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Let Me Tell You About Vinny

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3 likes 36 views Category: Sex Stories General Tags: ovary, vagina, fallopian tubes, Labia, cock

An Italian god, and a student always in hot water…

1970, first year of Junior High. 7th grade, new school, all new rules. Rotating classrooms, etc.


On the first day, the class found their way to the Gym. The floor was roped off and we were instructed to sit on the bleachers as Coach went over the endless rules. No street shoes on his floor. The boy’s side of the gym was off limits to the girls and vice versa. They were instant detention offenses. 


Physical education twice a week. Twenty-five cents towel money paid to the “Equipment man” named Stuart at that window over there. Drop the coin in the bucket and he hands you this small towel. No towel, no P.E. and you are marked as cutting class. This seemed like a reform school.


Suddenly a loud fart exploded out of the bleachers somewhere behind me stopping the coach mid-sentence. Lots of chuckling and sniggering followed for a few seconds. I had to cover my mouth as well. 


“Welcome back Vinny, Let’s see if the Seventh grade for you, goes better than the first time around.”

“Oh, it will coach, it will.”

“Well don’t be shy, come down, front and center and introduce yourself.” This big guy started stepping heavily down the bleachers to the floor. People moved out of his way. “Hey, my name is Vinny. I am a star, I will be famous, that is all you need to know for now.” Then he waved and bowed. The coach kicked him in the ass and ordered him to sit down.

So, the first-time showering after P.E. was unique. All naked guys with all different-sized junk. Some let it swing, some covered up with the tiny towels. Vinny was built like a heavyweight fighter. He was hairy. He had hair on his ass, and he carried a huge set of stones and cock. Mine was nothing compared to his. I had to look; it was all about the size. At least I had a few hairs, some guys had nothing whatsoever.

As a testament to Vinny’s strength, I watched from the sidelines during Football practice as Vinny and some scrawny quarterback got in each other’s face, screaming and finger-pointing. Vinny reached down and grabbed him up by the waist, picked him off the ground and put him over his head. He spun the guy like a helicopter blade and threw him at least five feet. 

True to his word, Vinny was a star. A wrestling champion, in Football, in Powerlifting, and always bucking the system in some way. Some of the academic teachers wanted him banned from sports but his grades were always just good enough to pass that hurdle. The coach liked his ability to bring victories and trophies to the school and put up with a lot of his shit. Like the time he stole money out of the towel can when Stuart had his back turned. Vinny was shaving, for real, It was rumored that he was fucking Barbra, who was also kept back, in the bushes behind the stadium after school. I do know that Vinny would snap your neck if he caught you passing that on. Besides, he was fun to be in class with, and knew most of the teachers’ weak points. He knows just how far to push them.


Early June a week left. Seventh period. Health 101, Last week's lesson: Testosterone, Boy…Estrogen, Girl.


What is going on? The coach and the school nurse are huddled up at the front of the classroom. She has an armload of pamphlets. Vinny has this super large grin on his face. “Alright all you guys come with me. We get to play this period. When you get to the gym take your shoes off and sit in the bleachers.” 


“Any one up for a Session of Dodge ball?” Most of us declined. A group was forming around Vinny, and I joined it. “So what’s going on?” was the burning question.


Smug and sure of himself Vinny said, “Oh they're getting the message about what is going to happen when they get their periods and start bleeding from their pussies. What they got to stick in there to make it stop, all that sort of girl stuff. Next year you will learn what happens when you jizz in them. I have one of those booklets from a senior in my locker, it has pictures of all the shit inside and outside a woman. It will cost you a dollar a day to read it.” I was the first to give him a dollar. By now the coach was on to the group, and he broke it up. When we returned to the classroom some of the girls had red faces. All of them were totally quiet, which was very unusual. The next day I got the booklet first thing in the morning. I poured over it in the boys’ room every chance I got. Words like ovary, vagina, fallopian tubes, and labia and others entered my brain. I had to write them down and study them further in secret in the library. These words and the illustrations made me hard as a rock in school and I could not do anything about it. About Two o’clock, Vinny was paged to the office, which was not unusual at all. He never returned to get his book back. I jacked off to that booklet so many times. All I had to do was look at the illustration of what the promised land looked like and associate it with any of the real girls in class and BLAMO.I even took it to school a few times for more effect. 


Three months later the class forms again. No Barbra and no Vinny. All sorts of rumors are flying around. Did they run away together? Are they in reform school? Was he really doing it with her? He went to be an understudy for the WWF. All our eighth-grade detective work was for not. Most questions went unanswered, or we were given a bullshit answer. Barbara’s parents said she went to live with an aunt. Vinny’s house was empty and for sale. One night my father came into my room and threw a box of Kleenex at me and said, “For me to stop making a mess in the bed, your mother doesn’t appreciate it. Clean up after yourself.”



Where’s Vinny…




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