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Horny Night With My Friend

Posted by: Age: 15 Posted on: 11 comments
14 likes 1059 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
true story
This story happened at the end of my eighth grade year when I was 13 almost 14. My friend was 14 at the time and older than me by 4 or 5 months. It started when I invited my friend to come over and spend the night. School had just got out and we were glad to be going to High School. We picked up a pizza and came back and started watching TV. With my parents in the other end of the house working, we sat and continued watching.

At some point I reached down to push my balls over to the side. At least me, I know I sometimes grab my balls without realizing, and thats exactly what happened. I noticed my friend looking down at my shorts and at my penis through my shorts. I was completely surprised, so I started grabbing my balls again and just kinda kept pushing them around. Then he started grabbing his balls from the outside of his shorts too. We acted like we weren't looking at each other, but we would both catch the occasional peek at each others package. We did that for almost an hour and we were both hard in our shorts, until finally we both could tell our balls were sore.

So we stopped and went to get some more pizza. My parents went to bed and we put in a movie. Then my friend was like, 'hey put in American Pie,' and so we put it in. We were watching it and talking about hot girls and then we both started grabbing our balls again but this time in our sleeping bags on the floor. We got to the naked part and my friend (he had the remote) paused it and hit rewind to see the nude scene. Then he was like, 'hey stop touching it' in a joking way. I was like 'I'm not jerking it'. He was like 'I'm gunna'. I was freaking out in my mind, and my weiner pitched up a really hard boner in my boxers.

Then he said , 'my pants are off' and then I did the same (both in our sleeping bags) and said 'mine too'. We just started rubbing our little weiners and you could hear the fabric going up and down, and then I said' slow down your too loud' and he slowed down. Then he hit me in the balls, and I hit him back. We kinda looked at each other and he reached down into my sleeping bag, and started touching my dick. I quickly did it too, and we shot a small load in each others hand. Then he said, 'put it back in your shorts,' and we did, but still horny I said have you ever tasted it. And he said yah, I said me too, and we licked each others off of our hands. Then we finished the movie and went to bed. We're both straight, and I've only done it one other time with him, but that was almost 6 months after this happened. It was fun and we're still friends and we talk about it. True story.



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