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Fun Times with Mike

Posted by: Age: 60 Posted on: 33 comments
25 likes 46 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Buddy, hand job, oral

I grew up long before the internet and social media, which might have been fortunate for me because I think that many of my teenage experiences occurred due to the world being less connected if not a little more innocent.  I went into quite a bit of detail about my history with my friend Mike so if you don't enjoy a longer account of an experience you should probably move on. Also, I am not in any way the most accomplished writer so be forewarned that my grammar is not the best.   The following is a true account of a memorable impromptu sleepover that occurred just prior to my freshman year in high school with my friend Mike.  

I grew up in a small town with less than 1,000 people.  Being in the Midwest our town was surrounded by farms and wide open spaces.  My grade school was very small with probably 40 kids in my grade.  We all mostly got along pretty well and I had known nearly every kid since kindergarten.  The other boy in this story was a friend that I met in first grade.  He lived far out in the country and would invite me to sleepovers a couple of times a year.  I loved spending the night at his house.  Being so far out in the country he was allowed to have a minibike and a go-cart, which I really enjoyed.  There was also a large wood near his home that we could explore.  My friend who I will call Mike was very into Native American lore and he and I often hunted for arrow heads and beads that could be found in the wood.  I think our common interest lead us both to joining boy scouts once we had entered the 5th grade.  Mike was a natural in scouts and quickly rose through the ranks.  We were always tent mates and admittedly I really admired Mike and I felt that he was my closest friend during the two years that he and I were in scouts.  However, just before entering middle school Mike suddenly appeared to grow extremely moody and dropped out of scouts without any kind of explanation. His older brother was also in our scout troop and was as perplexed as me.  I remained in scouts for at least another year but due to the influences of middle school I eventually lost interest and eventually left my scout troop. 

I spent my first two years of middle school having very little contact with Mike.  Our middle school was a county wide school with separate tracks that divided my grade level in half.  Mike was placed in the other track and so our paths in 7th and 8th grade rarely crossed.  The summer following 8th grade Mike suddenly appeared out of the blue at my home.  In spite of the summer heat, he had ridden his bike all the way into town, which was a distance of 10 - 15 miles.  Needless to say I was very surprised to see Mike in the doorway, shirtless and dripping with sweat.  Feeling more than a little awkward, I wasn't sure how to even greet Mike yet he behaved as though not a day had passed since he and I were tent mates in scouts.  I can remember feeling an immediate sense of relief given that I had really missed having Mike as a friend.  My folks happened to be gone that afternoon and we had the house to ourselves.  The first thing that Mike did was ask to take a shower. I remember being a little taken aback because us boys didn't normally ask to shower at a buddy's home and I wasn't sure how my folks would feel about it.  However, given how sweaty Mike was it would have seemed rude to refuse him a shower.  We had three bathrooms and I took him to a downstairs shower that seemed more private in case my parents came home.  I showed Mike where he could find a towel while noticing that he was unusually talkative as he proceeded to undress.  It was clear that he wanted me to remain in the bathroom so that we could talk while he took his shower.  I should add that Mike and I had seen each other nude countless times not only in scouts but when changing during sleepovers and also in our grade school open showers when he and I played basketball in 5th and 6th grade. However, the last time I was with Mike we were just on the cusp of puberty.

Now at age thirteen/fourteen Mike and I were well into puberty.  We were leaner and taller and had acquired pit hair and a full bush. There was no way that I could not help but admire Mike's nude physique.  He was actually hairier than I was due to the fact that I was fair haired and Mike looked more Italian. I think that Mike might have also had a sudden realization that his body had matured since the last time that I had seen him nude, and having never been shy I think that he must have felt some pride giving me a prolonged look before climbing into the shower stall.  In the 70's guys were conditioned not to be very modest about our bodies.  We were not even allowed to have doors on the school's restroom cubicles and this was just the way it was until I graduated from high school.  Although I had always considered Mike to be very good looking, seeing Mike nude I suddenly experienced some erotic thoughts about him that had never occurred during our many sleepover or our time spent in scouts. 

