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Further To 'Dorm Room Mate'

Posted by: Author: Age: 18 then Posted on: 1 comments
12 likes 1338 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags:
Since Colleges and Universities started to see students as little more than funds for post-grad students, and as many institutions subcontract the accommodations and catering functions, more and more students are forced to share.
So it is not at all surprising that two or sometimes three girls find themselves in the same room. Gone, it would seem, are the days of one room, one student. (Unless, of course you are prepared to pay even more) But where does one start to draw up the rules of engagement? In my case, the answer was 'never'. Of course my roomie masturbated. So did I. And yes, we would frequently hear each other and sometimes that alone would turn the other on. There was also the question of boyfriends. Sometimes, of course one of us had to pretend to be invisible while listening to the other get a good shagging. It was frustrating as hell and sometimes yes, I gave serious thought to joining in!

But back to masturbation. Anna used to rub off a lot. At least every night and sometimes more than once. She was noisy too. Lots of sighing, heavy moaning and crying out when she came. I learned to be more relaxed and used to moan too. One night into our second year, we talked about girl/girl. There was a really pretty girl on our course who all the boys wanted to fuck, but she was strictly for the girls. Anna and I weren't, but we wondered sometimes what it would be like to be with another girl. Talking about any kind of sex would get us horny and by now we knew each other well enough to say it was time to 'polish the pearl'.

One night though, she was going out and was almost definitely not coming back that night. I lay in bed imagining her getting well and truly seen to and getting more and more jealous by the moment. Then I started thinking about our 'lesbian talks.' No doubt Anna would never EVER try it even for a laugh but me? Hmmmm. I got to wondering what an aroused pussy would taste like and feel like. I started to push my hand into my panties in bed and rub a little imagining that process we go through. The fullness of the breasts, the tension deep in the tummy and that sense of 'opening' down below. I can't describe it really, but girls know how it feels, and, of course, the wetness. That feeling of, to put it bluntly, creaming one's panties. Then a thought popped into my head. What if Anna has been like that all day looking forward to her night of debauchery? I scurried out from under my duvet and found her panties in her hamper. Very VERY moist and it was obvious that her boyfriend would not have to try very hard to get her wet enough for fucking. I stood there holding them with the other hand in my own panties. I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but then I took them back to my bed and pretended Anna was in there with me sitting across my face. In short, I smelled her. The effect was electric! Suddenly I was turned on so much it was almost painful. I was wet, my clit was like a bullet and my breasts, tiny as they are, ached they were so hard. I breathed in deeper and harder. I could smell her pussy and I wondered if she had jilled off in these panties and at the thought of her pussy contracting and creaming, I had the most intense orgasm of my life. It was primal savage and utterly wonderful. I even licked the crotch of her panties moaning her name as I came.

Now, I have THE biggest problem. I want to sleep with Anna for real. I want to masturbate her and taste her for real too. She would utterly freak out if I asked her though. I guess that I went too far, but now I masturbate and make damn sure she sees me AND hears me. One night, maybe after a college party we will......and hey, who knows?



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