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First Time Adventures under the Covers

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26 likes 54 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Masturbation, brother-sister, sister-brother, first-time, aunt, voyeur
True Story of a bunch of firsts. Not for you if you dislike sibling exploration.

Back in very early 80's, learning about masturbation and sex was a lot more difficult. I didn't realize it, but I actually led a very sheltered life.  My parents didn't talk to me about sex. Friends were full of misinformation.  Before reaching puberty, I'd heard of "wet dreams," but actually thought that meant peeing your pants when you were asleep.  Pretty abruptly one winter, I suddenly began noticing girls.  Girls in my class seemed so mature in comparison to the boys around them.  I also began wrestling with incredibly ill-timed erections.  I also began waking up with sticky, soaked pajamas, usually after incredibly vivid dreams involving rolling around with a girl.  Because I was pretty awkward, and because I attended a Catholic boys school, I didn't really have any opportunity to interract with the opposite sex.

As soon as the wet dreams started, I figured out what they were with the limited pamphlets available. What I didn't get was the concept of masturbation or "jerking off." It wasn't that I didn't understand the objective-an orgasm, but I mechanically couldn't figure it out. I tried rubbing my hard penis.  It felt good, but went nowhere.  I held it and jerked it around.  That went nowhere.  In short, I was a desperately horny young lad, living in a near-constant state of erection.  I had no qualms about masturbation, I just didn't "get it."  It didn't help that my mom was a housewife, and home all the time, and that I had a slightly younger sister Sarah.  Sarah was only 13 months younger than me.  Even then, we had more of a "peer" relationship than the "bratty younger sister" dynamic.  Even before I started experiencing wet dreams, she seemed to have developed breasts, shot up in height, lost her braces, and became much quieter.  While she was a class behind me at her school, she seemed to be more mature than me.

Which brought me to a fateful Saturday in February.  Our parents were going to be gone all day at a boat show a few hours away.  I left the house just after lunch to go play Dungeons & Dragons at my best friend's house.  We were supposed to play all day with some other friends, and I was going to spend the night.  When I left the house, Sarah was on the couch under a quilt, watching TV.  I got to my friend's house, but his mom answered the door.  It turns out he was failing a class, a school progress report had arrived, and there was going to be no D&D party or sleepover.  I rode my bike back home.  When I got home, the front door was locked. Annoyed, I went around the house to the back slider.  It was unlocked, so I walked in.  I could hear the TV going in the living room, so I had an idea.  I'd set down my backpack and sleeping bag and go scare Sarah.

As I crept into the living room, I could see the TV was going, but I couldn't see her sitting on the couch any more.  As I snuck forward, I realized the quilt was spread on the floor, and Sarah was under it, lying on her stomach, with only her head sticking out.  I walked forward a few more steps.  I couldn't see her arms under the quilt.  She had her face turned to her side, and her eyes were closed.  But I could see the shape of her butt under the quilt, slowly rocking forward and backwards.  "What the heck?" I stood there a few more moments, trying to figure out what was going on.  "Wait! is she playing with herself?" It made sense. So I did the most logical thing.

I scared her.

I jumped forward, shouting "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" at the top of my lungs.  A couple of things happened.  First, I think Sarah launched herself 3 feet into the air. Second, when she launched herself, part of the quilt went flying off her. Third, when my sister got startled, she would frantically shake both hands, which she was doing now as she screamed.  Since she was now lying partially resting on one hip, turned sideways to face me, I saw momentarily that she was only wearing a T-shirt, and she was naked from the waist down.  For a precious few moments, I saw her pussy hair, a light coating of brown between her legs, that I'd never seen before, as well as the entire side view of her ass.  She yanked the quilt back down, yelling "YOU ASSHOLE!!!"  I was laughing my ass off.

"AAH! I got you so good!" It was true.  We both loved scaring each other.  And this might have been the best one ever.

"SHUT UP!" Her face was red, and she looked like she couldn't decide whether to slug me, cry, or hide.  "You are SUCH AN ASSHOLE sometimes!  What are you doing here?"  I briefly told her about the grounding and the cancellation of my big plans. She  sat wrapped up in a quilt, and just stared at me.  At the same time, her naked ass and the sight of her pussy kept replaying in my head.

"What were you doing?" I asked

"Nothing. Watching TV" she said, looking down.

"Liar" I said.  "I saw you before I scared you.  You were playing with yourself."

"Shut up!  I was not!"  She shook her head.  But I'd known her long enough to realize when she was lying.  Sarah always looked down when she lied.  And she was looking down.

