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Group Tantric Massage

Posted by: Age: 60 Posted on: 5 comments
7 likes 2449 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: group masturbation, massage, instructional
There's a school in the San Francisco Bay Area that teaches massage, including erotic techniques. They used to have a Thursday night get-together for men in which they'd give each other tantric massages. I attended twice, but the second time I was a bit of a rebel, and made a kind of social gaff.

The first time I put off for several weeks until I got up the balls to attend. And when I finally did park my car at about ten minutes before 7pm and walked in the door, I was quite nervous. I paid some money at the desk and received a sheet. I was in a room about the size of a 7-11 store on the third floor of an industrial building. One side was covered in mirrors. The opposite wall was all large windows. The entire floor was open and carpeted. Against one wall was a huge pile of perhaps fifty massage tables. There were no chairs, so the few men who had already arrived were standing or reclining on the carpet. Some were making small talk in groups of two or three, some just kind of looking around by themselves. I really was quite nervous, so I didn't really talk to anyone. Some of the men knew each other. They were probably regulars who show up every Thursday.

It seemed a very long time until 7:15 when the door was locked, and about the instructor introduced himself. He had us form an inner and outer circle, so each man in the outer circle was paired with a man in the inner circle. Soft, nondescript music was playing. We were instructed to have each man in the outer circle slowly take the clothes off the man in the inner circle. After that, those in the inner circle turned around and disrobed the fellow in the outer circle. I think I would have preferred to be in the outer circle so I could keep my clothes on a bit longer. I'm just kind of shy, I guess.

Everyone's dicks were in plain view. About half the men shaved their genital areas. Two or three shaved their chests, legs, and everything. One man, and only one, had an erection. A good, solid, large erection. Everyone else was soft. The instructor acknowledged that guy grandly, saying that the erection was a good thing to see, and encouraging us all to be hard or soft, whatever we prefer. So, he was putting not only the erect man at ease, that he stood out (literally) in a good way, and that we should all feel no guilt or whatever about our states of excitement.

Then we were told how the system works. We were organized into random groups of three. Each group would get a table and figure out who was to go first, second, and last. Each man would get twenty minutes on the massage table being massaged by his two teammates, and then switch with the next man. We would start by laying on our stomachs, and then after ten minutes, someone would announce the time, and we'd roll over onto our backs. He also told us that in order to stay legal, none of us were allowed to penetrate someone else in any way. Finally, we were to use disinfectant and towels between each person we touch.

The instructor didn't talk about the tantric aspect. First, you should know that the word "tantric" doesn't specifically have anything to do with sex. It is a body of study originating in India, having much more to do with meditation, as I understand it. But in the western world, it has come to mean something rather specific: Erotic stimulation through massage techniques, generally not involving ejaculation. The men there pretty much knew that.

I elected to be the third one in my group to get massage. My group consisted of a tall, 40-ish black fellow, another white guy like myself, and me. The white fellow was rather overweight, and I'm just a touch overweight. I'm around 60 years old, and I think the other white guy was also around 60.

The tall, thin guy went first. I found him rather attractive, being bisexual as I am. I'm more attracted to women, but can certainly admire a good-looking man. The heavyset guy and I went to work. I worked on his feet, his ankles, his legs, and his buttocks. The other fellow worked on the back of his head, his neck, and down, finally arriving at his buttocks also. We were ahead of schedule, so we just kept massaging his thighs, his arms, and back to his buttocks from time to time until the ten minutes was used up. Then he rolled over, exposing an already hard, jet-black penis in a nest of jet-black curly hair. Again I started with the feet and worked up to his groin area, while the other fellow gently massaged his face, then his neck, chest, and finally met me in the middle. Following the fat guy's lead, who started gently handling our 'client's' penis, I started gently handling his balls. He was moaning in joy and comfort. This second ten minutes ended all to soon, so far as I was concerned. Our guy did not ejaculate, and that's the way it was supposed to be. This was my first experience with doing something with men that didn't end in ejaculation.

Next, we put the heavy guy on the table and started massaging him. He was not unattractive, just large. As I worked my way up to his butt, I was able to stretch it a bit and see his asshole. It was oddly attractive. More pink than brown and rather small, with perfect radial lines, there was a part of me that just wanted to stick my finger in there. But we weren't allowed to. After ten minutes, he rolled over, and showed us his erection, which was small, but beautiful. We massaged his arms, legs and all that, and fairly quickly worked our way to his dick and balls. This time I worked on his dick, while the tall guy worked on his balls. He too started moaning, but it was more urgent. You could tell he was fighting off ejaculation. I backed off so he wouldn't cum, then started in again. I did this several times. At the end of his time, he hadn't cum, and he thanked us profusely.

Now, my turn! The ten minutes on my stomach while they massaged all of the back of me was delightful, but also interminable. I wanted to roll over and get the good stuff. Finally I did, and just like the heavy guy, I was close to ejaculating, but with the observant help of my teammates, was able to enjoy the session - tremendously - without cumming.

So then, we went home. On that very night, there was a problem on the Golden Gate Bridge. A car had caught fire, so traffic was stopped for an hour at the entrance to the bridge. It was a rare warm night, so people were getting out of their cars and meeting others, talking about the weather, the problem on the bridge and so on. Lo and behold, two cars away from me was one of the others from the massage group. We got to talking about the night. It had been his first experience there also. We were both remarking about how unusual it was to have been sexually stimulated without orgasming. We were both alright with it. In my youth, I would have probably had to rub one out right away afterward, but I felt charged up in a way. Like more athletic, or alive, or something. We exchanged phone numbers, and planned to get together for a private 'massage' session, but nothing ever came of it.

A couple of weeks later, I was remembering my time there, and thought it might be fun to attend again. The only downside for me was that the whole thing amounted to only ten minutes of actual sunny-side-up massage time. It seemed like a long drive for a ten-minute experience. But then I remembered two other things: I enjoyed massaging the other guys. And, the instructor had mentioned something about it being a general formula. We didn't have to follow the plan exactly. I took that to mean that we could tell the teammates to spend more time massaging our balls, or turn over at a different time, etc. So I was thinking I might ask for two minutes on my stomach, and 18 on my back. That's the rebel in me, always looking for alternatives.

Thursday evening rolled around, and I went again for my second session. It started out the same as the first. Clothed men milling around, get in circles, take our clothes off, three to a table.

But this time, I asked for what I wanted - 2 minutes on my stomach, the rest of the time on my back. And, I wanted a good, firm testicle massage, and all the 'front' time dedicated to my cock and balls.

And that's what I got. But about half-way into it, I lost control and ejaculated all over my masseurs. All three of us wanted to keep going, to make full use of my time on the table. They toweled me off, and then resumed wanking me. But, alas, I couldn't get hard again, and my dick was quite sensitive. I did the best I could to enjoy my remaining minutes.

I never went back after that. I probably shouldn't have been, but I felt quite embarrassed. I had kind of messed up their system, their purpose, maybe even their philosophy. Chances are, no one cared that I ejaculated, but I couldn't get it out of my mind that I had done it 'wrong' and forty guys saw me mess up.

That was a while back now, and it no longer bothers me. Since that time, I have attended several other events in the Bay Area which were even better experiences such as the SF Jacks (several times), the Power Exchange (now defunct), and the annual Masturbate-A-Thon, in which 120 naked men and women masturbate together for charity.



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