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Jerking in Sauna With Other Guys Watching

Posted by: Age: 28 Posted on: 10 comments
26 likes 455 views Category: Masturbation Group Male Tags: Male-Male, Masturbation Group Male, public masturbation, exhibitionist, sauna

Another story from a client.

I'll admit that I'm a gym rat. Pretty much every day after work, I spend exactly one hour working out. Then I hit the shower, and sometimes the sauna or hot tub. The hot tub is a community hot tub, meaning men and women, so of course you have to wear trunks in there. There are two saunas in the gym, one for men, the other for women.

As is the tradition, men go naked into the sauna, but generally with towels wrapped around their mid section. Most of the guys keep the towels during their time in the steam. A few let the towels fall partially open. I've always wondered if some of them are trying to show off a bit. A few others will remove their towels entirely, but that's rare.

So, one day I was in there, with about five other guys, and a fit-looking older man, one I had never seen before, maybe around 60 or 65 years old was in there. At first I paid him no attention. Then he removed his towel and placed it between his shoulders and the wall. Not a bad idea, since that wall gets a bit too hot, but it's nice to lean against. That left his genital region exposed, of course. But the thing is, his penis was fully erect. Just standing straight up at attention.

He seemed to pay it no mind. As soon as I saw that, I immediately looked away. I guess I was thinking I didn't want to embarrass the man by seeming to stare at him. Or, was I more concerned about embarrassing myself by being seen to stare at him? I'm still wondering about that. You see, my brain was juggling a swirl of thoughts at that moment. I thought the idea of a guy with an erection in the sauna was somehow sexy. Now, I'm mostly into women, but I can enjoy seeing a good dick now and then. I think a lot of guys are like that, but they won't admit it. I mean, to see some porn where a guy with a good firm dick is plunging it into a sexy woman is a real turn on. I think I feel a sort of solidarity with the guy, maybe kind of imagining that's me.

Anyway, this guy was just sitting there with his erection, seemingly not caring. I wondered what was really going on in his mind? Was he showing off? Was he just being more natural than the rest of us in the room dared? So, another thing I was feeling was a sort of pride for him. Oh, if I only had the balls to just show my erection in the sauna like that, and not care what others think of me.

Another part of me really wanted to join him in his erectness. All I needed to do would be to throw off my towel, too, and let my penis grow. I found it interesting that it wasn't already erect under the towel. I guess I've trained myself not to get erections in situations like this. Back in my high school days, if I had developed an erection in the locker room, I would have been jeered, called 'gay' and who knows what. So I think I have learned to stay soft in such circumstances.

While I was thinking all this, the guy actually started to stroke himself, right there in front of five other guys. Imagine that! He was jerking off in the sauna, and we all saw it. I glanced around. Couldn't help it. I needed to know what was happening with the other guys.

Every one of them was still wearing his towel. They were trying hard not to look at the guy, as if they were trying to give him some privacy or something. Even though most of us knew each other on a gym-acquaintance basis, no one said a word.

The guy kept wanking, and I swear, he seemed to be humming a song, but so quietly, I couldn't quite tell. It sounded like "Ride Like The Wind" by Christopher Cross. After a minute or two, he arched his back, moaned a bit, and ejaculated into his free hand, which he then rubbed on the towel. A moment later, he wrapped that towel around his mid-section, nodded once and said "Gentlemen" as he stepped out of the sauna. At the last second, he turned at the door, looked right at me, and winked.

My brain raced. Why did he wink at me? ME! What was he saying? And should I be embarrassed? Quite possibly, the other men in the room saw the wink. Would they be thinking about me?

I sat there in the sauna for another few minutes, trying to get my brain back under control. I decided I had to find out more about this guy. So, I stepped out of the sauna and looked for him in the locker room. I figured I could ask him what the wink meant. Was he just acknowledging me? Maybe he was just expressing appreciation for me allowing him to do that without saying anything. Maybe because I was the youngest in the room. Or maybe, just maybe, there was more to it than that. Like, maybe he was inviting me to become his friend. Friend with benefits. There was a part of me that would have really liked that. To have a wank buddy. How cool that would be!

Sadly, I looked around the locker room, but he had already left. I've never seen him since. I noticed there was a big motorhome in the parking lot. Might he be a traveler who does that in gyms all around the country? I have jerked off many times thinking about that guy, and he has given me more incentive than ever to go to the gym every night. I almost never miss a few minutes in the sauna now. I'm secretly hoping he'll come back someday. But more than that, I'm also harboring a secret fantasy. I think someday, I need to become that man. More than once, I've been sitting right there in the sauna and thinking to myself, that I could throw off my towel, and start jerking off right there in front of the other guys. I don't think I'd get in any sort of legal trouble or anything. But, I've never done it, and now I'm actually kind of worried that I never will.




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