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Helping Out Part 1

Posted by: Age: ThirtySomething Posted on: 19 comments
13 likes 53 views Category: Masturbation Group Co-ed Tags: masturbate, CFNM, handjob

A story in two parts about relationships, CFNM, masturbation and some confusion

My relationship with Anita was unusual. She was my insurance broker for a number of years. After my divorce we started dating. We became lovers and she opted out of looking after my insurance matters. Anita is fashion model meticulous about her appearance. She has near-extreme standards for how she dresses, for her hair, makeup, for everything you first see when she walks into the room.

After we started dating I discovered she has what I call a very relaxed attitude about boundaries. Her ex husband, who was in a new relationship, would on occasion visit in order to spend time with Edi, short for Edith, their daughter, and sometimes he would stay over. Not when I was there. She'd tell me about it afterwards. Ex Husband is two years younger than her. I'm younger than her too, by about four years. It's possible that her preoccupation with her appearance and her preference for younger guys are linked.

Anita and Edi were very close. Edi had her own room, but the two of them normally slept in the same bed, in mom's room. When I was there and Edi was ready for bed she'd ask, are you staying over? I'd look at Anita to indicate, yes or maybe no, not tonight. Mostly it was yes and then Edi would go to Anita's room, collect her pillows and stuff and go through to her own bedroom for the night. I thought it odd because the girl was already out of school, doing a gap year before deciding what she'd do next.

It was little things like sleeping with her grown daughter that made me wonder about her sense of boundaries. Anita would often, when she was bathing, call out to me and invite me in. She wanted me to sit down and she'd talk away while taking her time in the bath, occasionally letting in more hot water. There was nothing intentionally sexual about these bathroom episodes, just being completely comfortable with me there, naked and doing her ablutions, stuff one normally does in private.

Anita is very "proper" in her own way. She didn't want her daughter to have intercourse before she was married. She talked to me about Edi and the boyfriend. The young couple's relationship was noticably hotting up and she wanted to "educate" the girl. I asked what she meant and she explained that it was obviously pointless to try and prevent them having sex, but she figured that if she could introduce them to the sexual pleasure of hand jobs and mutual masturbation she could stop them from having intercourse.

I did not express my opinion. I thought it was more than a probability that the young couple had done all that, including intercourse already.

Edi is averagely attractive with an exceptional ability to get attention from guys. She's confident about her looks and she's outgoing. Armed with a quick smile, lots of energy and a generous mop of blonde curls, she turns heads. All in all she's an appealing bundle of girlhood and considering how early kids start being sexually active, Edi had probably jerked off guys long before now. As it turned out later, I was wrong, she had not. Anita was not being naive; the two of them discussed everything. The level of trust in their ralationship was unusual.

Basically Anita wanted to teach her daughter how to give a hand job. I said it was probably uneccessary, that the internet was awash with that sort of information. Just give her a link or buy her a book or something. No, she said, she did not want Edi to read about it, she wanted to show her, practical stuff, actually have her do it with Anita there! I said, no, you are not serious - you want to coach the couple!

What she wanted was her daughter to have done it, have experienced giving a handjob before she did it with Boyfriend. I remember my words clearly: And HTF will you do that? And she said very calmly, that's where you come in.

I said no! Flat no!

She went on for a long time about me helping her in her mission to coach Edi. I just kept saying no It's not a thing you can rationalize and then I'll see the logic of what you want to do and agree. It's no. We left it there, but she brought it up again a few times. I don't know if she thought I might warm up to the idea. I can't say I wasn't intruiged, but I kept saying no.

A while after she first discussed the idea with me we were in the TV lounge one evening watching some National Geographic program. The three of us would occasionally do that. TV dinner, me sitting between the two of them. People get into regular seating positions when the same group get together regularly.

Anita kept a few, comforters, knee blankets, in the TV lounge for cold nigths. This was not a particularly cold night but she got one of the blankets and covered our legs. She put her hand in mine and we sat holding hands. After a while she lifted the blanket and put it over our hands. Later she let go and put her hand on my croch. The program was boring. Even if it weren't I would still have gotten an erection. As she felt my erection grow she softly rubbed me through the fabric of my pants. My cock got uncomfortably hard. She undid my pants and took it out. I thought, what if Edi notices? But it's under the blanket, I reasoned, even if she thinks Anita and I are up to mischief, it's under the blanket. One's ability to reason clearly is inversely proportional to one's sexual arousal.

I became even more aroused as Anita started masturbating me slowly. And my ability to think rationally decreased to zero. I noticed that although Edi was pretending to watch the National Geographic program she was aware of what Anita and I were up to and glanced down every now and then.

After a while the blanket moved slightly and Anita's hand with my cock in it was clearly visible. Thinking about it today,  I'm sure she deliberately allowed the blanket to slip down. My arousal had by now risen to where I didn't care who saw it. The girl was openly staring. We were all staring. Nobody was even aware of the National Geographic program. The hand job had become major process.

I looked at Edi's face. Her obvious excitement sent a surge of pleasure through me. I looked away quickly.

Anita let go of my cock and calmly took her daughters hand and placed it on me. No resistance from Edi. Her fingers wrapped around my cock spontaneously and naturally. Anita said, I'm going to get kleenex. Don't stop. Your'e doing just fine. And she walked out the room.

It felt like she was gone for several minutes. I was so ready to cum. It was probably no more than 30 seconds. Anita came back with a handful of frumpled tissue. And holding the bundle where I could cum in it said to Edi, you're doing great ... he's just about there ... see how really hard it's getting.

Time stood still for me. For a few seconds my mind is a blank. I'm aware only of the orgasm starting somewhere in my legs, intensifying as it spreads and centres in my groin. The first contraction builds quite slowly. Then it peaks and releases the familiar wave of shorter spasms of my orgasm. With it a whole lot of other things happen together ... the first rope of cum shoots right over the kleenex ... Edi yelps in surprise and lets go ... Anita has her hand back on my jerking cock, aiming the remaing spurts into the tissue. I think she anticipated Edi's reaction and was ready for it.

I'm breathing hard in the awkward silence during which Anita still holds my cock for a few moments. Then, wiping and bundling tissues together she says, well that certainly was nice for everyone, wasn't it? Edi just smiles, looking straight at me without embarrassment. I'm the only one feeling awkward. When arousal fades rational thought returns and I'm going, I have a relationship with this girl, her daughter has just wanked me, I'm sitting, cock exposed, between the two of them and neither of them seem awkward about it! I realize that this was not a sexual expression in the context of our relationship. I don't know what all it was. I felt like a mere object in whatever it was for them. Did Edi like it? Subsequent incidents confirmed that she did. Was Anita aroused? I don't know, but I'm certain I was not there as her lover, I was the means for her giving her daughter some practical experience.

Anita and I didn't talk about it afterwards, but I'm sure the two of them did. They shared everything, spoke about everything. I often think back and wonder, did the two of them discuss it ahead of time, Anita sharing her plan and preparing Edi? Knowing Anita and observing Edi's easy acceptance of becoming actively involved, it's the most likely scenario.





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