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Flying my Kite

Posted by: Age: 60 Posted on: 13 comments
14 likes 55 views Category: Masturbation Group Co-ed Tags: group, male-female, masturbation, public

This is my first attempt at publication.  Be kind!  A random encounter on a beach leads to group fun, mutual masturbation and ejaculations in front of an audience.

I was just flying my kite.

My kite is a beautiful thing, like a miniature sky diver’s parachute.  All the colours of the rainbow, it soars and dances across the sky. Pulling hard on my arms as I hold the cords, making my heart soar in imitation of its flight.

I was on a beach in the early morning.  The sun was already hot, the sea was sparkling, the sand was golden and smooth and there were few people about.

My name is Michel and I was, of course, naked.  I’m a sun worshipper and I tan easily.  After a month of wandering from beach to beach on the west coast of France I was already tanned all over.  My wife and I often came to this beach, one of our favourites.  Sadly, the love of my life had passed away last year from a painful illness and I was here trying to recreate old memories.  My kite was a gift from her and I loved it.  Lovely to look at, delightful to play with and fun – just as she had been.

The fitful breeze started to fade away and despite all my efforts the kite fell to the ground.  I cursed gently.  Much as it’s great fun to fly, it’s a pig of a thing to get off the ground when you’re on your own.  You lay it out carefully, disentangle the cords then walk back a couple of hundred yards to the handles.  Inevitably before you’re half way back a breath of wind picks up the kite and tosses it over a couple of times before dropping it and you’re back where you started.

“Would you like some help with that?”

The voice came from further up the beach, near the dunes.  I looked over to see a couple sitting on towels.  I had seen them earlier out of the corner of my eye and was aware that they were watching me but my attention was focussed entirely on the kite.  The couple were good looking, lean and tanned, I’d guess ten or fifteen years younger than me.  I was sixty.

“Er, yes, that would be great!” I said.  I knelt down and spread out the fabric of the kite.  The woman came over.  As she came closer I could see she was a looker.  About 5’6”, pretty face, smallish but perfect breasts, no sag, not an ounce of fat, shaved pussy, nicely tanned all over.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked giving me a very candid looking over and clearly not being put off by what she saw.  As I said, I’m sixty but I too am lean and tanned and very fit.  I swim several kilometres every week.  I keep my face, chest, underarms, cock and balls shaved smooth.  My cock is just normal, not huge and being out in the fresh air tends to shrink it, so unless I’m erect it looks even smaller.

“I need it held down like this” I showed her “then when I get back to the handles you just pick it up like so and toss it into the air”.

She knelt down facing me and put her hands on the kite.  There was a wry smile on her face.

“So you want me to take it in my hands and toss …  …. the kite up?” she asked, laughing.  I could have been embarrassed but I was too busy admiring her tits.  I looked guiltily over at her husband.  He was viewing the scene very calmly and I noticed his cock was beginning to grow slightly.  I looked back at the woman.  She looked at my eyes, then deliberately moved her gaze slowly down over my body, lingered at my cock, then back at my face.

“That’s it” I said, then walked back along the cords to where the handles lay abandoned.  “OK” I shouted and she threw the kite up in the air.  For the next fifteen minutes I fought the wind, doing my best to control the kite, exhilarating at the experience, but inevitably it finally came back down to rest.  The woman was still standing, watching the kite, watching me and smiling delightedly.  I walked back over to her.

“Can I try?” she asked.

“Of course you can” I said.  “Go down along the lines to the handles, put the straps around your wrists and I’ll launch it for you.”

“No, no” she said.  “I’d be scared of losing it.  I need you to help me, to show me how to do it.  Armand” she called to her husband. “Come here.  We need you to help”.  Armand got up and walked over.  The woman said “Ah, my manners.  We are not introduced.  I am Louisa and this is my husband Armand.”

“I’m delighted to meet you” I replied.  “I’m Michel”.  Louisa told him she wanted to fly the kite, but needed my help.