Following Mike's shower, he proposed that we ride our bikes around town to visit a couple of guys from school.  Our last stop was at a girl's house that Mike was crushing on even though she was two years younger than us.  I remember feeling compelled to give them some space as Mike flirted with her on her front porch.  I also started to wonder if she was the reason for Mike's sudden visit. By the time we biked back to my house it was nearly time for dinner.  Once at my house Mike proposed staying the night with me since it was nearly too late to bike the ten or so miles home.

Coincidentally, I had a large two man tent pitched all summer in my grandma's back yard.  My grandma lived adjacent to where my folks had built a new home, which had once been farm ground that was owned by my mom's cousin.  That said, both our homes were built on several acres at the edge of town with nothing but farm ground behind our properties.  I had set up my tent behind my grandma's apple trees, which was an ideal space to escape to whenever I wanted to spend time alone.  I proposed to Mike that we should grab some sleeping bags and sleep in the tent rather than spend the night indoors and Mike was all for it.  Although the night was uncomfortably warm, we were both use to camping outside in spite of the heat.  As the late evening approached we spent most of our time catching up and talking about school and the new friends that had entered our lives.  Being the middle of July it didn't get dark until fairly late at which time I noticed that my grandma's house had grown dark indicating that she had gone to bed.  When younger I had spent many sleepovers with friends in tents and Shasta campers.  It was always a better experience since we could fully escape our parents and stay up late into the night.  

It might have been around midnight when Mike suddenly proposed that we should go streaking.  Only a few years earlier streaking had become very popular but the craze had come and gone by then. At Mike's suggestion I suddenly felt a small amount of erotic tension that I felt earlier in the day when watching Mike undress to take a shower.  I should add that of all my childhood friends, Mike had always been more serious and more conservative than other guys that I spent time with.  The thought of going streaking with Mike felt very risk taking whereas it would have felt more common and therefore less erotic with my other friends.  I suppose that I grew up at a time when skinny dipping with your male friends at the creek was very much a right of passage.  I nervously told Mike that I thought it would be pretty cool to go streaking and that I was willing if he was.  Admittedly, being that it was Mike, it felt a little surreal to unzip the the bug screen and step out into my grandma's back yard so that we could strip out of our clothes.  The night was pretty dark but I could see a bit more than Mike's silhouette, most noticeably his white briefs just before he slipped them off and tossed them on the ground.  I did the same and it felt very invigorating to suddenly run nude through my grandma's back yard with a boy that seemed more like a stranger to me due to Mike's absence over the last few years. That night we ended up running toward the street that ran in front of our homes and was partially illuminated by a single street lamp that marked the edge of town.  We eventually made a mad dash a little ways down the street but turned back when we saw distant headlights approaching our small town.  We were both laughing and feeling a little ridiculous at the thought of getting caught running around outside in the buff.  Eventually we jogged back to the darkened cornfield that bordered my grandma's property.

Although it was practically a moonless night I was very surprised when Mike suddenly collided with me on the lawn knocking us both to the ground.  This moment may sound a little fictitious but being fairly athletic guys, we instinctively began to wrestle.  Being thirteen, I remember how naughty it felt to find myself wrestling with Mike in the nude. We were pretty evenly matched and I can remember the two of us grappling wildly on my grandma's lawn that was now wet with dew.  As our naked bodies were thrashing on the ground I distinctively remember being both surprised and thrilled when I felt Mike's unmistakable boner pressed against my gut as he attempted to pin me. All the while Mike and I were nervously laughing at our predicament.  I'm sure that we wrestled for no more than a minute or so before we sobered up so to speak and quickly moved apart in order to catch our breath.  I think we may have started to quickly search in the dark for our clothes that we had left on the lawn before climbing back into the tent.  