"Yes you were! Totally saw it." Even though I was standing, I imitated her closed eye/open mouth look, and thrust my hips to-and-fro, with my hands clasped against my crotch.

Sarah glared at me.  "So what.  It's not like you're not leaving spooge everywhere. I've dealt with your crusty pajamas in the laundry."  

That response took me aback.  "I don't play with myself." I shook my head.  She smirked.  We looked at each other. "I don't." I insisted. Sarah rolled her eyes at me.

"Sure" she said "You're a little perv.  I bet you're jerking it all the time."  As usual, Sarah had bested me.  She'd gotten the upper hand.  "Why don't you hang out and we'll watch a move" she said, changing the subject.  It was cold, so I grabbed two pillows and my quilt from my room.  When I came back to the living room, Sarah was on the couch.  We sat in silence watching a movie.  I couldn't get the vision of my half-naked sister out of my head. I could feel my penis hardening.  She couldn't notice, since I was wrapped in my own quilt.  The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't figure out how she'd be trying to masturbate.  I finally took the plunge.  

"Hey Sarah, I just want to know.  How were you doing it? I mean, on your stomach and everything."  The words came rushing out.  I thought she might storm out, or punch me, or say something about me being gross.  But she didn't.  She sort of frowned, then cocked her head and looked at me.  

"Honestly?  I was trying to figure it out. Remember when Aunt Elle was here over Christmas?  I saw her."  Aunt Elle was our mom's youngest sister.  She was quite a bit younger than our mom, and was in her mid -20's.  Sarah explained that she'd come downstairs to get a glass of water after everyone had gone to be.  When she was coming down the stairs, she'd seen the guest room door partly open, and from her angle could see our Aunt Elle on the guest bed.  "Aunt Elle was stark naked on her stomach.  She had both hands down below, and it looked like she as thrusting and grinding against them.  I watched her. I even heard her kind of groan when I think she came."  I couldn't believe it.  Our Aunt Elle was gorgeous.  She was tan and athletic, and had been a tennis player in college.ast summer, she'd spent a week at our house.  One day I'd come in to find her in the kitchen wearing a red bikini.  She'd come in from the pool to get some iced tea.  I could see her breasts barely contained by the fabric,  her nipples pushing out against the bikini top, and had thought how much i would like that top not to be there.  My mom had walked in.  Later, mom had taken me aside and told me that it wasn't okay to stare, and that I needed to know that women could tell if i stared at their private areas.  The fact that my sister had been able to see our naked Aunt Elle touching herself was exciting beyond imagination. 

"You heard her groan?" I kept thinking of Aunt Elle's nipples.  

"Yeah" Sarah said. "Kind of like this: uhhhhhhhh." I looked at my sister.  She had an odd look.  "And don't think I didn't see you staring at her out by the pool.  Your eyes almost fell out of their sockets." 

"Wow. You're so lucky."  I imagined Aunt Elle grinding against her hands, like my sister had been doing a few minutes earlier.  I was rock-hard.  I had the urge to do something, anything.  Grind my penis against something.  "How long did you get to see her?"

Sarah shrugged. "Maybe five minutes." I took a leap.

"What did it look like?" I asked.  Sarah got a quizzical look on her face.

"I dunno.  She was naked.  I could see her butt moving because the TV in the room was on.  The covers were pulled down so only her legs were under them."  I suddenly thought again of what I'd seen Sarah doing just a little while earlier. I had an idea.

"Can you show me?  I mean, you can completely be under the quilt.  But I don't get it." Sarah rolled her eyes at me. 

"Gross. No."   But even while she was saying it, she was moving off the couch onto the floor with her pillows and quilt.  Next thing I knew, she was in the same position as when I'd walked into the room, just her head and neck sticking out from under the cover.

As I watched, she slowly began rocking her hips, thrusting against her unseen hands. I realized I didn't even know if she had pants on.  For all I knew, she was completely naked.  I imagined that pussy grinding against her hands.  She kept doing it. Since she wasn't looking at me, I surreptitiously reached down and squeezed the head of my hard penis while I watched.  It made me gasp involuntarily.  A few seconds later she stopped.  I slid down onto the floor next to her under my own quilt, both of us laying side by side.  "That must feel good." I said.  

She looked at me.  "It feels good.  There's supposed to be more.  It's supposed to feel really good when you cum." That actually shocked me a bit. I hadn't given a lot of thought to girls' orgasms, or the mechanics.  I shrugged.

Sarah pursed her lips.  "I've tried it a bunch now.  But then i start feeling like I have to pee, and I stop.  I think I'm doing wrong.' That shocked me.  My own sister, telling me that she masturbated "a bunch." She looked at me, then softly asked "how does it feel when you cum?"

