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Making My Nephew, Part 1

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 8 comments
13 likes 133 views Category: Sex Stories Group Co-ed Tags: Asian, bisexual 3way, like brothers

This is the first part of a true story of events that changed my life profoundly. As the events occurred six years ago, I have needed to recreate dialogue from snippets in my mind, the the essence remains

In January of 2017, when I was 22 and in graduate school, working on my master’s degree, I received an invitation one Saturday morning from my brother Simon, who was 25, to visit him and his wife Jenny at their home that afternoon. I asked Simon what was up, and he told me they would explain when I got there. Simon is three years older than me, and I had been best man when he and Jenny married a couple of years before these events. I love both of them to pieces, and could not have found a more terrific wife for my bro. They had met when in second year university, Simon studying engineering (like me) and Jenny studying pre-med. She is also of Chinese background, around 5 foot 7 inches and pretty, with dimples in her cheeks when smiling, and silky shoulder-length black hair. She had long known I am gay.

Their condo was about a mile-and-a-half from my parents’ house, where I still lived, and I decided to walk over on the crisp, sunny day. When I got there, I embraced each of them and gave Jenny a little affectionate peck on the cheek. “Wow, nice haircut,” she said, and I smiled. (I Had recently had a buzz cut, with #2 on the sides and #3 up top, while Simon still had the style we had both had in high school – short back and sides, with the thick, strait hair on top swept over to the right.) We went to the living room where some liquor bottles were arrayed on the coffee table. Jenny sat on the couch and I on a separate chair, and Simon asked us what we would like to drink. I opted for a rusty nail (scotch and Drambuie on the rocks) to warm me up, while Jenny for white wine and Simon for a brandy. Simon went to the kitchen for appropriate glasses and ice, and then joined his wife on the couch. We clinked glasses and I asked what we were toasting. Simon and Jenny looked at each other, and Jenny nodded the go-ahead to Simon. Simon said, “here’s to our dear friendship”. After each taking your first sips, Simon added, “…and we have a proposal for you that could change our lives.” I was quite taken aback by the mystery, and asked what was going on.


Jenny began by saying that they had been trying for a baby for about a year, but she had been unable to conceive. They had decided to have medical tests to find out whether there was a problem with one or both of them. Jenny said that her test results were fine, and that she should have no difficulty becoming a mother. Then Simon continued, “The problem is with my little swimmers. I have a sperm count near the lower end of what is considered normal.” My jaw dropped, as I always thought of Simon as very virile. He went on, “My count is not terribly low though. Normal sperm densities range from 15 million to greater than 200 per millilitre of semen, and mine is about 40 million. The doctor said that count would mean trying a lot more often. We could not imagine trying any harder than we have already!” We each took a good swig of our drinks, and I said, “I am not sure why you are telling me this, or where I factor in.”

Simon and I were quite accustomed to talking about sex, ever since he first taught me to masturbate when I was about 12. We and our boy cousins had often wanked together while watching porn when we were teenagers. Then as we got older, we both participated in mixed group sex. So I was surprised by how nervous he and Jenny were. Simon said, “let’s finish these drinks, then I will pour a second round before explaining.” Once we were each settled with our drinks, Jenny revealed the big question they had for me: “Would you help us make a baby?” I looked at them dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. Once I had my thoughts together, I said something like, “I’d be honoured and do anything I can to help…. What do I need to do?” Simon asked whether I had been recently tested for STDs, and I said I had been about 2 months earlier and had had no sex since then. Simon then told me that the first step would be to get my sperm count tested. He said he had made an appointment for me at a local clinic for a week later. The drink I was having would need to be my last one until the test, and no pot for the whole week! I would need to “save up” starting on Wednesday. I reddened a bit having this discussion in front of Jenny, and asked Simon what the test would entail.

