I accidentally discovered masturbation in the tub and found dripping a wash cloth over my penis created great sensations.
I was involved in the fist method shortly thereafter. My Dad made me participate in every team sport known to man, from
baseball to basketball, and I was terrible. I would come home depressed, but found my cock gave me great solace. I wonder if because I was doing it so much was the reason I matured early, and started shooting my load sooner than all my friends. I found some sex books from my parent's library, and used pictures in the books to play with. That was my first porn.
My older cousin seduced me when we were teens, and I was enamored with his full bush and larger cock. At about the same time, my other cousin, a girl, showed me her hairy twat, and let me touch it. From those experiences, I participated in circle jerks with neighborhood boys. I soon discovered Penthouse, Playboy, but really got into Penthouse Letters, liked the written word. I was doing it at least three times a day, and learned if I delayed the orgasm after school while my parents were at work, the sensations were fantastic. I went to my first adult book store at 17, was hairy early, so looked older. I bought thousands of magazines over the years with cellophane covers.
When I married, I thought I would stop masturbating. If anything, I did it more. I traveled for work, and visited adult places with other men, got into exhibitionism, and would masturbate all night in the hotel rooms, going to my meetings with bloodshot eyes. I went from mags, to 8 mm, to VHS, to DVD, to computers, to smart phones for my high.
Now I'm a widower in my sixties, and I wake up and spend hours looking at porn and jerking off. I've been going now for about six hours, and not even close to ejaculation. I have multi orgasms. Here am I now looking at a guy on my computer who is looking at other guy on his. Computers are like a house of mirrors.
So, even though I hate the word addicted, not sure what else to call me. How about I'm a masturbation artist who needs it all the time? Or I have a sex drive that is off the charts. Or, let's face the truth, I'm chronic, always have been, always will be.
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