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First Porno Growing Up

Posted by: Author: Age: 28 Posted on: 3 comments
11 likes 810 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Doctor, foreskin
This took place growing up over the ages 13-17
The following is a bit of a detailed history of mutual masturbation with my childhood friend, it's a little long but worth the read.

Growing up I had a best friend as most teen age boys do, we were inseperable, always stayed at eachother's houses on weekends, typical stuff. We had been best friends since 8 years of age.

Jumping to where it all started was a sleep over at my friends house, we were about 13 or 14 at the time. Typical night, nothing unsual until that next Saturday morning.

His parents worked on the weekends so we usually just screwed around the house or terrorizing the neighborhood on our bikes until our folks came home and had dinner.

This particular Saturday we were going through VHS tapes to find a movie to watch. I picked the movie 'Big' if you were a kid in the early 90's everyone had a collection of VHS that had been taped from TV.

We popped 'Big' in the VCR and had gotten bored, ended up running around or doing something I can't remember, the movie was over and tape was still playing and we had walked into the living room and there was a scene from HBO's real sex playing about female masturbation, there were several females with hairy bushes laying in a circle with a female instructor coaching them, both of us just started to watch. His mom had apparently recorded this episode about masturbation and later taped over it.

We stood there infront of the TV watching, I was mesmorized. I mentioned that I had never seen a porno before, he hinted that he had and I picked up on it, eventually he had admitted that his father had a porn drawer in the upstairs bedroom. Instantly we were up there in the drawer looking at old 80's Hustler's and Clubs, then my friend grabbed a VHS tape and asked if I wanted to see a real porno.

We raced downstairs and popped it in the VCR. It was a classic 80's porn, I was so nervous. I remember standing there a litle shakey worried his parents might unexpectantly come home. When he pushed play the first images of my first porno were burned into my mind.

I remember all the sudden there was a real life pussy on the screen, I remember how slick and greasy it looked with a full triangular bush. It was a scene of two 80's girls dressed as rock stars fucking some guy. We watched it for about a minute then I chickened out and had him take it out.

Hanging out and goofing around the house for a while after I couldn't get it out of my mind. I asked him if he knew for sure when his parents were coming home and he promised we had a good 3 hours. I got brave again and we went back upstairs and got the tape, brought it back to the living room and popped it in and sat down, I sat on the couch and he sat in the recliner right next to me.

About 15 minutes went by watching the sucking and fucking. I was rock hard. I had been jerking off for a few years but of course that's every teenage boy's secret. I noticed my friend was rubbing himself through his pants and I asked if he ever masturbated, we both admited to it. My friend casually unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his theighs and put his hands down his briefs and started to play with himself.

I didn't know what to think, but I was horny and loved masturbating so I did the same, both of us were sitting there in his living room with our pants down to our knees with our underwear still up masturbating while watching the porn.

My friend got up and went to the bathroom and came back with a bottle of lotion and asked if I had wanted any, exactly what I was wanting, I took a handful and put it down my underwear unto my cock, careful to keep my underwear on.

As time passed us sitting next to eachother, I looked over and noticed he had half of his cock out. We came pretty fast and went back to playing. About half an hour later he asked if I was horny again and I was ready to go, we put the porn back in, sat back down with the bottle of lotion and an old sock.

This time my friend pulled his underwear down to his ankles and just started jerking. He was thicker than me, and had a huge head, my head was narrow and standard, he also had a huge curve. I couldn't stop looking at his cock. I overcame my shyness and pulled my tightie whities down to my ankles and took out my cock. I had just started growing bush and spurting out a bit of cum.

After I took my cock out he immediatly looked at it. We lubed up with lotion, half watching the porn, half watching eachother.

Over the next month this turned into a daily ritual after school, non of our parents were home in the afternoons, we'd take turns smuggling porn to eachother's houses, pulling our pants down and masturbating.

Sometimes we'd masturbate just watching eachother cum, we jerked off together every chance we got.

After about a year, I'm not sure how it came to be but we decided to compare eachother, squeezing eachother's cocks and balls, feeling what different cocks were like, that eventually developed into taking turns lubing eachother up then to giving eachother handjobs.

We'd jerk eachother off at the same time or take turns, rub our cocks together, play with eachother's balls just about anything we could think of.

We jerked eachother off everywhere, our cars when we started driving, camping trips where we'd get completely naked and stroke, portapotties at parks, anywhere.

Before we came we usually would take control of our own, we had made eachother cum a few times. We'd try out new lubes and lotions, our favorite was a brand of lotion called Corn Huskers, it was very thick and stickey, the smell of it today still takes me back. We used spit, butter, you name it.

Bored and wanting to try something new one day I told him I had an idea, take turns cumming in eachother's hand and using the cum as lube. He came in my hand first and I caught it in my hand. I poured his thick stickey wad from my hand to my cock. It was mind blowing! It felt sooo good, I came in seconds. The second round it was his turn to try, he wanted me to just shoot it right on his cock, I stood while he sat in the chair and came all over his cock in balls while he jerked off with it and shot on his belly.

This went on for a few years, I think my mom knew about it, the house I lived in had those old fashioned keyholes and on occasion I could swear I heard footsteps or saw a shadow under my door, I'm almost certain she would watch and listen late at night on sleep overs.



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