The following Saturday morning they both drove me to the clinic, explaining that they wanted us three to be together every step of the way. “Hmm,” thought I. After checking in with an older woman, I completed the requisite form, then a nurse, a well-built and cute Filipino guy with shiny black hair and dark complexion, introduced himself as Joey and ushered me to a small room that contained a vinyl easy chair, sink, and a small table with a stack of magazines. It was just as Simon had described. Then Joey handed me a cup with a bar code affixed that matched the one on my form and some sperm-safe lube and told me where to place my sample when “extracted”. He gave me a little wink and said, “No need to rush, enjoy yourself!” (I wished he had stayed!) I took a quick look at the well-thumbed magazines, but figured they were not explicit or gay enough to bother with. Luckily Simon had advised me to bring in my cell phone so I could watch some porn. I quickly stripped off, set up my phone on its small stand on the table, and navigated to the videos I had saved. As I watched an incredible all-male orgy scene, I lubed up and settled on the chair. I was quite horned and ready to go after 3 days of celibacy. I decided to edge a bit, rubbing my whole torso and my cock and brought myself close to the brink a couple of times. Then, after about 15 minutes, during a really hot scene of double penetration, I just in time grabbed the cup with my left hand as my right took me to the point of no return. I stifled my moans (perhaps not quite enough) as my whole body tensed, and I shot several wads that would have flown to the wall behind me if not confined to the cup. I placed the cup in a small cupboard with a little door on the opposite side, then got dressed. As I walked back toward the waiting room, I passed Joey the cute nurse who had just retrieved my sample from the opposite side of the cupboard in the small adjacent room. He beckoned me in and whispered, “Wow, that’s a lot, more than most guys cuz of nerves, and it sounded like you did enjoy yourself!” as he gazed admiringly at my crotch. Always at the ready, I slipped him one of my calling cards with my name, email, and cell, and quietly said “Please call me sometime, Joey, there is more where that came from!” He smiled broadly, and I returned it as I turned toward the reception area. The older woman who had checked me in told me I could expect to receive a call in a couple of days to return to the clinic for my results. On the elevator, Simon said, “That nurse was eying you up,” to which I responded, “Oh was he? I didn’t notice. Did he eye you up when you had your test?” “He wasn’t here that day,” said Simon, “Otherwise I am sure he would have!”

Afterward, the three of us went to a nice sushi place for lunch, and while munching I asked Simon and Jenny about next steps after my sperm count results. If my count is okay, would I need any additional tests before being eligible to provide semen for in vitro fertilization? They looked at each other, and Jenny gave a little nod to Simon. He said to me, “Bro, we are thinking about a different route, more natural, if you are willing.” I responded, “What route? Am I missing something here? Turkey baster?” Then the penny dropped. “Oh,” said I. Then from Simon, “Let’s talk privately over drinks after lunch.” The rest of lunch passed with only small talk, while my imagination was running overtime. When Jenny went to the washroom, Simon and I had a quiet tete-a-tete and, luckily, no nearby tables were occupied. I asked Simon quietly, “How much does Jenny know about us?” He said, “I told her that I showed you how to masturbate ten years ago, and that we have played together with girls and other guys. I didn’t go into much detail, particularly about the orgies. She was quite pleased to know you and I had played!” I said even more quietly, “It does totally turn me on to think of you and her fucking like crazy trying to get pregnant!” He looked at me and said with wink, “I wish I could have been in that little room to help you, Bro!” then gave me a quite peck on the cheek. When Jenny got back and we stood to leave the restaurant, I needed to adjust my throbbing erection to be less visible in my pants before I had a chance to don my long coat.