Once in the tent we had a fairly high powered flashlight that acted more like a lantern.  By then Mike and I were no longer laughing and were suddenly feeling a little shy with each other.  Although at this time I felt convinced that Mike had never messed around with a male before, I will never really know if this was true or not but I noticed that Mike did not attempt to put on his briefs. Instead, he proceeded to open the flap of his sleeping bag and appeared to be resigned to sleeping nude.  Given our brief tussle on the lawn and knowing that Mike had an erection, I cannot even describe how excited I had become by the time I climbed nude into my own sleeping bag.  This wasn't the first time that I had experienced this kind of sexual tension between me and another male but I was also cognizant of the fact that my sexual excitement might be nothing more than wishful thinking.  Needless to say that I was rock hard in my sleeping bag and I think a part of me was growing determined to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Judging from Mike's movements in his sleeping bag and given that neither of us had said a word to each other once we entered the tent, I remember feeling an incredible sense of lust toward Mike while also wondering how the hell I was going to make my move without ruining what had once been a very close friendship.  However, feeling hornier than ever, I just had to find out if Mike was feeling just as horny and so I finally mustered the courage to just come out and ask him.  I can remember that my hands were literally shaking and that I could barely get out a hoarse whisper given that my throat had suddenly become bone dry. In response to my question, Mike's response seemed very lukewarm.  He simply said, "I guess" or something to that effect.  In order to safeguard my rep I nearly chose to drop the subject but my lust won out and I pressed on by asking Mike if he felt like doing anything.  I'm not sure if those were my exact words but Mike definitely got my meaning.  However, his response was again pretty vague when he replied that he didn't care.  I suppose that I decided to go for broke as I nervously asked Mike if he felt like jerking off.  I think by now I must have been sweating bullets as Mike took his sweet time with responding to my question.  Again, Mike simply said, "I don't care."  At this point I'm not really sure what I might have done had Mike not suddenly opened the flap of his sleeping bag to reveal that he was palming his erection.  

As though it was yesterday I can remember feeling enthralled as I watched Mike Mike tenderly working his slightly curved shaft while using his other hand to play with his hairy nuts.  As for me, I was so aroused seeing Mike in his current state of arousal that I began to feel a dull ache deep in my balls, which only happens to me when I become half crazed with lust. I quickly opened the flap of my own sleeping bag in order to show Mike that I was also jacking off.  Mike responded by giving me a sly grin and I cannot help but wonder if we both experienced the "I cannot believe this is happening" moment that I became more accustomed to as I grew older. Having pushed the envelope this far, I eventually asked Mike if he wanted me to stroke his cock for him.  This time when he said "I don't care" I more readily interpreted his response as a yes.  I then got out of my sleeping bag and moved it right next to his so that I could more easily play with Mike's cock.  As I moved to lay down beside him, Mike let go of his erection, which allowed me to firmly wrap my sweaty palm around Mike's throbbing shaft.  Finding myself masturbating Mike seemed nearly inconceivable but here we were.  It took a little warming up but Mike eventually reached for my erection and from this point on neither of us said another word for the remainder of the night.  

As Mike and I continued to masturbate each other I could sense that neither of us were going to last very long.  Up to this point I can honestly say that I had never felt inclined to suck another boy's cock.  However, as Mike continued to jack me off I knew that I wanted to give Mike head. Catching Mike by surprise, I suddenly positioned myself near his waist and looking him in the eye, I quickly placed my mouth over the soft spongy head of his cock and with no hesitation inched my way down his shaft. Although Mike had a really nice cock, he is probably just barely 6", which made giving him head really enjoyable and may have been a different story had he been more endowed.   That said, being as into Mike in the moment as I was, I probably gave him the wettest, sloppiest head that he had ever imagined provided that this was his first time.  Unfortunately he didn't last very long and neither did I.  Before I knew it, Mike's toes started to curl as began to gasp and Mike was suddenly ejaculating down my throat.  I cannot say that I am in love with the taste or the texture of a guy's cum.  However, I will say that in the moment it was thrilling to drain Mike's nuts and since I was palming my own erection while blowing Mike, I too had a mind blowing orgasm that closely followed his.

Once my orgasm had subsided I couldn't spit out the remainder of Mike's cum fast enough.  I practically bolted from the tent given that any feelings of lust for Mike had completely disappeared, at least temporarily.  Once I climbed back into the tent, I wordlessly switched off the flashlight with the intention of going to sleep.  However, I must have remained awake for most of the night although I could tell that Mike had no problems at all with falling asleep.  To be honest, maybe an hour or so later I began feeling so aroused from my experience with Mike that I masturbated at least twice before I finally fell to sleep just before dawn.  The next morning Mike and I hung out without mentioning anything about the previous night and he eventually biked home.  From that point on I had other experiences with Mike, always every bit as exciting but never as nerve racking as that first time in the tent.     




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