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Masturbation and Exhibitionism

Posted by: Author: Age: 33 Posted on: 12 comments
16 likes 1325 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags:
I've been an exhibitionist since high school and have been divorced now for five years because of it. My husband couldn't tolerate the way I exposed myself so many times to other men.
I began when I was in high school and was always thrilled when men and boys eyed me up and down. It excited me and I wore sexy clothes as often as possible. One day I was in a dressing room at the mall trying on bathing suits. I was standing naked deciding which one to try on next. All of a sudden I realized two men could see me from the mirror inside the room. I did pull the curtain shut right away but soon realized I wasn't the least bit embarrassed by it. Not only that but it actually aroused me and I masturbated thinking about it later that day. That was only the beginning and I often went to different stores to try on clothes, swimwear and even bras. I found three stores in particular where I could be seen from the outside if I adjusted the door or curtain the right way. I sometimes masturbated right in the dressing room. There always seemed to be men around waiting for their wives or girlfriends.

I took every opportunity I could to have a male see me naked. It aroused me so much I began to masturbate almost every day. Most of my brothers friends have seen me naked over the years and some of them many times. Men who worked on our house, delivery men and even our mailman saw me naked. On days I was able to expose myself I sometimes masturbated twice. Through college and even when I got married I continued doing it and still do today. Many of my husbands friends and relatives saw me nude over time and my husband was finally fed up with the way I behaved. A few of his friends and cousins told him about it and he left me five years ago.

I still expose myself in the mall stores often rarely ever buying anything. Several neighbors have seen me naked and the older man next door to me watched me several times a week. I leave the drapes in my bedroom partially open and at times let him watch me masturbate. I look out of my living room window most of the time to make sure he is looking into my bedroom. He uses binoculars most of the time even though his window is only about 10 or 12 feet away. There is another man with him sometimes but I don't know who he is.

I have dated six or seven men since my husband left but so far have not had a long lasting relationship with any of them. I have had sex with all of them but my main objective is for them to see me naked. I don't quite understand why I feel this way but as long as I am seen naked by any man the only satisfaction I need is to masturbate. I do know this isn't normal but it is most satisfying to me. The man in the apartment next to me is very friendly with me but I never let on that I know he is looking in my bedroom window all the time. I would like to know who the other man is but obviously can't ask.



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