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He's My Nephew

Posted by: Age: 18 Posted on: 2 comments
17 likes 12732 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: cousin, jacking off
My nephew who is one year younger than me gave me a surprise

My sister moved out of the house when I was just a baby. She had gotten pregnant and that really pissed my dad off. It was only last year that they began to reconcile. This past summer she and my nephew came home for a visit. I knew nothing about him. My parents never talked about him. I knew he existed somewhere, but never thought I would meet him.

The first night they were at the house, he slept with her, but the next day, he and I hit it off really well. I play piano by ear and he had an ear for it too. I taught him a few songs. We were having a blast. My sister suggested that he stay with me the second night. It was awkward at first. My room is my castle. I cannot walk around the house in my undies, at least when anyone is there, but I can do whatever in my room. I am modest to a fault. My nephew was not. My sister encouraged him to be a free spirit.

When it became bedtime, I went into my bathroom to change. I kept on undies, pj pants, and a t-shirt. When I came into the room, he was only wearing boxers. Nothing was said, but it felt weird. We sat on the bed and was talking. I was lying down and he sat indian style. I could not help but notice his left ball was hanging out of his boxers. We talked and laughed. After a while, I said, "dude, your balls are dropping out of your boxers." he just shrugged it off as if it were nothing. I couldn't stop peaking and he was noticing. This was not my first ball sighting, but it was the first to be dropping out onto my bed. I told him to stop putting his balls on my bed. He poked me on my side. I knocked him on the shoulder. He knocked me back and soon we were wrestling.,

He got up on my chest and dropped his whole dick on my skin. I kinda froze. He then scooted down and sat right on top of my dick. he noticed that it was hard. Then he jumped off and said he was sorry. We watched some tv for a while. It started getting hot. I so wanted to take off the pjs, but I was still hard. He noticed anyway and told me it was cool. He was hard too. He said he always jacked off at night before he went to sleep. So did I and I told him. He suggested we take care of our problem. And before I could say yes, he pulled off his boxers and started rubbing. I just watched for a minute. He told me that he would not mind if I did it too. I could not believe that I pulled my pants to my knees and in less than a minute, my shirt was cum soaked. I took it off and he grabbed it and came unto it too. They left the next day, Hoping they will come back soon.



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