When it comes to my primary physician, I have always had a preference for females. I just simply feel more comfortable interacting with a female doctor. I had seen my most recent primary care physician a couple of times, and had set up an appointment to have my first physical with her. I had never done this before when I knew I had a physical coming up, but a couple of days prior to my appointment, I had this strong urge to have my pubic area completely shaved for my examination. I did as best I could, and found myself rather excited at the thought of her seeing me that way. I have no idea how common or uncommon it is for doctors to examine completely shaved patients. All I know is I wanted to do it.
When the time came for the exam, I was greeted by a nurse who took me to the examination room. After the door closed she had me take my shoes off, and after checking my weight, height, and blood pressure, she told me to remove my clothes down to my underwear and put on the gown that was lying folded on the examining table. I apparently should leave my underwear on. That was a first for me. Before she left, she told me the doctor would be right in to see me.
I stripped down to my undies, put on the gown, and sat on the table for a couple of minutes when the door opened. The doctor, who was probably in her early fifties and fairly good looking with short light brown hair came in followed by a quite beautiful oriental female intern. This was another first for me. I had always been alone with my doctor for physicals. She introduced the intern and said she would be observing the doctor's patients' visits this day. My doctor had brought a laptop to enter information as we proceeded through the exam, and she opened it on the counter and found my file. She then came over to my right side while the intern was on the left side of the table right next to me. She felt around my neck and did her checks with the stethoscope and had me lay back on the table and proceeded to press around my abdomen for a short while. She then went to the computer and entered a small amount of information into my file and returned to my side. She then took hold of the bottom of my gown while I was still laying on the table, and folded it upwards four times until it rested just under my chin. She then instructed me to lift up a little bit as she put the fingers of both her hands inside the waistband of my underwear and began to pull them down. She stopped when she got them down to the top of my thighs.
I was surprised that the doctor would take it upon herself to pull down my underwear. The combination of what she did and having my bare cock and balls now exposed to two women created a very unwanted strong sense of arousal. And try as I might, I could not fight off the rapid hardening of my penis. I just looked up at the ceiling as the doctor began pressing her hand around my pubic area. I could feel my hard cock lightly bouncing as she pressed in different spots. A couple of times I could feel the outside edge of her right hand make brief contact with my erection as she continued to press. She asked me if I felt any discomfort from the pressure, and I said no, while also resisting the urge to apologize for my erection. I've read countless stories where guys will apologize for having an erection, but for some reason I remained silent. I then happened to look over at the intern as the doctor began putting her hand on my smooth balls. She just looked at me and smiled as the doctor began the hernia portion of the exam.
Once she finished that part of the exam, the doctor left me exposed and returned to the computer and added some more information. Thankfully during that time, my erection finally subsided. She then turned around and reached out to once again take hold of my underwear and instructed me to lift again. This time she pulled them down to below my knees, and then she turned and faced the counter again. I heard a drawer open and the unmistakable sound of her putting on a rubber glove, so I knew what was coming next. This was another reason why I prefer female doctors..... smaller hands for the prostate exam. She then put some lubricant on her gloved middle finger and came over to me and told me to lay on my left side and bend my knees slightly. I was now facing the intern as the doctor began to spread the gel on my rectum. And in one smooth motion she easily began pushing a finger inside me. Her fingers were just the right size. There was no discomfort whatsoever. My relief at that realization lead me to strangely somewhat appreciate the painless sensation of her finger inside me. She seemed to not be quite satisfied with what she was feeling because she began moving it a little, sort of in a twisting motion. I could feel her bending the top knuckle of her finger as she felt around inside me. She must have been doing something right, because once again to my complete mortification, I began to quickly harden. I was hesitant to look up to see if the intern had noticed, but I did. She was observing the exam as I suppose she should, but she took a glance at my face. I must have had some expression of embarrassment because she immediately looked down at my new erection. She then looked back at me and smiled again. Getting an erection in front of this beautiful female intern as a result of being penetrated anally produced a level of embarrassment I hadn't felt in a long time.
I was hard for a few moments when I felt the doctor finally pull her finger out. She said everything seems ok and that I could lay on my back again as she returned to the computer while removing her glove. My heart was racing as I could see my erection lightly throbbing to the beat of my heart while pointing at the ceiling. One embarrassment lead to another as I now saw my own lubrication start to appear on the tip of my penis. If you've seen my photos, you can see I don't have much problem producing precum. I don't know why (maybe for a distraction from my erection), but I began taking my gown the rest of the way off. As I did this, the intern reached for my underwear, which was now at my ankles, and pulled them the rest of the way off and brought them up and placed them next to my left hip while she took occasional brief glances at my erection. I placed the gown next to my head and waited for the doctor as I noticed enough precum had come out of me that it was starting to trickle down the side of the head of my cock. When she finally turned around, she had a small stack of tissues in her hand and as she approached me, she glanced at my erection as she said it looks like I'm in good health. She then reached out and very lightly held my erection still with the tips of her thumb and forefinger as she wiped away the liquid from the head of my penis. She then placed the tissues just above my erection and told me I could clean up and get dressed. And with that, they both left as the intern smiled and said goodbye.
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Getting my physical
Posted by: Rico457
Age: 40s Posted on: 31 Dec 2014
10 likes 4678 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: doctor, erection, physical, cock, hard
10 likes 4678 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: doctor, erection, physical, cock, hard
This visit to the doctor a few years ago has provided me with material for countless masturbation sessions.
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