Once in their car, Jenny said she’d drop Simon and me off someplace where we could talk. I suggested a nice Irish pub along the way that would not be very busy on a Saturday afternoon. Simon and I had not had a pub visit alone together since before his marriage, and we were very happy to have the chance. We found a private table in the back corner and decided to go with the Guinness draft, which the pub was well-known for, because of their staff that is well-trained in the “perfect pour”. Our waiter was a handsome, slim fellow with short red hair, beautiful blue eyes, about 20 and nearly 6 feet tall, dressed in a kelly-green golf shirt with the pub logo and tight, faded jeans. “Hi Nathan!” he greeted me. “Hi Declan,” I said, this is my brother, Simon.” “They shook, as Declan declared, “You guys could almost be twins, so you could, but for your hair styles!” in his soft County Kerry accent, his crotch right at eye-level. I had met Declan only two or three times before and was flattered that he remembered my name. (I had fantasized before about Declan fucking me, as I have heard Irishmen have large dicks). We asked him to keep the Guinness coming, and as he walked to the bar I watched his broad shoulders, narrow waist, and cute bum and lustfully. Declan brought our pints quickly and they were, indeed, perfect pours. I noticed his nice bicep and veiny forearm as he held the tray. My cock stirred. When Simon and I alone, we first toasted, then I asked Simon, “C’mon, Bro, spill it! What’s the plan?” “Okay, here goes,” replied Simon, “Nathan, ever since I first laid eyes on you in the maternity ward when I was three, you have been the most precious person in my life. This situation may seem very strange, but Jenny and I think it is best plan for all three of us. I am sure your sperm count will be way higher than mine, and we want you to help us have a baby, the real way. Jenny has always loved you very much too and thinks you are hot as hell. Probably because we look so much alike,” he gave a little chuckle that I shared. “She desperately wants to conceive as it is meant to happen, through a fun, lustful, joyous fuck, with a man or men she cares for deeply. We want to have a 3-way with you, and both you and I will fuck her like rabbits. I know from our past experience that, even though you’re gay, you get totally turned on by group sex as long as other guys are involved. I also know how much you enjoy watching me fuck women as I enjoy watching you fuck too, and I miss having that experience with you. Jenny is quite wild, as you will find out, and both of us will cum in her bigtime. When she conceives, none of us will know who the father is. Our proposal to you is that we will not have any paternity test until our child reaches 18, unless it becomes medically vital. Until then, you will be Uncle Nathan, and we want you to participate in our child’s life as much as you want, even the naming. We will assign you as Legal Guardian in case anything happens to us, and it is vital that no one else ever knows about this – no one, not even your future partner. What do you think?”

Though I had an inkling during lunch about what had been broadly hinted, I sat stupefied as Simon put forth the plan. Teary eyed, I downed a big gulp of my beer, and reached for Simon to give him a huge hug. “That’s my answer, my precious brother”. Then we looked at each other, each knowing what the other was thinking. We started giggling from release of the nervous tension, and he said, “Nathan, this will be an absolute blast, man!” I responded, “I hope you guys don’t plan to stop at one child!” We both finished our beers after we got our laughter under control. Right on cue, Declan arrived with a fresh Guinness for each of us. I asked, “Please bring us each a double Bushmills; we have something to celebrate!” “I kinda guessed!” Declan chuckled. After the whiskey came and we had a few swigs, I asked Simon, “So… when will we do the deed?” He said, “We are hoping for next weekend, if you’re okay with that,” and I nodded. He continued, “Jenny will be at the peak of her cycle and ovulating. I know how incredibly randy she gets at that time! Let’s plan for you to stay at our place Saturday night. We can fuck like crazy for two days!” I responded, “Bro, I have an incredible hardon right now, and I’m sure you do to!” “Nathan,” laughed Simon, “Of course I do, and I am impressed you’re so horned after your big cum at the clinic! I have not cummed since last evening with Jenny!” Then he surprised me by saying, “Ya know, Nathan, we’ve never actually blown each other, and I wanna do that with you next weekend!” (Was that really Simon speaking? We had pretty much accepted over the years that I am about 90 percent gay, and he is about 80 percent straight.) I said, “the folks are away in Mexico right now, and I have to house to myself, so why wait!” Simon grinned. We each had a third Guinness, then paid up, and I slipped Declan my calling card. As we headed out of the pub I gestured for Declan to call me, and he gave me a nod. Luckily, Simon and I were both wearing long coats that hid our tumescences! Simon had noticed me flirting with Declan, and on the way out told me he was amazed that I am always on the hunt! He missed that from his single days! The family house was only a few blocks from the pub, and we enjoyed the walk. It was around 4:00 pm and the sun was setting on the January day that had reached about 5 Celsius, laughing and joking all the way. As we approached home, I noticed ominous purple clouds on the eastern horizon, and that the wind was picking up (no, I am not foreshadowing some disaster here!)

