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Housesitting for the Professor

Posted by: Age: 20 Posted on: 12 comments
13 likes 2402 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: College, Porn, Older woman, teacher,

When I was in college, there was a very pretty blonde professor in my program. We got along really well. When she and her new husband went on a trip, she asked if 8 would house sit and care for their cat and plants for 3 weeks.

My professor and her husband were the ideal couple in their early 30s. He was a tall, dark haired lawyer of good reputation and she was the southern bell with naturally blonde hair, though she lightened it. Both were very smart, kind, great humor, and successful. She taught several classes in my program and I got to be something of a teacher's pet because I excelled and had respect for her knowledge and wisdom.

I'll confess that I had both affection and a prurient interest in Dr. Wagoner, who became Dr. McCandless when she married in her second year as one of my teachers. She never dressed inappropriately but looked so good dressed well. And on occasion, little thrilling glimpses happened like the time she was sitting on the professors’ desk in a skirt with her feet up on a chair.. She crossed her legs and as she did, she flipped up her skirt and I got a flash of white lace panties and through them of light colored pubes. A natural blonde! Boy did that one fuel masturbation fantasies for me. Another time I was in her office helping her with a computer program problem. Standing over her, teaching her, I could see into her blouse and the curve of her decent sized breast almost into the cup of her bra. Wow! I fantasized that someday, I would have a wife like her, witty, gracious, and sexy. To me she was a lot like Grace Kelly. A Grace Kelly who could really rock a pair of tight blue jeans.

I'd gotten to know her and her husband when Dr. McCandless, Tracy, felt one of her migraines coming on. A fellow students stopped me in the hallway that morning and said Dr. McCandless wanted to see me. I was very curious because I wasn't in a class with her that semester. I found her in her office looking bad and packing up to leave. She explained that she was feeling a serious migraine coming on, already seeing the lights, and had to get home and take the injection before going to bed in the dark. She asked me if I could lead the only other class she had, late in the afternoon, and that since I'd taken that course I'd know what to do. She showed me the materials to facilitate a review discussion game and the exam for the class. Then, she went and threw up. She was getting bad fast, so I offered to drive her home. She accepted, obviously in pain. A week later, Tracy and her husband, Joe, invited me over for dinner to thank me. We became occasional friends, they even invited me to play mini golf once, and I helped out when she needed something at the college.

I was surprised when her husband called me and asked if I'd be willing to house sit for them when they went on a three week vacation after the semester ended. He said he'd suggested it because I was trustworthy and responsible but Tracy said she hesitated to ask because I was a student. His lawyer side showed when he explained that is was not a conflict of interest. He told me I could say no if I had any concerns. I accepted the offer and he said Tracy would be in touch to make all the arrangements.

The next day I had a message to meet her at her office. When I arrived and greeted her as Doctor McCandless as usual, she reminded me that we were friends and I could call her Tracy as I did elsewhere. We discussed the arrangements and she told me I'd get $150 a week, apologizing for how little they could offer. I thought that and free rent was great, especially as this was 1985 and minimum wage was about $3.50 an hour. I'd make more money house sitting than I would at my summer job. Tracy said they would stock the fridge for me, that they had cable TV, and I could use their bed and sheets and towels. She said she wanted me to be totally at ease and hoped she wasn't imposing on our “scholarly” relationship. We agreed it was fine and I was too meet and see the house the day they were leaving to Denver to fly out.

I arrived with a backpack of clothes at their house early that morning. Joe was already putting their suitcases in the car and told me to go right in and Tracy was still getting ready. I went in and heard her upstairs. I called out and she said, “I'm almost ready. Come up, I need your help.” She had thought I was Joe because when I was at the top of the stairs she was headed toward the bedroom from the bathroom just panties and bra saying she couldn't get her necklace clasped and she wanted me to change the sheets. I turned around and headed back downstairs apologizing profusely.

Joe was just coming in and saw, “It's cool. Don't worry about it. She runs around like that all the time.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah really,” he responded. “And I'm really fuckin’ lucky too. Aren't I?” After he went up and got more suitcases, he told me to head up, that she'd dressed and was decent. Tracy was still doing things in the bedroom. The sheets were all balled up on the unmade bed.

“Oh god, I'm sorry I'm running so late. I didn't have time to make the bed for you,” Tracy explained. “Sorry I shocked you. I hope your eyes don't hurt from seeing an old woman body.”

I assured her that she was not old and looked fine. She replied, “Well, certainly not as pretty and firm as your girlfriend I'd wager.”

