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Finding The Perfect Fuckbuddy

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8 likes 43 views Category: Sex Stories Couples Tags: handjobs, blowjobs, cum spurting, fucking, ED,

Finding a really quality fuckbuddy only interested in sex and not romance is very difficult. 

What exactly is a fuckbuddy? My definition is it is someone willing to have a sexual relationship with you with no strings attached. No emotional involvement. So because of that, it’s pretty hard to find a woman who will do that. My experience is that if a woman is willing to fuck you, she’s not interested in an arm’s length relationship. She is going to want some emotional connection.

Except for one woman, every relationship that I have had that started out that as just sex burned out very quickly. Most women need more than just a hard cock to be happy.

The fuckbuddy that I teamed with was introduced to me by my wife. She was a hairdresser and my wife sent me to her salon for haircuts. Her name is Michaela but she goes by Micky. Micky had a great body but an average face. She accomplished a lot with good hair and makeup. But her main claim to fame, other than her desire for sex, was a super outgoing personality and an “I don’t give a shit” attitude.

After about my second haircut with her, I jokingly told her my pubes also needed trimming. No problem, I was told. She wanted me to come by the salon after hours and she would take care of it. The chair she sat me in was in a fairly brightly lit area and I could be seen by anyone outside the shop from about mid-chest up.

Frankly I was a bit concerned about it but her attitude was don’t worry about it. She had me take off my pants and underwear and sit on a towel. She went to work trimming my pubic hair with scissors and then had a little trimming tool to take off the hairs on the base of my shaft. This required her to handle my cock. While it was somewhat arousing she was treating the whole thing very clinically and because I didn’t know her that well, I didn’t try to take it any further.

As days and months went by, she split from her husband and I split from my wife. I moved out of the area, about a 45-minute drive from where Micky lived. But I wanted her to continue to cut my hair so I offered to pay her for her driving time and expenses to come to my house. At the time I was making more money than I knew what to do with so I didn’t mind giving her a couple of hundred bucks to come to my place about once a month.

I knew she preferred champagne to drink. I could take it or leave it, but made it a point to always have a bottle on hand. She showed up one evening and cut my hair and we shared a few glasses of champagne. She said she didn’t feel like driving home and asked if she could she stay for the night.

Once in bed we both got naked and I was all set for a blow-out sex session. But I couldn’t get hard to save my ass. She sucked and stroked my limp dick to no avail. I got between her legs and lapped her pussy and clit which usually produced rock-hard erections for me. But nothing happened. Finally, frustrated beyond belief, we gave up and eventually went to sleep.

But the next morning I woke up with morning wood and put it to great use. Over the next couple of years I probably fucked her a hundred times and my dick never failed me again.

We began a long term relationship that only involved sex. That’s all either of us ever wanted. We normally saw each other a minimum of once a month for my haircut and pube trim but from time to time she would show up at other times. I can remember days when she would get to my place about 10 am. The clothes would come off and we would stay naked all day, having sex whenever we felt like it, which sometimes could be five or six times.

From time to time over the years that we saw each other she would hook up with a regular boyfriend. She would still come and see me and she would suck my cock or jack me off but as long as she was seeing some other guy, she wouldn’t fuck me. I never quite figured out the reasoning on that.

One time she showed up for my regular haircut and after she was done she said she would suck me off but we had to hurry. When I asked her what the rush was, she said her boyfriend was parked in my driveway waiting for her and she didn’t want to keep him waiting too long. I looked out the window and sure enough, some guy was sitting there in a car. She sucked me off and swallowed all my cum, as usual, but then drank a glass of champagne to kill her cum breath.

While the majority of our sex was at my house, we did go on a couple of trips together. One was to Los Cabos on the tip of Baja in Mexico. She was even more uninhibited on that trip. One day I was driving a rented Suzuki Samurai which is an open vehicle similar to a Jeep. We were driving from Cabo San Lucas to San Jose del Cabo. She reached over and unzipped my shorts, got my cock out and started sucking away. We hadn’t even been having a sexual conversation. She just decided she wanted to suck some dick. Who was I to argue?

We kept passing slow-moving work trucks that had the bed full of laborers and they would all scream and shout as we went by with her head bobbing up and down in my lap.

On that same trip she jacked me off on the main street of San Jose del Cabo with the classic reach-around position. Again, all her idea.  Admittedly it was late at night with no other pedestrians anywhere near us but cars were driving by so it was a bit risky.

We also fucked on the beach several times which required walking far enough down the beach to mostly be out of the view of anybody else.

Her visits to my house usually would start off with me providing a jack-off demonstration. She loved to see the cum fly. I would edge a couple of hours on the day before she showed up and then again an hour or so before she got there. This allowed me to produce some extremely powerful cumshots. One time she even brought her best girl friend to watch me do my thing.

On one of our day-long sex sessions we were lounging naked on a balcony on my third-floor condo. There was nothing but woods across the street so nobody could see us. Micky was playing with my cock, both jacking it and sucking it. When I got close to cumming she had me quickly stand up and again in the reach-around position, she jacked me off to a powerful orgasm.

My cum load shot over the balcony and fell down three stories. I looked over the railing. The unit below me had a similar balcony but it was directly beneath my balcony. But the ground floor unit had a large patio and as I looked down at a table on the patio I saw that it was all splattered with my cum.

At some point she moved to Arizona (I was in L.A.). Occasionally she would come back to L.A. to visit friends and managed to stop by and see me for a day of sex. But that was rare.

I did arrange for both of us to fly to Aspen, Colorado, for a little vacation. She arrived in a pissy mood and did not want to fuck me that night. I finally got it out of her that she had just broken up with her boyfriend and she was very upset about it. It had nothing to do with the Aspen trip. Thankfully by the next morning things quickly got back to normal and she was riding my cock just like old times. We ended up having a lot of fun on that trip. Among other things we went white water rafting. We only had one opportunity for any near-public sex. We were there in the summer but one of the ski lifts was operational and took people up to a nice restaurant on the side of the mountain. She gave me a handjob in the cable car. It only held four people and we were there by ourselves. As the car started up the mountain, Micky told me to get my dick out. Since I always do as I’m told, I obeyed her request. She did a great job and I was soon spurting cum all over the floor of the cable car.

By the time we got near the top, she cleaned my cock off of any stray semen with her magic tongue and I zipped back up just in time.

Then on the trip back down the mountain it was her turn. I pulled off her panties, spread her legs and lapped her clit until she came. I jacked my rock-hard dick while eating her out but didn’t cum.

There was one thing Micky loved to do that would damn near drive me crazy. She would jack me off and milk every last drop of cum out. Then she would grab the base of my dick with one hand and then massage my super sensitive cockhead with the fingertips of her other hand.  The sensation was beyond believable. I would try to pull away and make her stop but she just held onto my dick and kept rubbing the head, laughing her ass off the whole time.

Unfortunately, with her living in Arizona and me in L.A. the relationship sort of petered out. Plus I met a gal who I fell madly in love with and married. So that was the end of Micky. But our relationship was just about the perfect fuckbuddy setup. Neither of us was looking for anything more than a fun relationship and lots of orgasms.




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