We went in the back door of the house, which led to a mud room next to the kitchen. After we had removed our shoes and coats, we entered the kitchen and Simon and I looked into each other’s eyes. Leaning against the island, he said, “Nathan, you have no idea what pressure I have been under, and my work has been suffering. Jenny is desperate to have a child, and with my count the way it is, we were having so much trouble that I was afraid she would want a divorce. Sex became far less about making love: it became urgent, compulsory, scheduled, and mechanical. We lost the romantic dinners, the candlelight, the fun, the excitement, the experimentation and playing, and all the other pleasures of the experience.” Never having seen my brother so despondant, I said, “I always thought you two were solid…” Simon responded, “We were until this happened in December, then I came up with the idea of involving you after our nice time together at Christmas. She got excited by the prospect of a three-way! I am so glad you agreed!” “Simon,” said I, “You are the most precious person in my life too… you have been my rock and you have no idea how comforting it has been to always have your support and guidance.” I gave him a little kiss on his lips, thinking that I could give Simon on the joy he wants, and said, “I’ll be right back.” I went to the adjoining family room and selected a CD – one from my Buddha Bar collection of eclectic word music – and put it on the player. Then I grabbed a bottle of Champagne from the bar fridge and a couple of Waterford crystal flutes from the cupboard above. I returned to the kitchen to a contemplative Simon, still leaning where he had been, head hanging. I uncorked the Champagne and poured it, then handed Simon a glass while I raised mine. “To our baby”, I said, as we clinked and took big swigs. Simon’s eyes were misty as gave me a wide grin, we placed our glasses on the countertop, then he pulled me to him by my ass and put his mouth to mine. Though we had jerked off together often as teens, we had never actually made romantic love, and his passion surprised and thrilled me as he grabbed the back of my head and furiously explored my mouth with his tongue. He began to trust his crotch into mine, grinding against me as we held each other’s asses and gyrated in time with the music. Our mouths still locked together, we undid each other’s shirts and let them slip to the floor. Then we each quickly undid our own belts and pants, lowered them and our undies, and stepped out to unleash our rigid cocks. Both now naked, he released my mouth, then I tilted my head back as ravenously kissed my neck and its adam zapple (a I call it), then clavicles and my shoulders, then nipples, and raised my arms so he could take in smell of my underarms. I reciprocated, kissing his shoulders and biceps with their prominent veins, then going for his nipples and sucking on them each in turn. We grabbed each other’s rigid cocks and began stroking them, but he gently pushed me away. “We have never been naked together like this as adults, Nathan, and I want to take you in.” Standing a couple of feet apart, we jerked our own cocks as we appraised each other admiringly, turning around so we could show our shapely asses to each other. We both have fairly light, caramel complexions, but our strong summer tans had lasted. I could feel the sexual flush I always get from my face to my pecs, and saw that Simon was similarly flushed. Our faces are very alike, as Declan had said, with dark brown almond eyes, full eyebrows, high cheekbones, and slightly hooked noses. We could easily be cast either as fierce hoodlums in Jackie Chan films or romantic leads. Because of my marathon training, my face had become a bit gaunter, and my cheekbones sharper, and I then weighed about 120 pounds. Simon, at about 5 foot 9, is an inch or so taller than me and his shoulders and arms were more muscled and more veined. “You’ve been pumping iron a lot, and that’s a hot tat!” I said, seeing the little butterfly on his right hip bone, and he flexed his arms a bit, causing me to jerk harder. We both have very honed bodies earned through martial arts and multiple sports, hot torsos with ripped pecs and abs and blue veins down our lower abdomens, and really cute belly buttons, LOL. We have well-muscled legs, and my calves were particularly nice. Our nipples are big, about a quarter inch when erect, centred in 1-inch, brown areolas. Both of us have little body hair, apart from our underarms and pubes, and are totally hairless between our legs. I had trimmed my pubes into a neat little moustache with a little upward point in the middle, while Simon had left his hair a bit longer. “Fuck Nathan, your marathon training is obvious, you must be 15 pounds lighter than me! Your whole tight body looks like an erection!” I laughed, and said, “So I’ve been told, but so does yours!” Our cocks have brown, veiny shafts with purple heads when erect, and about the same size, 7 inches and medium-thick, both pointing up at 45 degrees. Mine has a bit of an upward curve, while Simon’s is ramrod straight. We are both uncut, but our foreskins are not tight and fully withdraw from our heads when we are erect Our brown balls were tight with anticipation. “Jenny will love the feel of your curve against her clit!” said Simon, and he stroked vigorously. He handed me my glass, then picked up his own and the bottle’s neck with one hand while taking my free hand and leading me to the family room. I was glad that he was taking charge during our encounter, as I wanted to respect his limits. He knew I had no limits, LOL!



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