This is kind of a long 'love' story. So if you are just looking for the action skip this one!
I hang out with a group of friends that varies from 5-10 people, both boys and girls. We all come from 3 different schools. Some of us are close friends and others are close friends and the group changes constantly. Some times we all go to a movie, to the local pizza place, minature golfing, or the mall-typical places where kids meet up.There is this boy named Brandon who sometimes comes along with his girlfriend Lori who is a core member of the group. Lori is also a friend of mine, but in NOWAY my girlfriend. She is the one person who I had told I thought I might be gay after jacking off with another boy. Although we didn't touch each other or anything, I really liked being with another boy naked and hard. She promised not to tell anyone and I am sure she didn't even though I suspected, through their words and actions, that other's thought I was gay. Anyway, like I said, Brandon was Lori's boyfriend so I did get to know him through her. We went to different schools and never hung out together outside of the group. One day Lori tells me that she and Brandon had broken up but would not tell me why.
A couple of days later my phone rings and much to my suprise it was Brandon. He was the last person I expected to call me. I mean we weren't really friends and he and my friend Lori had just broken up. He asked me if I wanted to hang out on Friday night and I said 'Sure where is everyone meeting.'
'No dude, I mean just you and me alone.' He replies.
Not sure what to make of this I hesitantly agree. I mean he is way cute and very friendly so I felt I had nothing to lose. Besides I had wanted to get to know him better anyway. 'What do you want to do?' I question.
'Leave it up to me. It'll be a suprise. Dress kinda nice. I'll pick you up Friday around six-be ready!' Brandon excitedly says.
Friday night right at six the doorbell rings. I open the door and there stands Brandon looking as if he is dressed for a date! He looked so damn hot I could not take my eyes off of him. His dad had lent him his convertible for the night so we get in and drive off with the top down and the wind in our hair! I felt like I was in a dream. We soon pull up to this semi-fancy restaurant. Not real fancy by adult standards but fancy for two teenaged boys. The kind of place a guy would take a girl he was trying to impress on a date. We go in and Brandon asked to be seated in a back booth away from everyone else.
'Order anything you want. It's on me.' Brandon tells me.
'Really? It's kind of expensive!' I question.
'Anything for you! Tell ya what, I'll order for both of us that way you don't have to worry!' He says with a wink and a smile.
The waiter, who was way hot and very gay, comes to take our order. I was shocked when Brandon ordered steak and lobster for both of us! I think at this point the waiter had a better idea about what was going on than I did, because after Brandon ordered for us the waiter turns to me and smiles and winks at me and says 'You sure are a lucky boy!'
While waiting for our dinners we engage in small talk-basically just getting to know each other better. Turns out we have a lot in common and soon the conversation was flowing easily. I finally get up the courage to ask 'What happened between you and Lori?'
Brandon looks around and down , finally saying 'If I tell you promise me you won't tell anyone else. Especially Lori!'
'I promise I won't.' I tell him looking directly into his beautiful brown eyes.
'Weellll the other night she wanted to ah you know have sex. Her parents were gone so we went to her house. We started making out and stuff but when the time came.......' Brandon stammers.
'Go on. Tell me. It's ok.' I say to him reassuringly.
Again Brandon looks around to make sure no one was listening. Finally softly saying 'Dude, my dick would not get hard!! She tried playing with it, sucking on it, even rubbing her pussy lips over it and nothing!!'
I could see his face turning beat red. Trying to put his mind at ease I say 'Dude it happens to everyone especially if it was your first time. You were probably just nervous!'
'No it wasn't that at all. I just wasn't into it! I think maybe.... Can I ask you something?' Promise you won't get mad?' Brandon softly inquires.
'Dude, you've been honest with me. I promise I will be honest with you and not get mad.'
'Are you... gay?'Brandon softly whispers.
'Why would you ask that? Did Lori say something?' I question with a bit of agitation in my voice.
'No no she didn't say anything. It's just you don't seem interested in girls and I've heard people talk-you know saying you are.'
Just then the waiter brings our dinners. We start to eat. Then I ask Brandon 'Would it make a difference to you if I was?'
'Because I think I am and I think you are really cute!'Brandon softly exclaims.
I did not know what to say. My jaw almost hit the table. I did not say a word. I just looked down at my plate and nervously dipped a piece of the lobster tail into the lemon butter. 'I'm sorry. I should not have said that.' Brandon sadly says.
'Don't be sorry. You just caught me off gaurd. Yes I think I am gay but I have only been with one guy and we just jacked off together-didn't even touch each other! You are so hot!! I just always assumed you were straight!! I rambled feeling my face turning red.
Brandon smiles and says 'You think I'm hot?'
'Let's just say everytime I saw Lori with you I was very jealous!'
We continue to eat without saying much of anything to each other-both just enjoying the meal and the moment. Brandon started rubbing my leg under the table with his foot. It felt soooo good especially as he neared my crotch. I repaid the favor. I was even so bold as to place my foot right on his dick which made him squirm a bit. We finish our meal, the waiter clears our plates, and Brandon asks for the check. Soon the waiter comes back bringing us a huge hot fudge brownie sundae with lots of whipped cream, two cherries, and two spoons! 'Ah we didn't order this.' Brandon tells him.
'I know. My treat! I think you boys are going to need lots of energy tonight! Something tells me those cherries on the sundae aren't the only ones you boys will be getting tonight!' The waiter says in a very gay voice, with a knowing smile and a wink. Brandon and I both turn red but look up at each other with smiles on our faces. Then we dive into that yummy sundae. Brandon even feeds me some and laughed when the ice cream ran out of the corners of my mouth. I fed him my cherry and he fed me his.
