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Growing up
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: XJadynX
Posted on: 29 Sep 2005
4 likes views Category: Sex Stories General Tags:
4 likes views Category: Sex Stories General Tags:
Well I've been wracking my brain thinking of which story to write next and in truth It's not easy. I came up with 3 things I'd like to talk about so I'm going to attempt to write 3 separate stories. The first will be of what a surprising number of people asked for, to know about me and my mother. Second will be about the time I live in New Hampshire which the entire 2 years was incredibly memorable. The last one will be what an even more surmising amount of people have asked about and that's a few experiences of when I enjoyed sexual encounters with other guys. That being said let's begin.
As I wrote before I am very grateful for what my parents did for me when I was young. I know there is a group of people that don't approve but to me it is nothing more then their thoughts. Not only did I learn about Sex and sexuality but I also had a great time growing up.
Even when I was 9 I knew my mother was a beautiful woman, though it wasn't until I was around 13 did I really take notice. She had these almond shape eyes that could melt ice at 100 yards. Long brown hair that flowed like a river. An hourglass figure that was to die for, wide rounded hips and very round almost bubble like ass that jiggled quite a bit when she walked but still remained firm to the touch. What turned me on the most was her breasts. She had these over sized DD/E's, they had this natural hand about them, you know the kind, just a touch of sag to let you know they were real. They were topped with this huge nipples, they looked like two pink tea cup saucers covering nearly the entire front of her breasts, though they didn't tick out allot when hard, more like small rounded nubs.
Anyways, From the first time I was allowed to have sex with my mother as a typical kid started pestering her the very next day, though my mom was a smart one. She took me aside and made it clear that she would come to me when it was okay. Fortunately for me she came to me often. My dad was typically busy, he traveled allot for his company. that wasn't a bad thing for my mother mainly cause of the swinger life style they lived. My mother would often have couples, other woman or a few guys here and there over while dad was gone, and he knew about it. She also knew he would be sleeping with various people where ever he was.
My mom would come to me at first 2 - 3 times a week normally she would come into my room when she knew I was masturbating. She would smile and sit on the edge of my bed, take up my little cock in her fingers and stroke me off. Then we would move to my parent's room where she taught me everything I needed to know about pleasing woman. the only way I could make her cum was if I licked, I was basically to " young " then to make her come through intercourse. I use to love to make her come, so much so I would lick like crazy. I can't say it was how good I was but how persistence I was lol!
I loved hearing her moan, even as a boy cause it meant I was making her feel good like daddy did. Watching her chest heave as she gasped and inhaled for breath. Even as a boy it really turned me on. She gave me the pet name puppy cause she said I was like a little puppy licking away. She was very vocal and use to encourage me with things like. Common puppy.. lick mommy.. ohhh god you're such a goood licker.... more puppy lick mommy more.. lick her faster! I really liked it.
After that I would get to have intercourse. My mom would laugh later on when recalling these times cause then I was like a rabbit. I would go for it 5, 6 , 7 time and more. I was still having dry climaxes but wouldn't get soft. My mom would let me have sex with her as often as I wanted in these times. I never really lasted long but in terms of sheer number of times I was golden lol.
As I got older I ofcourse went from shooting blanks to being fully loaded. This wasn't really a bother to my mom she had gotten her tubes tied after having my sister. Though it was this time that I noticed a few things. First my mother was having " guests " over less and less, and coming to me more and more. I would commonly bring girlfriends over and ofcourse have sex with them, if my mother wasn't home she would come home not long after while I was fucking my GF. Often not long after my GF would leave my mom would come to me for sex, I was always up for it.
It was right around when I was 15 that I took real notice of things. My dad was still away allot, but my mom had nearly stopped having people over, she would come to me every day and even 2 - 3 times a day. One night I was in my bed doing my typical before sleep jerk off when she walked in. She was wearing this red leather teddy that I thought made her look hot. When she came over to sit on my bed I looked up to her and decided to ask her a few questions.
