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I dreamed a dream

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 3 comments
6 likes 27 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: Masturbation, wet, fantasy

What a mix and a muddle my dreams have become of late. Usually I only dream very realistic sexual scenarios…things that could happen, but of late, my mid teens have cropped up with me doing things that are, or were, quite impossible. Then again, my real-world sex life is off the charts. The Lovely Chris deals with my cock-related needs (and Dani’s now) Emily, my gorgeous wife, though away for most of this time of year is home sometimes, and when she is, we can't keep our hands off one another, and Dani, of course….she too has come out of her shell and will either engineer sexual situations, usually with me, or will ask for them outright. 

My cup runneth over. 

I’m in the shit again at school. I wasn’t discrete enough, and Brother Michael saw me with my hand wedged in the slit of my kilt and knew I was touching myself. He made no reference to it in class…his eyes just stayed with me a fraction too long, and in that fraction, I knew that he knew. 

As we trooped out, he quietly handed me a detention slip. Fuck! 

3.30, and I tap on his study door. A muffled voice utters his usual Latin instruction to enter the room. “Ave”. (God, these religious types can be so up themselves.)

I present at his desk and wait. Brother Michael is in his early to mid 30s, I’d say, no doubt. ‘Religious’ all this life. He stands, and walks around his desk. 

The room is sparse…the obligatory crucifix on the wall of course, a prie-dieu, a very comfortable-looking leather armchair is the only thing that looks out of place. 

He stands directly behind me, so close that I feel his breath on the back of my neck, and….I feel myself becoming aroused just by his closeness. His hands touch my shoulders, lightly at first, and I feel increased pressure from two fingers each side….why’s he doing that….ohh…that’s why…he’s scoping out whether I’m wearing a bra or not….and today, I’m not. 

The light touch becomes firmer….becomes in turn pressure….he pushes me forward until I’m bent fully over his desk. The cane, then? He flips my kilt up over my back. There are only my white panties between him and me now. My white, and, admittedly wet panties. 

Caning is very rare in this school, but when it happens, sometimes they do flip our kilts out of the way…the heavy wool stops us feeling God’s just chastisement, for which we should be grateful, apparently. I hear movement behind me, and I wait to hear the swish of the cane and feel it’s biting sting on my bum. Instead, I feel something hard pressing against my panty crotch. In a sudden realisation, I determine it’s his cock! I have a cock mere millimetres away from my sex! I briefly wonder if sperms can make it through a double layer of cotton? 

I feel him pull my panties aside. He’s going to do it to me! I feel something change. His cock is riding up now, between my bum cheeks. My panties are tugged downwards to my knees. Now he can see my lightly-haired vagina and its creamy wetness….no doubt he can smell me too. Despite myself, I’m wet as fuck. 

Another sensation as he pushes his cock down low, and I feel it over my pubic bone…slowly he moves it until it moves over my clit which makes me gasp, and then between the thick, meaty folds of my wet labia until it hovers at my entrance. Never! He’s never going to take my cherry right here is he? So far, he hasn’t said a word. 

But no, his cock head slides on upwards, away from my hole, over my perineum, and then to my tight bum hole where pressure begins to mount. I clench myself hard. Despite myself though I feel him entering me…slowly…soooo slowly. I stretch, and feel a burning stinging sensation. He’s going to have me up the arse. Fortunately for me, he isn’t exactly huge, at least, not in girth. I feel a sort of ‘bump’ and suddenly he’s sliding in me much more easily. I feel his thighs against my bare bum and he begins to fuck me.

His hand roam up my school shirt and I find myself rising up a fraction from the desk to allow him to cup my small boobs in his warm hands. Now, I’m pushing back against him…wanting this depravity…..wanting to be fucked up the bum by this, to me at least, ‘old man’. 

The Good Sisters have told us….”Sexual intercourse any way other than by the vagina is the Devil’s work, girls.” And yet here I am….15….being fucked up the bum…..doing the Devil’s work. 

I feel strange though. I’m not touching my clit…nor is he….and yet I feel myself about to cum. I moan, but a sharp slap stops me. His thrusts are no longer gentle….I feel his hairy thighs on the outside of my own, and I feel trapped….I’m being raped…..and I’m loving every dirty, depraved second. He stiffens and holds perfectly still and I feel him pulsating…..he is cumming up my bum. The mental image of his cock squirting his white semen sends me over and I cum hard.

We stay conjoined for a few minutes before he slowly withdraws. Now he utters the only two words he will speak to me. “Step out.” I feel him tugging at my panties. I obey him and step out. He crosses to the other side of his desk and opens a drawer. Briefly, I catch sight of other girls’ panties in there. I’m not the first, then? 

