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Fitness Tracker

Posted by: Age: 40s Posted on: 11 comments
8 likes 86 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Exhibitionist, blog, science, fitness

I believe that erotica is healthy, natural, and worth understanding as fully as I am able.

I do not hold any delusions that this is scientific. After all, I am no scientist, just somewhat fascinated by technology. Being a lifelong runner and always curious about fitness trends as they arise, the use of wearable technology caught my eye early on. So did blogging. 

A friend and total fitness geek created a blog that allowed adding a bit of science into lifestyle monitoring. His blogging tool allowed anyone to track daily activities in terms of both quality and quantity, including nutrition, exercise, and sex. It was total oversharing for anyone to publicly display all of these activities online, but it was also a thrill to try it. 

I was inspired to start my own blog, which allowed me to track my running and helped in setting goals while training for specific events like 10k runs and half marathons. Using the feature that allowed uploading data from my fitness tracker very quickly led to thoughts about  how I could use my fitness tracker during sex. The best way would be masturbation, of course. It didn’t require any awkward discussions or trying to convince a partner that it would be completely harmless to include this in our lives. 

My first time was so sterile. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, completely naked except for my Fitbit and applied my favorite lube to speed things up, I was also completely alone. But it was an incredible thrill just to watch my pulse rate steadily rise and to think about publishing my experience for anyone in the world to read. The most exhibitionist thing ever…not just visual, but revealing my physical and mental state. This was one of my quickest orgasms ever. It was almost like the first time when it just suddenly and unexpectedly hits, but in this case, I watched with my left wrist throughout, seeing the peak rate of my pulsing heart come and go, slowly dropping off to normal while my orgasm subsided, 

I couldn’t wait to post my first masturbation blog and describe the intensity and record the fact that I was masturbating, This was something you didn’t talk about with close friends, much less the entire world. My fingers trembled while typing, In fact, they are as I write this story. I came again while blogging about masturbating, which was also a totally new experience, and led to a blissful, semi-scientific period of my life when I tracked my orgasms by intensity, number of single and multiple orgasms, heart rate, time of day, position (my favorite was laying on my tummy in bed with my left leg out to one side, knee bent so as to slightly elevate my left hip), and location. If I had wanted, location could have been a geo coordinate. 

The novelty wore off, of course. Capturing all of that information eventually seems tedious and less of a thrill. I also realized that there are limits to what can be achieved going down any very specific path. I reached the limits of my inner exhibitionist, I regained my privacy and removed all of my public posts about sex. I hope someone enjoyed them a tenth as much as I enjoyed exploring my own body this way.

Recently, I went to the ‘Wayback Machine’ to see if there was any evidence remaking of my sex blog. Do not waste your time…my blog didn’t make the cut.



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