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Just Cum on My Boobs Then

Posted by: Age: 19 Posted on: 15 comments
31 likes 31 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: cum, topless, nipples , cum on boobs

This happened soon after the experience "My Tits - First Time"

All through middle school and high school, I hung out more with boys than girls. Many of my stories explain I kinda had (still have) a thing for handjobs and masturbation. Well, this was right after a boy in my class masturbated in front of me as I was topless, but he didn't let me watch. I was curious and determined at that point to watch a boy masturbate. 

My chest was still flat and chubby at this point, but I had enough 'boob' to hopefully still be appealing. I did ask my boy classmate if I could actually watch him but he got all shy and uncomfortable about what we did that he didn't want to do it again.

Another boy overheard this little chat and said he was willing to show me.

So, he and I come to my home after school and go to my room. He said he had never done anything like this before and asked how I wanted to do it. I told him to simply drop his pants and masturbate for me and just let me watch. And, that's exactly what he did. He took off his pants and sat on the edge of my bed. I knelt in front of him and just watched as his hand started to caress his growing erection. We didn't really talk at all. He just started masturbating and I simply watched. Observing the motions he was making with his hand, admiring the shape and fullness of his erection. Very clinical (which is kinda a turn on for me to be honest). 

He started to look around nervously. I asked him what's up. He said he was getting close and doesn't want to make a mess. I asked him to stand up and then I took off my t-shirt and bra and just said, "Just cum on my boobs then". As soon as he looked down at my chest he started to cum. 

I watched the head of his penis intently as it spurted out 3 solid ropes of cum to my chest and then dribbled a bit and one last solid rope landing right on my left nipple. I then leaned forward a bit and pressed my chest to the head of his penis to get the rest of his cum. I then watched his penis soften a bit as he just stood there to catch his breath.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash off my chest and get him a washcloth. As he cleaned himself up, and I sat on the floor topless and watching his soft penis, I asked if we could do this again. I told him I wanted to watch several times, maybe even try a handjob. He leaned down and touched my chest and felt my nipples and asked, "Can I cum on your chest each time?" I agreed...

There'll be a part 2



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