Getting off in the great outdoors! by Anonymous
I have been masturbating since I was about 14, and have done it in a lotof different settings.
Last year I went backpacking (alone), into a mountainous wilderness area on the weekendbefore July 4th. I was very hot and sweaty when I arrived at my chosen campsite, and thecool river water was enticing me to dive in. I set up the tent and changed into a T-shirtand loose running shorts. After making sure no one was around, I peeled off my shirt andwaded into the waist deep, !cold! water, (I have always had a suppressed exhibitioniststreak, but had never dared to go bare in the woods before). Screwing up my courage, Istepped out of the shorts and tossed them to the bank about 10 or 12 feet away. For thefirst time in my life I was totally naked outside, with a major hiking trail running justfeet away in plain view, and I was getting seriously turned on! The cold water quicklydrove me to the bank, and I retreated to the tent where I stretched out on my sleeping bagand slowly masturbated to a powerful orgasm, sending spurts of the white stuff clear up tomy chin. I spent the next two days in the same area, mingling with dozens of fellowhikers, and never wearing more than a T-shirt and the skimpy shorts.
The second day, I had walked downstream about a half-mile, and as no one was around Idecided to take a swim to cool off. There was a nice bathtub shaped basin out of the mainriver flow, that had a mini waterfall sliding down into the tub. I stripped anddeliberately laid my clothing a good distance away on a rock; then stretched out in thedepression with the water flowing around my shoulders. I got extremely horny again, andbegan stroking my very stiff cock, until after about 15 minutes I couldn't hold back, andcame in another powerful burst. I dressed and sat back on a rock, and no more than tenminutes later two hikers, a man and woman, passed by on the trail. I think they must haveseen me stretched out in all my naked glory, due to the terrain of the trail, but theynever acted as if they had.
I have since stripped off at the car and walked around nude as far as a quarter mile intothe woods near home, always ending my treks with a masturbation session. I have alsotalked my wife into outdoor sex several times, and it is an immense turn-on for me, but itwas real quick with our clothes mostly on each time.
However, my most exciting and daring act of outdoor masturbation was when we went toHawaii a few years ago. On our last full day on Maui, we went snorkeling at a popularbeach. I got separated from my wife and was about a hundred feet from the beach, in 10 to15 foot water next to some lava and coral reefs. Another man and a girl who looked to bein her late teens were in front of me, and I hung out behind them to get the best view ofher crotch as she kicked her legs in and out. The fabric of her suit stretched tight overher crotch and ass, and I got a boner that threatened to pop out of my boxer style trunks.The visibility in the water got low because of silt stirred up by increasing waves, and Idecided to try to jerk off so as to not have an embarrassing bulge when I left the water.Lifting my head, I saw that nobody was close, so I reached down and extracted my erectionfrom my trunks through the leg opening. This was weird, looking at my cock free in thewater only yards away from dozens of people. I quickly stroked the length of my penis, andit only took a few minutes to bring myself to one of my best orgasms. I came in longstreams of semen, which almost hardened in the cool salt water, and floated away into thedistance. I was within view of the man and girl when I came, but they were looking in theother direction. I sort of wished she had turned to see me ejaculate into the water, but Iguess she might have caused a scene which would have been very embarrassing for me. Tothis day my wife still does not know about this, or about the mountain episodes, but Ihope to turn her on to outdoors nudity someday.
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Getting off in the great outdoors!
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 24 Nov 1997
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