I told her that I was not dating anyone right then. “I can't believe that. You're such a cute guy,” she said. “So we want you to sleep in our bed because the guest bedroom has a lousy mattress. I was trying to think of how to not sound like a prude and still ask you not to have a guest over in our bed but if you're not seeing anyone it won't be necessary to ask you not to bring a woman into our bed.” I blushed and she noticed. “Oh god, I stuck my foot in my mouth there, didn't I? College guys sometimes aren’t dating anyone and you’re a handsome guy and could pick up a woman I am sure.” I got even redder and could feel the heat in my face.

“I’m not like that, really. I don’t go for the one night sort of things,” I said.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean you did. I know you’re different, a good person, that’s why Joe and I thought of you to watch the house for us.” She was sounding so kind and she leaned in and gave me a hug. “I know you won’t have a woman in our bed but whatever you want to do by yourself is fine.” I hadn’t thought I could blush even more, but I must have at the suggestion from this beautiful woman that I had a crush on that I might do something alone in her bed.

She showed me the bedroom where she had taken off their bedsheets and the bed was unmade. Tracy asked if I would mind making the bed with clean sheets for myself and I said I was very willing. She asked me to just put the old sheets down in the laundry room in the basement for her and I told her I would do them up and fold them for her. “You’re so sweet. You really don’t have to. Just make yourself comfortable. By the way, we have cable up here and even Cinemax so if you enjoy that sort of thing, feel free to watch that when you’re alone. We have some cassettes too, under the TV in the cabinet that might be of interest at night. The remote’s in the drawer by the bed on my side,” she explained. Again, she seemed to be encouraging me to enjoy myself alone. “Just please do take off your sheets like this when you leave. I’ll wash them when we’re settled in but we won’t be back until late that night so it’s easier if you don’t mind.” I told her I’d have the sheets all washed and the bed made for her when they got back. Joe was literally honking the car horn for her to hurry up. Tracy leaned in for a quick hug and gave me a peck on the cheek, then left quickly and gracefully bounded down the stairs.

The scent of her perfume lingered combining with the hug and kiss to make my affection and lust for her rise. Mmm, her lingering scent smelled so nice. Snapping myself out of the moment, I decided to get busy on the laundry since I didn't have classes that day. Finding the linen closet in the hallway, I procured some clean cotton sheets and made the bed. One pillow had to be hers because the scent of her perfume lingered on it. I chose that on to put a pillowcase on so I could use it at night. Then, I took the old sheets down to the laundry in the basement. I wondered if they'd made love on them then felt bad for being so perverted.

Little did I know how perverted I could be until I found the washer full of an unwashed load of her laundry. At first I started taking things out so I could do the sheets but I was finding slips, bras, then panties and stockings. I got hard handling them, sniffing them, touching places that had been on her most intimate places. I felt depraved, knew I was violating the trust placed in me, but couldn't stop. I quickly had my jeans around my ankles and my penis in my hand as I assorted all the panties and lingerie in front of me on the washer and dryer tops. Some were the cotton Calvin Klein types that girls I had known wore, others were sexier lace ones and even a thong, rare back then. Her leotard and tights were in there, evidently from exercise, and I sniffed those as I stroked because they had a very nice but more intense smell of Tracy. I thought of her half naked that morning  and that made me boil. Soon enough, I was ready to cum. I held a pair of red lace panties over my cock and filled them with my load but it also squirted through the lace and landed on other stuff.

I realised that now I had to wash all that stuff. I felt so guilty I washed and folded it all. Then, the sheets. But each time I touched her stuff it aroused me. I managed to leave and go work out to get my mind off it until evening.

Taking her suggestion I had gotten ready for bed and then looked in the TV cabinet in their bedroom and found first some regular videos of recent films, like Back to the Future and Amadeus. Also, there were some Jane Fonda and Buns of Steel type workout videos. Under them I found porno movies. My crush on Tracy took a new perspective, her cerebral and classy manner at the college hid a secret sexual,erotic side, especially since she'd invited me to look at the movie collection knowing fully that I'd find these.

The first video box showed a very sexy blonde actress that resembled Tracy. I looked at the names and then at the other boxes and it was Jamie Summers over and over. The same actress was in all of them and from what I could tell, she could have almost been Tracy’s sister in her face and seemed also for body. Now I just had to look at them just to see what turned her and Joe on. On of the tapes had been watched part way and not rewound so I decided to start there by back up to whatever they'd been watching. First, I needed the remote controls from the nightstand drawer. 