Armand knelt down and arranged the kite as I showed him.  He was a big guy, as tall as myself and with a similar build.  He too was clean shaven all over.  His cock looked heftier than mine and he was already half erect.  “Make sure she doesn’t lose your kite for you” he laughed.

Louisa and I walked back to the handles.  I showed her how to fit the safety straps around her wrists, then signalled Armand to launch the kite.  Immediately it soared up, finding a strong breeze, and Louisa stumbled forward, almost losing her balance, clearly astonished at the strength of the pull from the kite.  “Michel!  Help!” she shouted.  I stood behind her, reached round and grabbed her wrists.

“Don’t worry about the cords” I said to her. “The safety straps will hold onto them for you.  Just try to lean back”.  She struggled to regain her balance but the kite was almost too strong for her.  “Come on, pull” I said.  I pulled hard on her wrists and leaned back myself, finally getting her more or less upright, then she too managed to lean back.  Suddenly I had this beautiful woman in my arms, the whole of her body length pressed back against me, her ass crack neatly bracketing my cock.  My arms were beneath hers as I held her wrists and I could feel the sides of her breasts against my skin.  Louisa was laughing delightedly.  The wind dropped a bit, easing the tug on the cords but Louisa still pushed back against me.  We flew the kite together for some time as I showed her how to make it dance and soar by altering the angle or pull on one or other of the cords, until the wind finally dropped completely and the kite fell to the ground.

“That was amazing” she said and she turned and kissed me full on the lips.  “thank you so much”.

“My pleasure entirely” I replied, winking at her.  I took the straps off her wrists.  “Have you had enough?”

“No, but I’m thirsty – and hungry” she said. “Won’t you come and join us for lunch?”  Together we walked up to where the kite had fallen and Armand waited.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked?

“Oh, it was amazing!” she replied. “The power of that kite is astonishing.  It almost pulled me off my feet.  Then Michel caught me and I fell back against him.  I could feel his cock against my ass!”

Armand didn’t seem the least concerned at this admission, though I was bothered that he would take exception to it.  “I’ve invited Michel to join us for lunch” said Louisa.

“You’re more than welcome” Armand said to me.  “Come on, we have plenty.”  I wrapped up the kite and its cords, fetched my towel and bag and went to join them.  Typical French, they had brought a light but delicious picnic with them and a coupled of bottles of good Chablis.  We shared the goodies, chatting away, and after a couple of glasses of wine I was feeling distinctly mellow.  They told me how they often came to the beach, looking for a little fun and for someone to share it with.  Male or female, they said, they were happy with either.  If they found a man, they said, then he was invited to take care of Louisa, while Armand watched the show.  If it was a girl, then Armand fucked her, watched by Louisa.  They were incredibly matter of fact about their escapades.

“We like a little siesta after our meal” said Louisa.  “Stay with us for a while and relax.”  They both lay back on their towels.  I was sitting beside Armand.  “Come over here beside me” said Louisa. “I prefer to be in the middle, with a nice big hunk either side of me.”  Hesitantly I moved over, re-arranged my towel and lay down.

All was quiet for a while.  I relaxed, closing my eyes and feeling the warm sun caressing my naked body.  I had practically dozed off, when I became aware of movement beside me. I raised my head and looked over to see that Louisa was gently fondling her husband’s cock!  He was fully aroused, erect and stiff.  I was absurdly pleased to see that although his tool was a lot bigger than mine when he was soft earlier on, now that he was hard his erection was no bigger than mine.  My guilty voyeuristic gaze was suddenly interrupted when Louisa turned her head and looked at me.  She smiled and put her finger to her lips, motioning me to stay quiet.  Then she made a patting movement, telling me to lay back down.  I did so but continued to watch her and her man as she wanked him.  He lay completely relaxed, head back, eyes closed, and if he knew I was watching he gave no sign.  Louisa’s hand continued to roam over his big cock, occasionally sliding down over his balls.  Her face had a dreamy smile.  Then she reached over to me and took my hand, much as I had taken hers when we were flying the kite.  She trailed my hand up over her hip, placed it over her pussy and let go.  Her hand drifted up to her tits and she started to circle one nipple with the tip of her finger.  I now had a raging hardon, even though her attention was on her husband and herself.  I was touching her OK but she wasn’t even looking at me.  I glanced over at Armand.  Awake now, he looked back, a big grin on his face. 

