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He Peeked and I Let Him

Posted by: Author: Age: 28 Posted on: 0 comments
3 likes 940 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
Terrific site, one I can feel good about sharing on.
I've always loved self pleasuring, and as I have matured and become more open minded, my inhibitions regarding my sexuality and masturbation, in particular, are fading.

This became evident to me on the first of my three lifetime vistits to a peep show booth. I bought some tokens from the fat similing lady at the cash register and brushed past the black curtains that kept the peep show booths away from the rest of the sex shop.

A few men stood by the little booths, and quickly entered them once I came in. Nervous, a bit scared, and no longer erect, I ducked into the booth, not bothering in my haste to latch the door behind me. I put a token in the slot and a dirty movie started up, suddenly breaking the quiet with groans and moans.

Now I was ready to do what I came here for. I undid my belt and took my jeans down. I wasn't wearing underwear, and my stiff prick stood out proudly from my body. I flipped through a few movies, getting as turned on my the naughtiness of my behaviour as by the movies.

I began to stroke in earnest, trembling with excitement as my penis grew harder and slicker with each stroke. I squatted a bit, wanting to show off for the man next to me as he peeked in on my 'private pleasure'.

It was not to remain private for long, as I heard a sqeak, and then a shaft of not skin but light come upon me from behind. A young Asian man, small and smiling had opened the door and was watching me. I instinctively began to close it, but he whisperd that he just wanted to watch me. Just as instinctively, I switched hands to better let him see how I jerked off.

I began to exaggerate my strokes, shaking myself at him, squeezing my balls, letting go, and letting my eager cock twitch and throb to his delight. I stood on my toes and clenched my bum as I finaly let myself climax, giving my small but appreciative audience a bulls-eye look at the beautiful white cum I squirted. I wiped my hands on my pubic hair and the man closed the door without showing me anything. Maybe next time!



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