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Marty and Me

Posted by: Author: Age: 37 now - 17 then Posted on: 3 comments
16 likes 286 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Male-Male, Masturbation Male-Male

I was 17 and my friend Marty was 16. I had been jacking off since I was 13 and though I presumed that Marty did too, we had never talked about it.

I was 17 and my friend Marty was 16. I had been jacking off since I was 13 and though I presumed that Marty did too, we had never talked about it. Each of us was an 'only child.' His parents were going away for the weekend to celebrate their wedding anniversary and his parents had arranged for Marty to sleep over at my house. We had camped out in the back yard lots of times and I had spent the night at his house once before. Both of us were somewhat quiet and shy and we had never seen each other naked or even talked about sexual things together. I was looking forward to him spending the weekend at our house and it never dawned on me that something was going to happen. I just figured that I wouldn't be able to masturbate for a couple days until after Marty went home.

After school on Friday, I walked home with Marty and he packed his stuff, said goodbye to his parents, and then we headed over to my house. It was about 4:00 when we got there. My dad didn't get home from work until about 6:00 and my mom was busy showing someone a house (real estate agent) and said she wouldn't be home until around 7:00. It had already been decided that we were going to walk over to McDonald's and take care of supper ourselves, and mom left some money on my dresser.

Marty sat down at my desk and turned on my computer - one of those early models. There was a game on there that we liked to play. When he finished with his turn I sat down and took my turn. Eventually he won the game and we didn't want to play anymore so he turned on a music program and fiddled with it awhile. I picked up one of my school books and started reading in my big chair.

In a little while, Marty stood up and asked if it was okay if he could take a shower before we went to McDonald's. He said he was feeling kind of sweaty. I said "Sure, go ahead." The music was still coming from the computer and Marty started doing a little strip-tease dance while he took off his shirt. I laughed at him because he was being funny. He took the shirt and swung it around over his head a couple times and then flung it over at me and it landed on my head. We both laughed. He sat on my bed and took off his shoes and socks. Then he stood up and started doing his little dance again to the music. He took off his belt and threw that at me. Suddenly it dawned on me that this could get real interesting, so I put down my book and just watched him.

He undid the snap on his pants and slowly undid the zipper, still dancing in time with the music. He turned around then started pulling down his pants a little at a time. He'd pull them up, then down, do a little teasing shaking his butt at me, and had this silly grin on his face. I was smiling from ear to ear and enjoying the little show. Finally he gets his pants all the way off and throws those at my head too. I was definitely starting to get a boner and when I checked my pants I could see the bulge, so I left his pants on my lap to cover it.

Marty kept on doing his little strip tease dance, this time with his briefs. He turned his back towards me and pulled his pants down, showing me his butt and wiggling it a little. Then he pull them back up. He turned around and started pulling them down a little more and more and I could start seeing his pubic hair showing above the pants line. He started coming towards me closer and closer and stood right in front of me with his blond-brown pubic hair showing.

He walked away from me again and turned his back towards me. This time, after pulling his pants down and back up again a few times, he pulled them all the way off and I saw him stark naked from the back for the first time. He cupped his hands together across his crotch and turned around, smiling widely. While he continued his dance he'd take one hand away, then the other. He did this a few times. Then finally he took both hands away and I saw him fully naked. He wasn't hard all the way but I could tell he was starting to get a little stiff. Me, I was way hard but still had his pants over my lap.

Then he went over to his dufflebag and took out his soap and shampoo and went into my bathroom. I was still a bit in shock and couldn't believe what he had just done. I expected to hear the water running any moment but he didn't turn it on. He came back into my room and stood right next to my chair and said he didn't know where the extra towels were. I said they were in my closet and he went and got one and a washcloth and then went back into the bathroom. Again I waited for the water to start but it didn't. Instead he came back into the room, stood at the side of my chair and said his back was itchy and he wanted me to scratch it. He turned away from me and his butt was right next to my face. I took his pants off my lap and threw them on the floor. I started to scratch his back with my fingernails but he said, "Not so hard, just rub it soft" and so I did. Slowly he turned sideways and I could see his crotch from the side. We were both about the same size, I could see. His dick was still just a little stiff but not all the way. The more I rubbed his back though, I could tell he was getting harder. I finally worked up the nerve to say, "You're getting a boner just like I've had ever since you started your little dance!" He asked, "Does that bother you?" and I said, "No. I get boners all the time and I like the way they feel." He said, "Me too, especially when I make it squirt." I said, "I love that feeling too. I do it all the time." "Me too," he said. By this time, his boner was standing almost straight up against his body and I kept rubbing his back.

He said, "Why don't I lie down on the bed and you can give me a backrub there. Then I'll give you one." I said okay. He laid down on the bed and I laid down next to him and he said, "Take off your clothes first."

The music had stopped on the computer so I turned it back on and started to give him the same kind of little strip-tease dance he gave me. He was laughing all the while I did. He had turned toward me and wasn't at all embarrassed by his big hardon. By the time I got down to taking off my briefs my hardon was the hardest I think I had ever been. When I finished my dance I laid down next to him and he turned completely onto his stomach.

