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How My Panty Sniffing Fetish Started
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Willywanker
Age: 60 Posted on: 28 Mar 2022
7 likes 909 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
7 likes 909 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
It's all the fault of Sheena my cousin. She is about a year younger than me and we've been a bit like siblings all our lives, we argue and fight but we love each other like sister and brother.
Our families used to go on holiday together each year to the coast, we shared a self catering 'chalet' (actually a shoddily built flat roofed unit on an estate with about fifty other identical ones) which sat on a bluff overlooking the sand and the sea. Now this particular year there was much discussion by my parents as to whether I should share a room with Sheena as we were both 'growing up'. I was a randy 13 year old as randy as only 13 year olds can be but of course my parents didn't see me like that. It sounded like a good idea to me as I liked Sheena and we got on well but of course it would have been fatal to say so, so I complained I wanted my own room and didn't want to share with a stupid girl! At twelve, Sheena was quite small and didn't seem to have developed much, no sign of tits at least, so I didn't see her in a sexual way at that stage. That did the trick, along with the extra expense of hiring a bigger chalet and eventually I gave in with bad grace though I did continue to complain about how they were trying to 'spoil my holiday'!
Well the holiday eventually arrived and off we went as usual. The first night after we went to bed, we were tired from the travelling so talked a bit and then went to sleep. I didn't even have a quick wank into a hankie as I sometimes did to avoid marking the sheets. I was producing sperm by that time, but not huge quantities.
On our second night we started messing around, I'd recently been playing a game with my mates whereby one lay on the ground, and the other sat on the first one's chest and held the first one's hands on the ground. The idea was to dislodge the one on top as quickly as you could, a sort of play wrestling. I told Sheena about this and she wanted to try. She was wearing a nylon nightie which was sort of see through, enough to see she didn't have any pants on, though this didn't really mean a lot to me at this stage. I was wearing pyjamas as usual. First she sat on my chest and I struggled to dislodge her, eventually succeeding of course as I was bigger and heavier than she was. Then I sat on her chest. She had great difficulty in trying to move me and eventually lifted her legs to try and get some leverage against my arms and neck. I turned round to see what she was doing and we both sort of realised at the same time that she was naked from the waist down with her legs wide open and her little hairless pussy was in plain view. Her slit was slightly open and I could see what looked like a fold of skin at the top with a very small eliptical and damp looking hole underneath.
It was a strange moment, we both stopped and it was a little awkward. She said she was tired now, so I let her up and she went over and got in her own bed. I tried to say something but she just said that was fun, said goodnight and turned over. In no time her breathing was regular and she was obviously asleep. I couldn't sleep, my brain was working overtime, this was the first time I'd ever seen a pussy at reasonably close quarters and my cock was standing to attention. (I don't count the 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' we used to do as young kids.) There was nothing else for it, out came the hanky, it was wrapped around my erection and with my eyes closed but a picture of that little pussy clearly in front of me, I imagined being allowed to touch and stroke it, while stroking my cock. I had little control at that stage and probably seconds later my little prick erupted and pumped a small quantity of sperm into the hanky, though the orgasm seemed to go on for a long time for so little sperm.
The next day it was back to normal as if nothing had happened but that night we were both in the bedroom playing Scrabble when my Aunt came and told Sheena it was time to take a shower and get ready for bed. Off she went, returning about ten minutes later wearing only her pants which were suddenly much more interesting to me than they had been beforehand, and clutching her clothes to her chest. Don't look she said turning her back on me and dropping her clothes on the bed. Needless to say I looked! She dropped her pants and put them on the pile of dirty clothes showing me the globes of her beautiful little bum and the way the panties sort of stuck to her still damp crack, then slid her nightie over her head. She put the pile of dirty clothes on top of her case, light blue cotton panties on the very top.
We did no rough stuff that night, just played Scrabble until it was eventually time for bed. I got into bed thinking about these panties and how nice it would be to rub my cock with them. I waited until Sheena dropped off to sleep then got up and retrieved the panties. As I got back into bed she stirred so I pushed them just under my pillow and lay down as if asleep. I was aware of a scent coming from the panties so as soon as she was asleep again I pulled them out and started to sniff them, the closer I got to the crotch the more interesting the smell became and as I realised this was the smell of Sheena's pussy my cock was again straining to get out of my pyjamas. Not what I had planned, but the hanky was pressed into service again while the gusset of Sheena's panties was pressed against my nose. It only took seconds before I was gripped in orgasm, the best I'd ever had in my young life!
And that's how it started. I moved on to sniffing my aunt's panties, then sisters of friends and so on. I learned what to look for and where to find them. Little did I know this would become a lifelong pleasure and a surefire stimulation for masturbation!
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