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Exploding in Wet Jeans
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 23 Jun 2002
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Exploding in Wet Jeans by Rick
Earlier this summer I had my first experience with another guy, and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since then. I'm straight, but have always been turned on by wet jeans, and regularly jacked off in them (and dry ones too), and I'd have to admit that I've also thought that seeing another guy's hardon revealed by wet jeans or wet underwear was sexy.
Anyway, some friends and I informally agreed to go inner tubing down a river in Virginia not far from my home. I was excited about it becuase we were told we could wear jeans or shorts and a shirt and sneakers - and the idea of getting my clothes wet was a turn-on. So, for a couple of days before the event, I tried on various pairs of tight and faded jeans trying to decide wwhich one to wear, and in the process creamed a few pairs. Unfortunately, by the day before, it became clear that my girlfriend couldn't come and another couple called to cancel, leaving only me and another couple whom I barely knew. On the Saturday morning itself, the guy (Paul) called and said his girlfriend couldn't come either, but there was an awkward moment since it wasn't clear if that meant the whole event was off or if just the two of us guys would go. After a few seconds of silence, he asked if I wanted to go anyway, and I said (half-jokingly) "sure, I like to get my jeans wet." (I figure'd this would put him on notice I wouldn't be wearing a swimsuit.) He said OK. But immediately after hanging up the phone I felt silly and wanted to cancel the whole thing. But then I thought about how I enjoyed getting my jeans wet and I figured I'd just go. I put on a regular pair of bluejeans, but they didn't feel sexy, so I said to myself, what-the-hell, this guy doesn't know me anyway, I'm going to wear the jeans I really want to wear. So I put on my absolutely skintight jeans (no underwear) that are completely faded over the crotch area where my balls and hardon are, a black t-shirt and Nikes.
When I got to the inner tube rental station I realized that some people were noticing my jeans cause (as always) just walking in them and thinking about getting wet had created a noticable bulge. I got worried that Paul would think I looked weird and that he'd be wearing just a "normal" swimsuit - when to my relief, he showed up in a white t-shirt and totally faded, ripped dark blue corduroy jeans that he was just poured into, and some messed-up hiking boots. I was actually envious of how good he looked in the jeans, expecially the way the jeans cut into his butt. I wanted to say something about his jeans, but not knowing him too well, I still felt a little awkward and so I asked if was really going into the water with his hiking boots on or whether he had a pair of sneakers. "Well, you said something this morning about jeans, so I thought it'd be cool to just go in fully dressed - and besides this way the rocks don't hurt you," Paul said. There's something about getting wet that makes people fool around and act sexy, and as we waited on line, we could see some girls ahead of us just getting into their tubes, all wearing cutoffs, and spashing around and teasing each other. Two girls ganged up on the third, a pretty but skinny girl, maybe 17 or 18, and started to pull her halter top off. She didn't seem to put up much of a fight and they pulled it over her head leaving her standing in the knee-deep water with her small bare tits in full view of maybe 50 people at the riverbank. As I looked at her, with her wet cutoffs plastered to her skinny hips, and her nonchalant attitude toward showing off her body, I figured that maybe the other girls dared her to take her top off, and I realized I wanted to fuck her in those wet jeans and I could feel my cock strain against my jeans.
Anyway, the girls went on ahead and Paul and I finally got our inner tubes, waded about knee-deep into the river and sat down in them. The feeling of the water soaking my jeans-covered ass and seeping up to my crotch made me rock hard. I slowly settled into the inner tube and the water covered my crotch, permitting the jeans fabric to expand and allowing my hardon to also expand. I admired how the wet shiny fabric clung to my huge hardon and precisely revealed its shape. I was so busy looking at my own crotch that I didn't notice until a few minutes later as Paul floated alongside that he too appeared to have a massive bulge in his jeans, but it was so large I thought it might just be the way the fabric bunched up. We talked about various topics as we floated downstream, always seeming to come back to sex, and with each return to the topic we got more explicit, so that we ended up talking about what fantasies we jacked off to. I said something vague about wet jeans, and he sort of siezed upon it and said that he too was turned on by it and indeed had a hardon that very moment. "Really?" I said, feigning ignorance, "yeah, I guess this conversation has got me a little hard too" I said. He glanced over at me as I tried to sink a little deeper in the inner tube to hide an obviously massive hardon. "Don't be embarrassed" he said, "and besides, I'll bet I'm even harder!" With that he paddled over to some rocks near the riverbank and motioned for me to follow. I did, and watched as he got out of the tube to stand in thigh-deep water. As he turned to face me, I realized that the bulge was real - his wet cords were plastered against a gigantic hardon. "C'mon, get out," he said. I did, but was uncertain what we were doing. As I swung over the inner tube, I did nothing to hide the front of my jeans, and the fact that Paul saw it made me even harder. The force of the water made me stumble and I was forced back against a large rock, standing in thigh-deep water with my wet ass resting on a rock sticking above the river surface. The foamy river water racing just an inch or two below my crotch keep me excited. Paul took two steps closer, with us each noticing the other's crotch but not being able to say anything. My heart was pounding, half with excitement, and half with fear and embarassment. As he took the last step, he caught more of the current directly and -- I still don't know if this was deliberate or accidental -- "allowed" himself to be swept by the current til he almost collided into me. He put out one hand on the rock behind me to brake himself and the other on my waist. He stopped with our crotches half an inch apart, and I realized that his hardon curved to the right while my cock curved to the left - so our hardons were exactly opposite each other. We stayed frozen that way for a few seconds til Paul laughingly said, "Told you I'm harder!" We both looked down at our crotches, as the white water splashed our jeans-covered hardons. "Wow, we both look fuckin good," was all I could weakly say. My cock was throbbing...I couldn't believe another guy's hardon was just half an inch away in shiny, wet, clingy, fuckin tight corduroy jeans. Just then a surge of water pushed Paul closer and he didn't resist as his cock pressed against mine thru the jeans. Wordlessly, we both gave in, and as if taken over by an automatic force, started grinding our crtoches together. He grabbed the beltloops of my jeans and pulled me close with every thrust...and to my astonishment I found my hands firmly grabbing his wet jeans ass, pulling us together.