I rubbed his back for about two minutes and noticed he had spread his legs. So I moved my hand down to his butt and started rubbing it and his legs too. Finally I worked up enough nerve to let my hand slip down to the inside of his legs and as far up as I could. I touched his scrotum and he kind of giggled and said, "That tickles." I asked him if that was okay if I did that and he said, "Oh sure, it feels good." I kept rubbing my hands all over his back and his legs and his scrotum for a couple more minutes. He said, "Let's switch," and he turned towards me. He looked down at my boner and I looked at his, and he said, "You have a nice boner." I think I turned red and said, "You too," and then I laid on my stomach. Right away I spread my legs, hoping he would get the hint. He did.

He rubbed my back, my butt, my legs, and put his hand softly and gently on the inside of my legs and up to my scrotum. He was right, it tickled and I giggled. "I like that." I said, and he said, "I knew you would."

By this time my boner was starting to hurt because it was pressed up hard against my bedspread. So I raised myself up a little and, to my surprise, he made his hand go higher up underneath and he was feeling my boner. "Does that feel good?" he asked, and I said, "Oh god, yes." So he said, "Let's switch then, and you can do it to me."

I expected him to turn over onto his stomach but instead he turned over onto his back and his boner was really hard and almost up to his belly button. I couldn't help myself but immediately put my fingers on his dick and began to move them up and down across it. "That feels really good," he said. I did that a few more times and finally I started using my fingers and thumb above and below his dick, stroking them like I did when I jacked off. After doing this for a minute or so, I saw some precum starting to come out of his dick. He stopped me and said, "Don't go any farther yet, let me do this to you."

So I turned onto my back and he began to stroke me. I was already starting to precum too.

Now Marty's blond hair was a little longer than my dark brown hair. After stroking me for a little bit, he said, "Tell me how this feels," and he bent over me with his head and started letting his long blond hair stroke across my chest, my belly, and down over my crotch. I could feel his breath on my dick and he passed closely by. What he was doing felt awesome! And I told him so. He did that a few more times and a couple times, his cheek brushed up against my hardon. Each time he did that, it rose up and got really hard against his cheek. "Do this to me," he said, and he turned over onto his back.

As I said, my hair wasn't as long so I couldn't do it as well as he did. But Marty said he liked it and I purposely brushed my cheek up against his hardon a few times like he had done to me, because I thought he would think it felt great too. I knew he did because it got really hard against my cheek when I did that. He said, "This feels so good!"

I'm not exactly sure what possessed me to do this, but almost without thinking, I took his boner between my fingers, raised it, but my lips down to his dick and started to go up and down on it, getting it really wet. "Oh my god!" Marty said, "I can't believe your're doing that but please don't stop!" I did stop for just a second to smile at him and he was smiling too. I went back to doing that and he started to moan and grunt a few times. Finally he said, "I'm gonna squirt!" I think he thought that would make me stop doing it with my mouth and use my fingers, but I thought, "What the heck!" and kept doing it with my mouth. He arched his back and let out a great big moan and shot over and over into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed several times and just kept going up and down. Finally he said, "Oh god, stop, I can't take it anymore!" He must have been having an orgasm for about fifteen or twenty seconds before he said that.

He laid there and caught his breath. I was fascinated by the fact that he was more red-cheeked than I'd ever seen his face before. He smiled and looked at me and said, "That was the most awesome thing I ever felt in my life!" And then he asked, "Did it taste bad? I can't believe you swallowed all of it." "I said, "It really wasn't as bad as I had expected. It was salty like mine. I've tasted mine a couple times." He said, "I tasted mine too a few times but never swallowed all of it."

He looked down at my really hard boner and said, "Well, I have to pay you back for that, I only hope I make you feel as good as what you did for me." So I laid on my back and he started by doing the thing with his hair like before. That got me really excited, and he brushed up against me with his cheek a few times. Finally he took my boner in his fingers, raised it towards him, smiled at me for a second, and them started going up and down with his mouth, getting me really wet. It didn't take long before I was starting to arch my back and I told him I was gonna squirt. He just kept doing it and even a little faster than before. I started to cum and he swallowed several times. Some of it came out of the side of his mouth and dribbled down my boner and made it wetter. For whatever reason that sent me into another surge of squirts and I kept cumming more and more. I finally knew what he meant before and I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop!" I said.

He just started at me with a big smile on his face while I laid there catching my breath.

Finally he said, "I will never forget this as long as I live!" I said, "Me neither." We went into the shower together and washed each other off. We both got hard but we both said we weren't ready for another round just yet.

"Other rounds" would come later - many times and over the years through high school and college. We were best-man at each other's weddings. And since then, we've never done anything with each other, even though we stayed friends over the years. Our wives don't know anything about it, as we swore we'd never tell them. But we've both talked about our episodes over the years. Each of us said that, by far, that first time was probably the best orgasm either of us had ever had. I've had powerful once since, but I don't think anything will ever match that first time with Marty.

Here's to you, my friend, my "brother!"



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