'So what do you want to do now?' Brandon inquires.
'You said you were going to make the plans. So what are you thinking?' I inquire back.
'Well I had planned on a movie. But.....'
'What?' I eagerly ask.
'Weeellll my parents are gone for the night so we could go back to my house and hang out if you want.' Brandon nervously says.
'Sounds like fun. I mean if you want to?' I respond trying not to sound to anxious.
The waiter brings the check and Brandon gives him a credit card. He returns with the receipt. Brandon tips him well, signs it, and gives it back to him. As we were leaving the waiter tells us 'Have fun and play safe boys!' We smile and thank him for everything and promise to play safe. He gives us both a little smack on the ass as we are walking out. Thank God no one saw THAT!
We get in the car, put the top down and head off for another adventure together. As we are driving along I reach over and start caressing his inner thigh. ' Dude I got to tell you this. That night after I couldn't-you know-with Lori. Well when I got home I started thinking about you and got rock hard. One of the best jerk offs I have ever had!! Brandon lovingly says.
'Really' was all I could say. Again silence fills the car. Soon we pull up in front of his house. We go in both knowing what we wanted to do but both to scared to say anything much less act on it.
'Are you as nervous as I am?' Brandon nervously asks.
'Yes' Was all I could manage to stammer.
'How about we watch a movie?'
'Sounds good!' I reply somewhat relieved.
I sit down on the couch as Brandon puts in a movie. Then he comes over and sits right down next to me. The movie starts and we are both just staring at the TV. Eventually I work up the nerve and start caressing his inner thigh again. He scoots in closer to me and puts his head on my shoulder. I then put my arm around him. He starts rubbing my inner thigh. We sit like that for a long time just enjoying being that close to each other. Slowly he starts to unbutton my shirt, eventually taking it completely off, then he starts rubbing my chest. Our eyes lock with our faces only inches apart. I lean in and start kissing him. He responds by sticking his tongue in my mouth. We really start making out. As we continue to passionately make out I unbutton his shirt and pull it off. I start petting the nest of chest hair that covers his pecs. I work my way down tracing his treasure trail right down to the top of his pants. He pulls me in tighter. The feeling of his hairy chest making contact with my smooth chest was incredible. We are both lost in complete enjoyment of the moment. Our hands both wander downward until we are both grabbing each other's hard dicks through our pants.
'Let's go up to my room!' Brandon breathlessly moans. He then stands up, grabs my hand and pulls me up. Once standing I give him a big bear hug-again rubbing chest to chest and grinding our crotches together while kissing. He breaks the hug, takes my hand again and leads me up to his room. Once in his room his gently throws me down onto the bed and unbuttons my pants.
'Wait!' I nervously exclaim.
'What's the matter dude?'
'I've never done this before!'
'Neither have I but I want to! Don't you?'
'Hell ya!' I exclaim. 'I just don't want to go too far too fast!'
'Me neither! But dude, let me at least take your pants off!' Brandon says as he pulls off my pants exposing the tent in my boxers. Next he pulls off his pants letting me feast my eyes on the huge bulge in his silk bikini briefs! He then climbs on top of me so that our bodies are in full contact.
We start making out again, grinding our bodies together, exploring each other's nakedness. Pure horniness takes over and I reach down and slide his briefs off. He pulls my boxers off. Now our bare hairy dicks start to make love to each other. After a few minutes Brandon rolls off of me and cuddles in close by my side. 'Oh Cody you are beautiful' Brandon purrs as he grabs my 6' boner and starts stroking it!
'You are fucking hot Brandon!' I exclaim while tracing his treasure trail right down to his thick bush of brown pubes, eventually caressing his hairy ball sac and extremely hard 6' dick.
'Cody, I want to make you cum! You cool with that?'
'As long as I can make you cum too! Let's 69 so we can watch while we do it!' I suggest.
With that we get into a tight 69 and start pleasuring each other. Our hands roamed everywhere, slowly exploring every inch of each other's bodies. We were both way too worked up though. All to soon I could feel my orgasm starting and I could tell he was close too. He started to cum which threw me right over the edge too. It was so cool watching as I brought him off knowing he was really enjoying bringing me off too! We both shot massive loads and given the amount of grunting and moaning going on it was obvious that we both enjoyed it. Then Brandon licks my cum from my stomach and pubes; I do the same to his. Then he comes up and starts kissing me, exchanging our cum as we kissed!
Neither of us went limp-guess we were both to worked up. We continued to kiss passionately and started humping each other into a wild frenzy. We were both again overwhelmed by orgasm! I ended up spending the night with him that night. We talked until the wee hours of the morning and even made each other cum a couple of more times. Just before we drifted off to sleep naked in each other's arms, we agreed that we should be boyfriends. However, we also agreed that we would proceed slowly. Only jacking off until we both felt comfortable experimenting in other ways.
Lori soon figured things out but was cool with it. As for the rest of the group-well they too soon figured things out but were also cool with it. Brandon and I did not hang out with them too much anyway-we were content just being together! We did go back to that restaurant again and asked for the same waiter. The minute he saw us he knew that something special had happened that night we were there. Brandon's mom did catch us one night but that is a story for another time. Sorry this was so long but I hope you enjoyed!!
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First Boyfriend
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Cody
Age: 17 Posted on: 12 Apr 2018
6 likes 1059 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
6 likes 1059 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags:
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