“You’ll have to excuse her.” he said.  “We like to show off a little, but it’s not often we get to play with a nice guy so close.  Of course, we’d be just as happy if you were a girl”.

I’d never been so aroused.  My poor late wife was loving and charming but her interest in sex was, well, mundane.  I’d never been even close to a situation like this.

“I like your cock” said Armand.  “It’s fascinating the way it grows from being, well, tiny, to such an impressive size.” 

Now I felt a little uncomfortable.  Hey, live and let live.  If you’re gay, or bi or whatever then I feel happy for you but I’ve always been unashamedly hetero.  To have another guy admiring my cock was a little disconcerting.  However I was already massively turned on and I already had two fingers buried deep in this man’s wife, so I’d rather have compliments than threats.

“Yours looks pretty good, too” I said, and surprised myself by realising I meant it.

“You want a feel?” he asked.  Well, this would be a first.  I’d seen a few cocks on nudist beaches but never even come close to touching one.  But I was consumed with lust already.

“Sure, why not?” I replied.  I let go of Louisa’s juicy cunt and moved around to squat beside Armand.  Louisa relinquished her hold on Armand’s cock and looked at me with an amused smile.

“He must like you” she said.  “Usually he just wants our friends to fuck me while he watches”.  A devilish scheme bubbled up into my mind.

“Well let’s do things a little different” I offered.  I looked straight in to Armand’s eyes and gently laid my hand on his cock.  It was strange; it felt just like my own and I could imagine how my hand felt to him.  I wrapped my hand around him and gently began to jerk him.  He tensed and arched up, trying to push his cock harder into my fist.  With my other hand I started to explore his balls.  He threw his head back, closed his eyes and moaned.  I could feel the tension mounting; he was nearly ready to come.  Now was the time to put my plan into action – if they’d let me!

“Got any lube?” I asked them.  I suppose they thought I needed to get a bit slicked up to finish what I’d started.  Well, I did, but not in the way they expected.  Now, this was all new territory for me.  My wife and I had never indulged in anything like a 3-way.  Nor had we ever ventured into what she would have called ‘kinky sex’, though I’d always had a yen to try something a bit experimental.  Now was my chance, I thought.

Louisa sat up and rummaged in her bag.

“Here you go” she said, handing me a bottle of hand lotion.

“Perfect” I said. “Now, do exactly as I tell you.  Lie down close beside Armand.  Armand, spread your arm so she can rest her head on it.  Good.  Now reach down and take her breast in your hand.  Now, both of you spread your outer leg, keeping your inner legs touching all the way down.  Excellent.”  The two of them weren’t entirely sure where I was going with this, but they clearly trusted me so far.

“Don’t worry, this isn’t going to hurt.  Just the opposite.  Louisa, reach over and take his cock in your hand”.  I took the bottle of hand cream and squirted both her hand and his dick, then watched how she spread the cream over him.  Then I spread more cream onto my hands and fingers.  I knelt down, one of my legs between each of theirs, and sat back on their thighs. I put my right hand on her pussy, then reversed it to slide two fingers up into her, resting my thumb on top of her clit.  She gasped, her eyes wide open.  I put my other hand on Armand’s balls with my fingers pointing down between his legs.