"WHAT?  I don't do that!" Even as the words were coming out of my mouth, I was acutely aware I had a hard-on, lying two feet from my sister.  

She snorted in response. "Liar.  Remember? Pajama pants?" I felt my face redden. I was reminded of the times over the past few months when I'd awaken to the soaking mess in my pjs.  I thought of the times I'd tried squeezing and yanking my hard penis.  And I was really thinking of my Aunt Elle, naked and squirming, and my sister's recreation.  Unbidden, the image of my sister's naked butt thrusting and grinding leapt into my mind.  I think I actually gave a little shiver.  She looked at me. "Do you have a boner right now?"

"No! I don't have a boner!" I shook my head.

"Liar" Sarah said.  "I bet you have a total boner."  She rolled back onto her stomach and did an exaggerated thrusting with her hips, loudly making a "ahh, uhhh, uhh "  sound in time with each thrust. "Now you can go play with your boner." 

"I don't do that" I stammered "seriously, I don't."  Sarah looked at me.

"Maybe you should" she said softly.  I started to get up, gathering the quilt. "No.  I mean, you could do it here.  Under your quilt" she said next.  I was mortified.  Seeing my discomfort, she rushed on "you could try it."  I laid back down on my stomach under the quilt.  Sarah looked at me, wordlessly.  

"I guess." The whole thing was getting out of control.  I reached down, with both hands under me on the outside of my sweatpants.  I could feel my hard-on underneath. I swore I felt spot of cold dampness on my underwear, near the head of my erect penis. I magined Aunt Elle-but my sister's exposed pussy, butt and legs from earlier kept leaping into my mind.  I pressed against my hands, with some thrusting and grinding.  It was okay.

"How does it feel?" she asked.  I stopped moving.

"it's okay."  I grabbed my erection through the sweatpants with my left hand with a backhand grip and squeezed.  It didn't do much. So I started a bouncing motion, holding my left hand against the floor as I abruptly bounced up and down. d

"What are you doing???" Sarah asked, a stunned look on her face.  I stopped moving.

"Jerking off." The works just came out of my mouth.  She shook her head.

"I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it!"  She made a jerk-off motion with her hand. Then Sarah wildly did the motion back-and-forth, almost laughing. "I don't know much about jerking off, but I'm pretty sure you're doing it completely wrong." It began to dawn on me that my sister might have a point.  She shook her head.  "Maybe you should try it without pants on."  I looked in in the face, both of us lying side by side under our own quilts. Wordlessly, I reached down and untied my sweatpants.  I tried to shimmy out of both my sweatpants and my underwear.  Next thing I knew, I was naked from the waist down, laying on my stomach. My face was turned to the side, facing her.  My hard penis was pressed against the shag carpet of the living room.  That didn't feel good.  Sarah watched me shift around until both hands were under my crotch.  I pushed, and grinded into my hand, trying to squeeze the head of my penis.  It felt better, but just okay.  Sarah watched my face.  As soon as I paused, she asked "you have a boner, right?"  I rolled onto my side, facing her.

"Yes." For some reason I was excited.  I didn't mind admitting it.  I'd already heard so much that day, and was so turned on, I had no problem saying it.

"Can I see it?" She asked.   I didn't care.  I flipped the quilt up and back down,  I could feel the cool air rush under the quilt. "No fair!" Sarah exclaimed "I wasn't looking!"  She frowned, looking toward my body.  I slowly raised the quilt up, exposing my hard penis to her.  She looked at it curiously, a mix of studiousness and trepidation. I could feel the cooler air from outside the quilt wash over my lower body.  I dropped the quilt.  Sarah frowned.  I was so turned on.  She looked at my face.  "Can I touch it?"  That certainly was not an expected development.  I thought for a moment.

"Will you show me your pussy?" She shook her head.

"Okay, show me your boobs."  Sarah looked like she was thinking about it.

"No.  But I'll let you touch my boobs if I can touch your thing.  But you can't look."  She averted her eyes as she said it.  I nodded, unable to get words out. As Sarah reached under my quilt, I felt her hand hit my stomach, then move downward all the way way to where my penis joined my body.  She then drew her hand away a bit, then grasped my hard penis around the shaft.  Sarah's eyes were closed.  She squeezed it.   "It feels hard! That's weird."  I couldn't get a word out.  It felt really good.  Sarah's hand then released the shaft and moved down and cradled my balls, gently caressed them, and moved back up to grasp the shaft.  I gasped a little.  She opened her eyes. "Did that feel good?"  I nodded.  Continuing to grasp the shaft, she moved her hand up, I could feel her thumb and forefinger slide over the ridge on the head. of my penis.  She stopped, and applied some pressure.  "It's hard and soft at the same time! That's so crazy." Her hand felt so good. I slowly slid my right hand under her quilt until i reached her t-shirt clad belly. I slid my hand up, feeling her ribs, until the edge of my palm came to rest against the swell of her boob.  "Here goes" I thought, aware of her grasp on my penis, desperately turned on.  I had no idea what to do, only that I loved all the sensations.