I walk home, still able to feel him inside me. I wonder what happens to semen when it’s up your bum? Maybe, like when it’s in your vagina, it just comes out again…..but then, I’d heard that suppository medicines are absorbed up there? Oh well…I guess I’ll find out soon enough. 

Slowly, sleep sloughs off me and I awake. Another ‘school’ dream….another dream where the impossicle happened…..why am I having these dreams? Wishful thinking from back then? I can’t deny that I used to masturbate over some of the staff…the youngest nuns usually, but yes, sometimes the monks too. 

Fast forward four hours. It’s Sunday, a beautiful day here, and I’m out for a walk. It’s almost midday, and I’m considering going to my pub for a lunch, but my feet have other ideas. I find myself walking up the path to the Catholic Church. Inside, it’s warm and the smell of fresh incense is heavy in the air. There’s no chance of me being disturbed….you will never find a priest in church very long after mass has ended. I genuflect, more out of habit than anything else, and I sit in a pew, gazing at the sanctuary, and the tabernacle at the back. Churches….certainly Catholic ones, all smell the same….a mixture of floor polish and incense…a very familiar, warm smell. 

I find I’m kneeling, straight-backed as we were taught, but my mind isn’t on prayer. Just as I straighten up, I feel a flood between my legs…oh dear…not again. This has been happening a lot since I got pregnant….sudden gushes of vaginal wetness, accompanied by…ah yes….here is comes….that feeling of ‘opening’ inside which in turn triggers…..5, 4, 3, 2, 1, raging arousal. 

Almost automatically I reach up my skirt. Oh it’s far from the first time i’ve masturbated in church, and I’m sure it won’t be the last either. Just the feeling of slickness over my panties does it…I barely needed to spend any time in my clit before I cum softly into the already soaked material. 

I get up and go to the tiny bathroom in the foyer. My panties are, as expected, ruined, but then I’ve taken to carrying spares with me…and…yuck of all yucks…(and please, don’t tell anyone) panty liners! It has to be a very wet day before I’ll resort to those fuckers though. Just a pee and a clean pair of panties. I giggle out loud. “A pee and a clean pair of panties” It’s almost like going to the hairdressers…”Just a light trim and a blow dry please.” I like peeing….you know I like peeing, but just lately every time I pee it feels sexual! Everything below my waist feels fucking sexy. Oh dear. 

I clean myself up as best I can…toilets in Catholic Churches aren’t really equipped to deal with an overly abundant amount of cunt juices. 

And then to the pub for lunch. New barmaid? Wow…she’s attractive too…she has that innocent yet open to not being look about her. My eyes rose over her body while Miss Brain gets down to some analysis. About my height…..dark hair, green eyes….wide, welcoming eyes….and lips….oh yes,I can imagine kissing those…..who was it said that a girl’s facial lips mirror her vaginal lips? Oh well…probably wrong in any case. Small boobed, like me. I actually consider a wank while I’m here,  but no…..I’ll just squelch my way back home I guess. 

And anyway, I have some repairing of relationships to do. I’ve been so up and down emotionally, and sexually, I’ve been snapping at Dani….and I feel horrid about it. Apology time. I find her in my den, standing there wondering where to start among the chaos that my usually neat private space has become…papers everywhere….true, I’m on the verge of completing a huge business deal, but this is a mess. I take her bucket with its cleaning supplies off her, but can’t think of anything to say, so I just hug her. She returns my hug warmly and without hesitation. I manage to whisper “I’m sorry” before the tears come. 

She hugs me until they pass and then untwines my arms from around her and turns me round. Her hand travels down and then up under my skirt and into my undies. She does it in one, fluid movement. The other hand tracks under my top to my right boob. She finds my clit effortlessly and begins to masturbate me. I reach up over my head and place a hand on the back of her neck. She has to bend at her knees to get down to my height, but doing so allows her to push two fingers inside me and get the heel of her hand nicely onto my clit. By now I can only whimper “oh Dani….fuck me…..fuck me…..fuck me hard….” She almost lifts me off the floor, her thrusts are so strong. Her long fingers pinch and twist my nipple which feels amazing. At precisely the right second, she whispers “Cum on my hand, you fucking horny cunt.” I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. 

Two minutes later, I’m kneeling before her as she perches on the edge of my desk, her panties are pulled aside and I’m sucking her off. She cums into my mouth, and I swallow her gifts eagerly. 

Strangely, I feel better….better than I have since this whole pregnancy thing started. I sit down to work feeling…..yes…feeling at peace. 



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