I was scared to death another person would come floating by on their tube, which made the whole sensation more intense. We continued humping this way in the river, our crotches gyrating in unison, hardon pressed direcly against hardon, as the white water splashed our butts, cocks and balls. We didn't look at each other's face, just mesmerized by our crotches and hips pushed forward into each other, our wet t-shirts revealing our taut stomach muscles as we violently thrusted into each other. Then I had that sensation that tells me that cumming is just a matter of time - there's no stopping it. "OH FUCK...I'm gonna explode in these jeans" I gasped. Paul hoarsely said "Cream them!" as his hands slid down from my waist to my ass and he ground our crotches together. I came, and because the jeans were wet, the cum wasn't absorbed by the fabric, but immediately shot out of the jeans crotch and was immediately smeared over his crotch. "Such fuckin hot cum!" he said as it seeped through to his cock. We humped for a few more seconds and Paul said "I'm gonna fuck your jeans" and with that turned partly sideways so that his cock was pointed directly at mine. He pressed the tip of his steel shaft of a cock hard against me. His faced turned red, he moaned and shot a huge load of cum in his jeans, which squirted out into mine. I looked down as he thrust again and again, pumping the most cum I've ever seen, forecefully through both our jeans fabrics, so I could feel his cum literally being injected squirtful after squirtful directly into my own jeans crotch. Our cum felt so hot compared to the cool water; the sensation was driving us wild. We continued for a few more seconds this way, with cum being pumped out of and oozing through each other's jeans, til we stopped, exhausted, feeling our cocks and balls swimming in hot cum-soaked wet jeans. Then I realized to my horror that the last minute or two had been completely observed by a couple floating by in their inner tubes, but they said nothing.
Paul and I wordlessly got back in our inner tubes and floated downstream in silence. I had deliberately sat high in the tube so my crotch remained out of the water, in an effort to preserve the warmth and overall sensation. Within minutes my cock had become rockhard again, as I thought about what we had just done. I decided to break the silence by being very direct and crude: "You know, I'm gonna have to jack off again." "Me too," Paul immediately replied, and we both shamelessly and openly commenced rubbing our jeans. The feeling of my cock and balls sliding and sloshing around in what seemed like half a gallon of Paul's and my own semen captured in my jeans crotch made it easy to explode again in seconds. I was seeing Paul doing the same. When we got to the tube return station, neither of us said anything about hiding our crotches from the public, but it was apparent we'd have to wait on the return line and "parade" single file past the refreshment place where maybe a couple of dozen people were sitting down at tables. Our crotches would be at exactly eye-level and we both still had hardons and were drenched with cum. Paul took the lead and got up, waiting on the return line while everyone looked at everyone else and then walking in full view of the people sitting at the tables drinking (including the couple that had seen us humping). His wet jeans were clinging to and highlighting his still-gigantic hardon -- but more shockingly, there were massive gobs of sticky white cum coating (and still oozing out from) his entire crotch and inner thighs, totally and prominently revealed against the dark blue corduroys!!!!
Well, I could do no less, and proudly walked past the line of people, with my own cum-smeared and cum-oozing jeans. Just when I started to get a little embarrrased and concerned that my exhibitionist tendencies were getting carried away, I noticed that many people at the return station line were themselves in wet jeans, and then Paul directed my attention to a guy walking to the parking lot in wet, white boxer shorts. As we got closer, I saw that his boxers were completely transparent, and the thin white fabric explicitly revealed his cock pressed against the boxers and pubic hair obviously soaked with cum! "Wow," Paul said, "you've got courage!" The guy looked at Paul and me, in our cum-smeared and oozing jeans, and said "well I did have fun, but I wish I had 'fuck-me' jeans like you guys!"
For a few weeks Paul and I didn't talk directly about that day, but just last week we starrted talking about how muddy things can be a turn-on -- so I think I know where we are headed!
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