I slid my had up her boob, slightly cupping it (I'd done a little investigation one day of a bra she'd left in the bathroom, and knew she was a 32B).  It was amazingly soft, slightly yielding, and I felt a surge in my groin.  I felt a small bump, and realized I was touching her nipple.  I gently squeezed it, felt it swell slightly, grow harder, reminding me of a small pencil eraser.  I heard Sarah exhale, and felt her slightly tighten her grip around my hard penis.  I thrust slightly, and she continued her firm hold.  I could hear her breathing harder, her eyes still closed. After a few minutes of this, her motionless hand and my feeling and gently squeezing her breast, I slid my hand down, across her belly, down toward when her legs came together. She didn't move.  I quickly realized she didn't have pants on-or even underwear.


I felt the hair on her pussy.  Where mine was crinkly, hers was soft, and sparse. I slid my hand further down, reaching a soft swelling bump. Her legs parted slightly, and I moved my fingers further down.  I had fully expected to find an opening,... but nothing. I big further down and my fingertips met a confusing intersection of folds and skin. I could feel wet slipperiness and what seemed like a slick cleft. Her hand moved on my shaft, a wonderful twisting motion upward and back down.  Sarah sighed, started to part her legs further, then abruptly squeezed them together.  Her eyes opened. I withdrew my hand as she released my penis. "We need to stop" she stated flatly.  Her voice quavered, breathy. I nodded. We laid there for a moment, looking at each other.  I felt like I needed to do something, anything.  I felt like my groin was going to explode. I reached down under the quilt and found the head of my erect penis slick and slippery. That was a surprise. 

"I've got an idea" she said abruptly, and pulled one of the pillows I was using out from under my head, and shoved it under the quilt. Confused, I looked at her. "If humping your hand doesn't feel right, maybe you should hump the pillow."  At that moment, I would have done whatever Sarah proposed. I rolled on top of the pillow, the shaft slipping between the soft pillowcase and the satiny pillow itself. "That feels interesting" I thought. I braced myself on my forearms, and thrust into the pillow, all of this under the quilt.  Sarah gathered her quilt around her and sat up, mesmerized, as I started thrusting. As I did that, I remember brushing my nose with my right fingertips, smelling a strange, exotic smell that I immediately realized had come from between my sister's legs. A few more thrusts and I could feel a new sensation building, a weird feeling insider, like a weakness, but an urgent feeling.  I thrust harder and harder, thinking of what I had just experienced, grinding and pressing my hard erection against the pillow, my breath ragged, trying to catch it.  I turned my head slightly and could see my sister watching me, mesmerized. Then it hit.  I couldn't support myself anymore and let out a huge groan as I thrust one last time into the pillow.  I could feel a surging sensation as something deep inside me contracted over and over. I could feel a surging pulse, and the sensation of something pumping and jetting up inside my penis with each snapping contraction. It was glorious, and seemed to go on and on.  I just laid there, gasping.

Sarah looked at me. "You totally came" she said, awestruck.  "Wow.  just wow." I was suddenly self-conscious.  trying to figure out what to do next.  I withdrew from the pillow, still under the quilt, feeling the cooling slime and wet pillowcase.  It occurred to me I needed to clean the pillow, so I pulled my sweatpants on, got up, and took the pillow to the bathroom.  I frantically wiped it down with a damp washcloth, stripped the cover, put on a clean flannel cover, and went back downstairs.  Sarah was back on the couch, my quilt still on the floor.  I picked up my quilt and started to sit back on the couch as my underwear fell on the floor.  Sarah laughed. "I don't think you'll want to leave those sitting around for when mom and dad get home."

The adventures under the quilts that day were a bunch of firsts.  I can get off even today, years later, thinking of the sensations.  Sarah and I had some more adventures- but those are stories for another day if you like this story.  Nothing has happened between us for probably close to 40 years, but we have a few inside jokes about those years.  Anytime she comes to visit, she'll make a point of asking me "is this a CLEAN pillow?" It doesn't really bother me, and it's a joke that stays between us.  



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