My last posting had a sad ending, this happened just yesterday
On July 28th of this year I posted a story which happened in 1994 about myself and a young man named Daniel. At the end of the story I shared, I had told Daniel over the phone that I was willing to try a mutual, he hung up on me. That was five years ago.
Well, after five agonising years, and a lot of contemplating. I was able to get Daniel's cell number and left a message stating that I'd 'just like to chat for a minute or two, if thats okay'.
See gang, I've had a lot of time to consider exactly what it was I was trying to communicate that day. Even for being 14-years-old Daniel had many life expeiences which I hadn't, and even some sexual experiences which I hadn't even considered. Somewhere between his experience and my ignorance, we developed a very open friendship. We genuinely enjoyed spending time together; time which contained absolutely no sexual overtones.
The night that he stayed all night represented, for him, a freedom from judgement and condemnation. He knew that he could lay it all out, the bad and ugly, and I wouldn't think any worse of him.
What that night didn't contain was an invitation on his part to ENGAGE in anything sexual. That whole evening, I was on the defensive, for his sake.
Even if he was (in a small way) interested in 'a little action' I was big enough to realise that it was the result of insane levels of testosterone (him being 14).
Over the years I've seen that what he was 'getting off' on was not the prospect of an orgasm, but the freedom of a good friendship.
So what happened yesterday..
I decided to try his cell again. This time he answered. When I told him who it was, he said 'I didn't think I'd ever hear from you again.' I said 'I wasn't sure you'd take my call'. There was a short silence then he said.
'It is very very good to hear your voice, I have really missed you.' The whole day changed.
We talked for an hour and a half, numerous times, re-emphasising the fact that we both wanted our friendship to get back on track, he even mentioned that he's been considering moving to my town. I told him to let me know when 'You get the truck, I'll fly out and help you pack.'
One of the last things he told me was how relieved he was that we've re-connected, and expressed how much he loved me and looked forward to spending time together.
The final thing he said, said it all. Its Daniels birthday today, he turns 25. Last night he said that he thought I was calling for that reason, but then said, 'This is one of the best birthday presents I've ever gotten.'
My friendship with Daniel was about freedom, and being able to handle each others dirt. That's what this website is all about, being able to share what you would otherwise have to keep inside.
So you're probably asking the question, 'So will you guys.. ya know..?' I dunno. It's not the emphasis. maybe someday, just for kicks? Who knows.
But for now.. I know that my friendship with Daniel is restored. Which, for me, is worth more than any orgasm.
Be good to each other, life is short.
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Green Silk Boxers (Follow-up)
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: JD
Age: 35 now 27 then Posted on: 13 Nov 2004
4 likes 568 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
4 likes 568 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
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