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Mandy's Window
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 06 Jul 1997
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Mandy's Window by Burnsy
Glad to see you're still with us! Here is astory of a little peeping experience I had as a teenager! I hopeyou find it suitable to post.
My younger brother hung out with this group offriends when he was in junior high. I heard several of themtalking one day about a girl in my class her name was Mandy. Oneof my brothers friends was seeing this girl and used to spend alot of time at her house screwing. She really loved sex. I was intenth grade at the time so that would have made her about fifteenor sixteen. His friend was only a year younger than us. Talkingto jim(his friend) one day he was telling(bragging) me about howhorny she was. Seems he had caught her masturbating three times!Said he would go over to visit, Mandy's mother let him walk backto her bedroom. There she would be! Jim said that she justcouldn't keep her hands off of herself. She always wanted him toeat her pussy too.
I was absolutely HOT for this girl. I made upmy mind right then that I had to peek in her window. I was tooshy to ask this girl out, so peeping was always the next bestthing! I started scoping out her house, Jim told me which bedroomwas hers and I started watching for lights to make note of herschedule. After several weeks of watching I finally got up theguts to take a look inside. It was a Spring night, a littlechilly, but a nice night all the same. I got over to her houseand sat behind the shed in her back yard. Waiting until her lightcame on. Making my final plans, you know, thinking about where Iwould run to if seen, what I would say if caught, you know thestory. I finally got up the nerve, I crept up next to her house,listening to make sure everything was cool. Then I crept over toher window, slowly coming up to the side of the window to seewhere she was situated in the room or if she was even in theroom! My pulse was racing, I was excited! I peeked around thecorner and there she sat on her bed. It was sitting off to theright of the window, Her dresser was sitting against the wallopposite the window, with the mirror pointing directly at thewindow. It was nice, I could stand back a bit and view her viaher reflection on the mirror.
There she sat painting her toenails, one legdrawn in towards her crotch the other propped up, almost huggingit while she did her toes. She was facing the opposite wall so myview was only able to come from the mirror. Her crotch area waskind of shaded in due to her night shirt she was wearing. Iwasn't able to tell for a minute weather or not she had anypanties on. She didn't!! I watched her paint her nails for whatseemed like an eternity! It was wonderful. After she finishedwith her nails she got up and left the room. Closing the doorbehind her, I waited for about ten more minutes while she wasgone. Finally I seen a shadow fall across the wall, she was back!
I think she must have went to say goodnight toher parents because when I looked back in her door was shut andshe had the covers thrown back on her bed. She was readingsomething, a love letter from Jim possibly? She sat it on hernight stand and stretched out, in thought perhaps? Scratching herhead and running her fingers through her hair. Tossling her hairfor a minute, then her hand fell down to her chest. Sheinnocently rubbed her hand across her breast feeling her breastfor lumps or something, I don't know. but then without a secondthought she pulls her shirt up to where her breasts were exposed.Not only were her breast exposed though.
She didn't have anything at all under her nightshirt!! Paydirt!!!! Things kept getting more interesting. Shewent back to examining her breast again only this time, moredelicately. She laid back and just started feeling herself. Herhand didn't last very long on her breast. She reached right downto her pussy! No foreplay for her, I guess she wanted to get downto business. She just started fiddling around with it. She usedher pointer finger from her right hand. She wasnt movingwith any rhythm she was holding it straight right at the entranceand was just moving it at the opening in a tapping fashion. Shekept this up for fifteen or twenty minutes, just idlymasturbating. I was hot!! She started getting more intent then,rubbing her clitoris. then suddenly she must have cum! She rolledout of bed shut off her light and went to bed..
That was single handedly the best peep I everhad! It still turns me on almost twenty years later!!
Could anyone with info on where I could findcandid videos of female masturbation please let me know!! I wouldreally kill to make my memory come back to life!!
Good luck and take care!
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