“Anna, what’s it really like when a girl starts her periods?” Well, it’s a complex question since no two girls are the same, but here’s my story.
All girls, when they get to notice changes happen, become somewhat fixated. “Are my boobs getting bigger?” “Hmm..under arm hair.” “Hey look! Is that a real-live pube?” Believe me, you wake up every day and survey what has changed!
I noticed the discharge in my panties becoming heavier and thicker too. When it started there was not much in the way of proper female scent, but it was certainly different. Then one day, it wasn’t white. It wasn’t red either. It was a sludgy brown colour. I joyfully reached for the sanitary pads and for two whole days wandered around the place like the Virgin Mary herself feeling very grown up. Then, just as quickly as it started, it stopped.
But, (and here’s the bit you’re interested in), I for one, itched down there like crazy. These new-found pubes were irritating…which made me touch myself a lot….which made me….oh, hello….whats this little thing? Plus of course, I needed to wash far more often with each change of pad. Looking back, it’s almost like Mother Nature screams “Here’s your sex, girl. Go enjoy!” Unlike some other girls I knew, I was very fortunate. Three, maybe four “smudgy” irregular periods then bam! Regular as clockwork, light, and painless. I knew girls who were doubled up with period cramps…some even vomited with the pain…some were horribly irregular and some, poor loves, were so heavy they’d ’bleed through’. Not me though. All I did was discover my clit! Happy days!
But sanitary pads can smell and most girls will try tampons. Pushing something inside you is a big thing for an adolescent girl. Although I didn’t get the big “virgin” talk from mum, you can bet I got it at school. As I’ve said before the Catholic Church is obsessed with and terrified of sex. Our “purity” as they called it, MUST be saved for our wedding night. It’s a wonder they didn’t want us to show the sheets to the local priest afterwards.
Anyway, all that touching/washing/itching led to masturbation. I learned to cum very quickly. But, instinctively, I knew there was more. What does it feel like to have something inside? Ah….but then there’s that much-adored-by-nuns pesky hymen….God’s little joke on women. Something that has no other purpose in life other than to bleed and hurt.
And. It. Has. To. Go!
And one night, go it did!
Periods are strange things. I feel ultra feminine, soft, vulnerable, and insatiably horny.
As I go through my cycle, the kind of horniness I feel changes. It varies from wanting to be made love to softly, romantically and gently, to being screwed through the mattress, and any kind of perversity is just fine and dandy. I also find that my observations of others have different results. For example, I can see Emily or Dani’s panties, and my reaction can be a mild interest, or a full-on flooding of my own undies. I’ve just realised something. On the few days when I am on, I don’t seem to squirt when I cum. Mid cycle, I do….a lot!
We had a ‘naked day’ not long ago, and I saw the tiny string of Dani’s tampon. Obviously it was her I’ve of the month, but that tiny, barely visible string was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen. However, had I seen it at another time, it may not have had that effect.
As I’ve told you, I’m pregnant, and the hormones coursing through my arterial route map are driving me crazy with ill-disguised lust.
Finally, periods and sex. For some, a period is a major turn off. Not for me, not for Dani, and not for Emily. It took Dani a while to trust me on this and allow me to lick her clit while she was on her period. She told me “I’ve never cum so hard.” It wasn’t so much what I was doing to her, rather when I was doing it. Is it messy? It can be, but then sex is a messy business anyway.
I suppose there’s some rebellion in there. After all the Church speaks of women being ‘unclean’. In the Jewish faith, I’m told menstruating women aren’t even allowed in the synagogue. I don’t know what other world religions have to say on the matter, but I’d like to find out.
I’ve had some great sex during Emily’s period…and mine….and lately…Dani’s too.
So, for those who have asked…there’s my response.
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