“Now, Louisa.  Stroke him” I said.  I cupped his balls and massaged them, then slid my hand down, my fingers heading inexorably towards his ass.  I think both of them realised at the same moment what was about to happen, but apart from opening their mouths wide in astonishment neither of them made any objection.  Louisa continued her gentle stroking and my right hand continued to ravage her pussy.  Then the fingers of my left hand reached Armand’s asshole and I gently but determinedly pushed in with my middle finger.  He was very tight.  His breath was coming in short gasps.  I backed off with my finger, coated it with more lube from his balls then pushed back in.  Easier this time but I still couldn’t reach the goal I was after.  I backed up again, collected more lube, this time from the precum that was pouring from the tip of his cock, and pushed in again.  Suddenly I was there; my middle finger was buried to the knuckle in his ass.  Now I crooked the finger and felt what I was sure was my goal – his prostate.  I started to massage the walnut sized gland with my finger tip.  Armand started to shudder.

“Now Louisa.  Pump him hard. Wank him!”  I ordered. Louisa was almost lost in a miasma of pleasure as I added another finger inside her and finger-fucked her brutally.  There was a wild look on her face.  Frantically she masturbated her husband, who looked alternately at her with immense fondness and at me with insane lust.  I worked them both, watching entranced as they both built towards climax, their bodies undulating and shuddering.  I think they came within a second of each other, eyes rolling in their heads.  Louisa’s cunt walls spasmed and gripped on my fingers.  I could feel Armand’s prostate contracting and expanding rhythmically as his cock spewed out ribbons of cum onto his chest, his stomach, his wife’s arm and finally over her hand as it continued to massage his penis, slowing down until she just held it, gently squeezing to pump out the last drops.

Both of them visibly relaxed, almost collapsing back onto their towels.  Louisa’s head was nestled on Armand’s shoulder.  Both of them lay on their backs, staring up at me, both lost for words after their shattering orgasms.  I knelt up, hovering over their bodies, proudly displaying my arousal for their eyes to feast on.  After a moment I picked up the bottle of hand cream and squirted some more into my hand.  I could see the question on their faces – “What next?”  They didn’t have to wait long to find out.  I took my cock in one hand and started to stroke it.  My other hand cupped my balls, massaging them.  All the time I kept direct eye to eye contact with the couple beneath me.  Not a word was said.  Both watched my cock, fascinated.  Armand’s hand curled under Louisa’s outer arm and began to fondle her nipple, which was already as stiff as a small berry.  Louisa’s inner hand stole across Armand’s thigh and gently grasped his cock, which already was showing signs of returning to rampant life.  Neither of them paid any attention to the smears of Armand’s cum that littered both their bodies.  I continued my wank, feeling my cock and balls start to tense up in the familiar build up to orgasm.  Pre-cum oozed from the tip; some of it dripped down onto their legs, some I caught with my hand and added to the hand cream I was using as a lube.  My state of arousal was now almost more than I could bear.

Finally I knew I could hold back no longer.  I released my cock and balls and putting my hands on my hips I thrust my buttocks forward, pushing my rampant shaft towards them.  My cock dipped slightly, as if saluting them, then jerked upright, spouting a long stream of thick white sperm that deposited itself in Armand’s hair and down the side of his face.  Again my cock dipped and jerked, this time ejecting a rope of cum that drew a line down Louisa’s body from her nipple to her hip.  Four times my cock repeated its display, finishing with a copious dribble that coated its tip and my balls before dropping onto their legs beneath me.  I sagged back on my haunches, exhausted and drained.  Louisa and Armand were mesmerised, unmoving, trying to absorb the spectacle they had just witnessed.  Then Armand’s body quivered, then juddered.  Louisa still had his cock in his hand and he erupted for a second time that day, filling her hand and coating his stomach with an impressive load of cum.

Suddenly, above the gentle splash of the waves down on the shore, there was a ripple of noise.  I looked up. There were about a dozen people around us, men and women in equal numbers, all wearing big smiles and nothing else, and all applauding politely.  And every man in the group was displaying a very erect cock.

I was just flying my kite.



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