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Lots of Firsts

Posted by: Age: 16 then Posted on: 3 comments
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I started dating when I was 16. (Parents rules) no solo dates until I was 18, my sister and I are real close we shared a room and look after each other. When I turned 16 I was really interested in dating, but could not find another couple to double with. Most of my friends were experienced, probably still technically virgins with few exceptions, but they were way beyond getting a burger and hanging out in a public venue. My sister had some of the same issues when she was my age but see had two friends who would cover for her. They started and ended the dates as a group, but there was always alone time with there dates. Now that she is 18 she and her boyfriend jack and jill each other all the time, with no need to involve another couple.

My sister had dated a bunch of guys and had seen a bunch of cocks. I longed for her to get back from her dates to describe what happened. We would sit on her bed and jill away as she described the goings on. I always wanted to know more about what they did to her, but she always wanted to tell about the guys. She seemed to be fixated about if they came and how many times and if she could get them off. I'm sure I asked a million questions. I though I knew about all there was to know. I was ready to put it into practice.

My parents offered to double with me and my new boy friend when I turned 16. That wasn't going to happen, so I asked my sister. She was reluctant I think because it is harder to get alone time if the is only one car. She spoke to her boyfriend and they agreed. She warned me that they would be doing there own thing and if my boy friend wasn't cool about it the deal was off. He would have said anything to be with me. We had been hot for each other for years but he respected my desire to appear to live by our house rules.

The way it was to work was they were going to be doing their thing in the back seat and we could take a walk or what ever. I was anticipating some hot and heavy kissing and maybe having him feel me up a little.

The night came and it was in the fall we drove to the back side of the local golf course. It was threatening rain and it was almost sun down so there were no golfers around. It really was a romantic setting, benches by the tees overlooking a pond with a fountain and swans.

About 20 minutes into the date it started to rain big drops not hard but they were cold. We did not dare to go back to the car, nor did we want to, we ran to get under a tree. That offered protection, but not for long, as rain started falling harder it found it's way through the leaves. We spotted a shelter meant for golfers a couple of hundred yards away. We decided to run to hide out there until the rain passed. We no sooner made it there when the sky opened up. Lightning cracked and it even hailed a little. It was quite the show. We kissed and hugged and felt each other up. It was exhilarating to be doing this for the first time, to be doing it outside, and to be doing something so forbidden. I was soaked and not from the rain, he rubbed my clit through my panties and I came for the first time from a boys touch. It was amazing.

After the thunder passed it had been about an hour since we started our walk. I figured my sister would be worried sick. I had left my phone and bag in the car, and she did not know my boyfriends number. It did not occur to me my boy friend could call her, funny how a good orgasm makes you dopey. She would have no idea where to look.

My boyfriend had other ideas, he wanted me to get him off. I was interested, but apprehensive about being away so long. I tried to hurry but my technique must not have been good because it was taking forever for him to cum. My sister said boys usually cum in a minute or two. They always cum before she did. He coached me along. He was writhing and moaning, but I could not get him over the top. It was nearly completely dark and neither of us had a flashlight. I was more worried about getting in trouble for being away so long. Just as I was about to give up he went rigid. He stopped breathing and started shaking like he was cold. Then his cock erupted. The first shot landed in my hair and down my arm. I screamed and let go but it kept on spurting. I heard giggling and screamed again. My sister and her boyfriend were standing about 10ft away under a big umbrella. His cock was like an out of control fire house. I was backed in the corner and could not get out of the line of fire. The excitement of being watched gave my boyfriend the orgasm of his life. Both my sister and her boyfriend were shocked by the volume of his cum, out of such an average penis. They had a flashlight with them and came over to assess the damage. I was soaked with cum! I almost started to cry knowing that my parents would kill me there was no way I could hide this big a mess.

My sister ever the cool one said it's raining silly, we can shower in the rain and no one will be the wiser. The boys huddled under the umbrella while the girls danced in the rain. By the time we got back to the car we looked like drowned rats.

We ran in the house together and told my mom that we got caught in the rain walking around the lake. We ran to the bathroom to shower together we were chilled to the bone. As we waited for the water to warm up we spent time admiring and fondling each others rock hard titties. We had jilled a lot together, but each to her own, the mutual admiration had me soaked in an instant. My sister took my hair to her nose and inhaled deeply. She then put some in her mouth and sucked the rain soaked cum. I was so turned on, I almost came from the thought of it. I copied her and got my first taste of salty cum. We climbed in the shower and washed each other thoroughly as we warmed up in the steaming water. We did each other twice before we got out of the shower. We dressed in robes and went down for a late sweet treat. Mom had cocoa and cookies. It was the best night ever. Mom asked if we enjoyed our evening together. Sis ever the cool one said 'it wasn't as much of a drag as I thought it might be'. She suggested she would be up for another double date. Mom was happy, if only she knew!



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