As you can see from my username, I fly for a living. Two months ago, my airline 'loaned' me to a foreign airline who gave me a type rating on 767's. These are used for long haul and the pay is fabulous. Anyway, to the point. This particular airline use two crews on the longest sector of the flight. This particular hop was from Dubai to Sydney. I found myself flying with a female captain who, it has to be said, could easily be a centrefold. We completed our part of the sector and handed over to the relief crew. (Two men who I would happily have fucked there and then) At the rear of the 767 is a 'rest cabin' for the flightcrew. It is cramped and noisy.
There are two bunks and I settled onto one of them and tried to sleep. There was, of course no real chance of getting to sleep and I found myself feeling horny. Claire, (The Captain) was on the bunk underneath me and I figured she had learned to cope with the noise. I took a quick look at the lower bunk and she had curled up and was apparantly snoozing. I decided that I wanted to cum so I sipped my hand down the waistband of my skirt and started to play with myself over my tights. (No way was I going to risk getting naked obviously) I must admit with the noise of the engines, and having Claire only a few feet away, and cabin staff coming and going outside the door it felt pretty erotic. (I had always promised mysefl I would do something sexy on a flight one day) I guess I got into it because I wasnt aware of Claire standing beside the bunk, or reaching up my skirt. I have never done anything sexual with another woman, but have fantasized about it sometimes. Claire stroked up my leg and eventually got to my crotch. I had pulled my hand away to let her have better access. She started to press hard and my panties were being pushed inside me a litte way which I didnt like much. THen, (and this is what I found so erotic) Claire used her other hand and tore a hole in my tights at the crotch. It was like electricity, I felt that I was, (hmmm how to put this?) being raped in a nice way.... does that make sense? Claire's right hand quickly pulled my panties aside and started to work on me. I was pretty close by now and I asked her to tear my tights some more. She started up a really hard finger fuck, pressing hard on my g spot with her thumb catching my clit when she was fully in me. She tore the tights a little at a time until I came. It was glorious. I was being finger fucked at 38000ft and loving it. It took me a while to recover and, of course, my tights were totally ruined. Claire didnt want me to do anything for her at that point, but when we got to the stopover hotel, I learned that Claire had never done anything like that before. We spent three days together exploring. It was particularly nice becuase, in a wya, it was like we were filling in a gap in our teenage years. Both of us had wanted, at that time, to experience sex with another girl, but neither of us had had the guts to go through with it. During the nights in Sydney, we actually played at being schoolgirls again having sleepovers.
Unfortunately, owing to the way crews are rotated, I never saw Claire again after that stopover. In any event, I was recalled and went back to my own airline. Now I am back to shorthaul with no possibility of any more in flight fun, but the memory of that time is lovely. I also discovered that I am truly bi-sexual.
Happy jilling girls, oh, and by the way, never leave anything unexplored. I deeply regret not having tried sex with a girl when I was a teenager.
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Long haul has its uses
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Flightcrew737
Posted on: 07 Jun 2006
3 likes views Category: Sex Stories Female Lesbian Tags:
3 likes views Category: Sex Stories Female Lesbian Tags:
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