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First Time With an Audience
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Age: 17 Posted on: 19 Apr 2004
7 likes 768 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
7 likes 768 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
When I was 13, my best friend was Ron. We did a lot of things together, and had had frequent sleepovers for several years. I had been masturbating since age 8 or 9, and often wondered if Ron did too, but I never had an opportunity to find out.
Ron had a computer in his room which he used for homework and surfing the Internet. I knew how to surf from computer class at school, but didn't have a computer at home. I'd heard you could easily find sexual stuff on the web, but never had the chance to try it out. Masturbation was a topic of great interest to me because of the pleasure I got from it, and my curiosity about other boys doing it fueled my masturbation fantasies all the time. I would get a boner just at the thought of it, and I was obsessed over whether Ron did it, how he might do it, etc. I'd seen him naked many times, and knew his equipment was pretty similar to mine, so I fantasised about him pleasuring himself.
One day I was at his house and he had to take a BM, so went to the bathroom. I decided to explore a little. I pulled open the drawer under his computer table, and found a tube of hand cream and box of tissues. I looked in the trashcan, and saw a couple of wadded up tissues, and checked them out. Sure enough, they were crusty with what I knew was semen. So I was sure he must masturbate at his computer, which means he must look at sex stuff on the Internet. I was really excited. I opened up his Web browser and checked his history file, and saw several exciting looking sites, including this one, Solo Touch. I opened up a few, and was stunned at what I saw. I was so rock-hard I could have driven it into steel with a hammer.
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to do anything about it, since Ron was coming back from the bathroom. I closed everything off and pretended I was just waiting for him.
The rest of the week I was preoccupied with my newfound knowledge about Ron, and what I could see and read on the Internet if I ever had a chance. We had planned a sleepover that Friday night, and I was determined to try to see more.
That night went pretty normally, other than the fact that I couldn't suppress my boner. It finally came time to go to bed, and I pretended to go to sleep quickly. Ron fell asleep, and I waited a while until I could tell he was sound asleep, then got up slowly and quietly and tiptoed over to his computer. It was still on, so I started looking at the sites on Ron's history file, and wasn't disappointed. I enjoyed some pictures, but really liked the stories. I found three good sites, and homed in on stories about boys masturbating. It was just such a turn-on. I was just wearing boxers, so slipped them off and played with my penis as I read. It just kept feeling better and better, and I didn't want to fire off too soon; I was enjoying this too much.
I finally got to the point where I couldn't stand it any longer. I got the hand cream out and put some on my penis, and began to rub in earnest. Pretty soon it hit me-waves of pleasure and several thin squirts of sperm onto my stomach. I was in heaven.
Just as my orgasm was subsiding-the best I'd ever had-I noticed a movement over on the bed. I looked over at Ron and to my horror, his eyes were wide open and he was watching me, with his hand going up and down on his own penis. He had seen everything, and was getting off from watching me masturbate!
He said, 'Toss me the hand cream, will you?' So I did. He squirted some on himself, and went back to his own masturbation, and in no time he shot off as he shuddered on his bed. I took him some tissues to clean up with, and climbed back into bed. I realized I'd left my boxers over at the computer, so just lay under the sheet naked. Ron took his all the way off as well, and we lay there talking for a while, both excited at the knowledge that we both enjoyed that sport.
From then on we spent a lot of time at the computer together, and I found he liked the same stuff I did-mostly stories about masturbation and boys doing stuff together. I don't think either of us is gay, but it is just so arousing to read about other people doing things.
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