When I pulled it open, the remotes were under a magazine, Cosmopolitan, that was folded back to an article about giving better oral sex. My imagination was swelling and so was my penis. I grabbed the remotes for the TV and the VCR and noticed more things. A bottle of berry flavored lubricant from Adam & Eve and a tube of Astroglide were there. I picked them up in total fascination. Both were mostly empty so probably Tracy and Joe had used the lubes for sex. Wow. After placing them on the nightstand, I noticed the hand towel inside the drawer had some things hidden beneath. Wrapped in them were three sex toys, one was an egg-shaped vibrator with a wire leading to control that varied the speed, a realistic soft feeling dildo that was flesh colored, and a larger white plastic vibrator like were common back then. I was transfixed, and massively aroused, by the idea that these had all been used by Tracy or on her to make her cum.

I pulled back the bedclothes to make a place to lay and propped up the pillows so I could sit up. After turning on the television I rewound the video so I could watch what they had watched. The video started with the typical terrible acting out of a scenario where a young man came to visit a teacher. How could that have been more perfect for my lusty fantasy, laying in my teacher’s bed with my hard cock in my hand? Pretty soon, the two of them were having sex and I was intrigued by the fact that this actress had a face a lot like Tracy, the body was similar with natural breasts, not those over enhanced ones typical in porn, and a blonde bush. As the actor went down on the woman, I was picturing myself licking Tracy, as the woman started to return the favor and suck the man’s penis, I was picturing myself. Then the telephone rang and I jumped out of my skin. I wasn’t going to answer it until their answering machine picked up somewhere downstairs and after the recording I faintly heard Tracy’s voice in the distance asking me to pick up. What could that be about?

I looked for the phone and saw it on the other nightstand so I scrambled out of the bed naked with my hard penis flailing back and forth. “Hello?” I answered.

“You sound out of breath? Did I wake you?” Tracy asked.

“No, I'm awake, I was just...um...laying in bed watching something,” I managed to say. I realised that even though I had the volume way down because porno music was so atrocious, there was still a little sound and some of the moans and groans might be heard over the phone. I covered the mouthpiece to hide it.

“I'm glad you're up,” she said. I thought, if she only knew how up I was. “I know it's after 11 there but I just wanted to let you know that we arrived safely even though the flight was delayed.” Here I was talking with Tracy and in front of my eyes and beautiful blonde look-alike getting fucked wildly. Tracy continued, “How's things going? Are you finding everything OK? I guess since you're watching the TV in bed you found the remote in my drawer.”

Trying to steer the conversation away from me watching things, I told her that I'd done fine and had washed laundry. She said she thinks she left things in the washer so I told her I did those, too, and folded them. She thanked me and said it was so sweet of me to handle her laundry so well for her and said she hoped I didn't get embarrassed by her “intimates.”

“Are you watching the cable tonight? I think there's a good movie on,” Tracy asked, much to my chagrin.

“Um, no, actually not a cable movie. Just a different movie,” I replied.

Tracy seemed interested, “Oh, so one of the VCRs? Which one?”

I said I didn't know the title, and just then on the screen the guy pulled his large penis out of the woman and shot his cum on her chest and face. My penis throbbed as I fantasized that I was doing the same to the lovely lady on the phone with me. The TV must have been audible to Tracy when the actress said something like, ooh baby give me your cum, because she then said, “I think I recognize that one. You're watching one of the special movies. Aren't you?”

I stumbled on my words then admitted I had put on one of the adult movies. My crush then sounded embarrassed, “Oh I'm glad you're enjoying yourself then, I mean I hope it's a good one. I mean Joe and I like that one with her in it. Did my call mess it up for you? I'm so sorry to bother you when...but I don't mean to assume you were doing anything while you watched. It's totally fine if you were of course. That's completely normal especially without a girlfriend…”

I interrupted, “I'm sorry, I was watching one and I know I shouldn't have in your home.”

“Oh god, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'll let you go and feel totally comfortable to do what you need. And we have some stuff in the drawer that feels really nice and slippery and I use it for Joe and he loves it. You can try it if you want. I don't know if that's what you like but…”

I thanked her and apologized if I had made her feel embarrassed. We hung up and I lay back on the bed. My penis had remained excruciatingly erect the whole time and another sex scene was playing. Applying the warming lube with both hands, I made myself cum in just a few minutes. I imagined it was Tracy using her hands on me. Every night I was there, and often in the day, I masturbated to thoughts of her, or looking at the lingerie in her drawer, or even holding her vibrator. I probably came 50 times in the three weeks I was there.



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