fantasizing about watching them and letting me watch. But I couldn't finish by myself. I went to bed and drifted off to sleep, but there is definitely more to this story for another time.        



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