Jack and I got together again.
This past weekend was the annual excuse to get drunk and shoot off fireworks, or more commonly known as the 4th of July. To celebrate this holiday I decided to have a party out on a piece of land my family owns. It's a pretty remote sight along a river. Anyway, I went out to the land early on Friday to get it ready. I invited my good friend Jack out early. I haven't seen Jack since last summer so we had some catching up to do.
Jack is on the track team at his college, so he is very fit. He's six feet tall and about 175 lbs and has very well defined muscles. I'm six feet three inches tall and 195 lbs. I worked out quite a bit during school, so I am also looking very fit for not doing anymore sports.
Alright, now to the point of the story. Jack showed up and we decided to go tubing down the river since I had everything ready when he got there. I went into the small camper we had there and grabbed some old shorts for me and him to act as swim trunks. We both stripped naked there and put on the shorts. We both got good looks at each other's dick. I must say, his dick looks really good. He has long black hairs around the base of his dick. I shaved my mine completely.
We hopped in my car and went up the river and set out on the tubes. It was really hot so the water felt great. We got caught up then of course the conversation turned sexual. I was getting visibly hard and so was he. Masturbation came up, we reminisced about our fun in the hotel over a year ago. I'm rock hard now. He pulls his shorts off and his hard dick flops down onto his stomach. His balls are still saggy and they started to bounce as he tugged on his dick. I was hesitant to do the same until I remembered that this river is surrounded by private farmland so there probably wasn't anyone around. With that I was naked on the a tube on a river hard as a rock. I stared to stroke my dick while I watched him do the same. He was really beating his meat while I was going normal. I could hear the slapping when his hand hit the base of his dick.
A few minutes later I could tell he was getting close. My hand sped up some as he shifted his body and aimed his great dick towards me. Then he shot four big ropes of cum followed by two smaller ones. The four ropes landed in the water while the two small ones landed on his tube and slowly dripped down as he caught his breath.
I said, "nice range."
He responded, "I was trying to hit you."
We kept floating down the river as his cum floated with us. I kept stroking my dick while looking at his now soft dick. I was starting to get close when we floated by our campsite so I had to stop. We both rolled off the tubes naked and waded ashore. My dick was still hard so the head poked out of the water. Jack's dick was soft and underwater. We got up to the camper and we dried off. I of course am still hard and we then hopped in his car to go get mine. I start to finish what I started on the river as he drives. About half way there I came hard. I hadn't masturbated for five days before then so I shot a big load. Six long, hot ropes of cum shot out all over. Most of my cum landed on the seat and the center console of the car. The rest was on my stomach or at the smooth base of my cock.
Later people showed up and we all partied until they went home and it was me and Jack again. We were too tired to do anything so we slept. The next day we got up and spent most of it with just shorts on or naked to get that full body tan going. We also jerked off a few more times. We had another party. It was a great weekend.
Jack was the last one to stick around and help clean up on Sunday afternoon. Before we left he said he wanted to try something. He wanted to use my cum as lube. I thought it sounded hot so I whipped my dick out and started stroking the shaft as my big balls bounced. He took his shorts off and sat in a chair. He was hard as he watched me stroke. Then I aimed my dick down and came onto his hairy dick. Four ropes of cum landed on his balls and dick. I milked the rest out into his hand. I sat down and let my dick get soft as he jerked his dick. It shined with my cum. He blew his load pretty quick.
Overall, it was a great weekend. I'm glad I got caught up with Jack.
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Jerking Off With Jack....Again
Posted by: Logan18
Age: 19 Posted on: 09 Jul 2015
14 likes 6135 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Jerking, Cum, Friends, Mutual
14 likes 6135 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Jerking, Cum, Friends, Mutual
This just happened this past weekend.
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