I looked up asking, Mom, you don;t have many people over anymore and you come to me allot now, not that I mind! but I was wondering why? She smiled looking at me with these shining eyes. I could tell she was expecting this question. She looked at me for a good minute before she reached down and took up my cock in her hand and slowly began to stroke it. She smiled at me and finally answered. " Well hun, there are a few reasons." " You remember when we would have sex when you were younger? " I nodded, how could I forget? She said " Well remember when I use to jerk you off, I could hold your dick with just 2 fingers? " Again I nodded telling her yea I remember. " She smiled holding my cock straight up for me to see. " Well look now, I can't get my had all the way around, you may be a teenager in age but your cock is all man to me! " I laughed and so did she. She also told me " You're not my little puppy any more hun, when you fuck me now, you fill me, I cum while you fuck me now, and do you ever!" We laughed again. She told me " You not only fuck me hun you do it again and again, I thought it was just cause you were a young boy but heck, you still fuck me 3,4 times in a row." " Between you, your dad and your sister I don;t need anyone else! " I found I actually liked that.
I just smiled at her and laid back, she smiled back and leaned over and started slowly licking the head of my cock. It felt so good. feeling her tounge work slow lazy circles around my swollen head. She could tease me for hours if she wanted. She didn't this night though. after 5 minutes of licking she opened her mouth and slowly took my cock down into her warm wet mouth. IT was incredible. She was one of the few woman I met that could get past my head. Unlike allot of people she would suck my cock as a steady pace with a constant sucking pressure. I would often end up buck my hips against her. She just sucked me and sucked and sucked. Finally I was ready to burst. I tensed up and let loose right into her mouth. She just backed off till just the tip of the head was in and swallowed down my cum spurt by spurt. I love cumming in mouths, it's so erotic to me.
After I finally finished cumming my mom backed off and licked my head off, then slowly started stroking me again. I didn;t get soft, even today I don't after my first cum. She stood up and slowly took off her teddy I admire her mature and still stunning body. She climbed up on me and knelt over me laying down on me, I could feel her body trembling from the excitement. I relished in the feel of her fat breasts pressed into my chest. It was then that she kissed me. It was the first time she kissed me like this, she never kissed me before except for a typical mom son kiss. This was a deep lovers kiss, tongue entwined, bodies pressed together. I knew this time would be different.
I felt her slip back slowly, she moved her hips around a little and pop, I started to slide inside her. she pushed back till she was sitting up, my cock buried all the way inside. she placed her hands on my chest and started to rock her hips back and forth, not bouncing yet just rocking back and forth. I placed my hands on her hip and just squeezed.
I remember the look in her face, the look was pure rapture. Her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling with deeper and deeper breaths, the soft little moans and gasps that escaped her lips. all it served to do was excite me more and make me harder. Her rhythm changed, it became a looping ride like ridding a merry go round horse. Slowly she started ridding faster and faster. I held onto her hips and ass as she went into her rising/rolling bounce on my cock. Faster, faster the pace picked up. I was watching her face as she was now moaning and calling out in passion. I watched her fat boobs start bouncing and rolling with each rise and fall. Each beat when out bodies me felt like I was being pushed deeper into her. I could feel her fem sex clamping and grasping at my now painfully hard cock. Next thing I knew she was ridding me at a hard fast pace, I could tell by her calls and moans she was going to cum, and did she ever! I could feel her sex clamp down on me quivering around my cock, it was more then I could stand. I came again inside of her. She fell down on top of me quivering and shaking and I just held on squeezing. I knew at this moment we passed having sex or fucking. We made love, I know some of you might frown on it but I don't it was one of the best times of my life.
After we recovered from that we just laid there her onto of me talking a little, about how things have changed and recalling the not so distance past. About how were we lovers now and not just fucking. We also talked about my sister and what I was doing with her. this of course brought on another round of sex. we made love 4 times before falling asleep together.
It was a time I'll never forget.
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