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Exhibition 101 part 2

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read Part1 by SelfNRG The old cliche that a few seconds of terror seems to last a lifetime is true, but this lasted more than a few seconds. There was Aimee and I both at the point of climax, but climax wouldn't be an issue now. Aimee withdrew her fingers from her slit but I didn't dare move my eyes from hers. I released my grip on my now flaccid penis but was frozen in place. Aimee had her shirt covering herself now. "Evan, could you please go" "Aimee, I'm sorry....I" "Just go, now, please" Instead of a completing a long standing fantasy of mine I had ruined a friendship that would now never be the same. Dread had pitted itself deep in my gut and I felt light headed and dizzy. I dressed quickly and threw the toilet paper in the bin as I would certainly not be needing it tonight. I nearly ran back to my dorm room with my head always looking down at my feet as I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone, it was as if I looked at anyone they would see exactly what had just happened and rumors would start to run rife. By the time I was back at my room I was trembling, my stomache was in a knot and I felt like crying. It wasn't just Aimee, although that was enough in itself, it was the exams and the lack of sleep and the feeling of being out of control. I couldn't catch a break. I logged onto my computer hoping to maybe find someone to chat to, somewhere to escape but fate is so cruel. The only thing staring at me when I logged into MSN was a huge list of 'Offline' people and Aimee in the 'Online' list. Now it was a bit late because MSN has some really conveniant pop-ups and noises that notify a user when someone logs in. To my surprise a message appeared from Aimee, I hovered my cursor over the message trying to fathom why she might message me. I'd had a bad enough night tonight and I was just praying it was some good or at least neutral news. Aimee "Hi..." Evan "Ummm, hi" Aimee "Strange night, never been caught before" Evan "No, neither have I. Never imagined it would be by someone else doing it, especially a woman" Aimee "To be honest, I fantasing about being caught, never thought it would be so horrifying" Evan "Anyone in particular?" Aimee "What?" Evan "Who did you think would catch you?" Aimee "I don't think that is appropriate" Evan "Fair enough, considering tonight I will tell you that I was thinking about you..." There was nothing, the feeling of dread returned and I thought I'd stuffed it up once again in the same night. My logic said to me that since we both masturbated a subject like this might be a little open to discussion. Also, things are a lot easier to talk about while chatting instead of face to face. Aimee "Sorry, the girl in the next room wanted to borrow a CD. I used to like you like that but I wasn't thinking of you tonight and I'd rather not say who." Evan "That's fine, you scared me to death with that large silence. I didn't think girls masturbated like that, if at all" Aimee "Hmmm, a lot do but we don't admit to it like it's something to be boasted about" Evan "Yes, guys do tend to do that" Aimee "I was thrown onto the proverbial branch in the library and I've been thinking, I might as well crawl the rest of the way out" Evan "Yes..?" Aimee "When I did like you a couple of months ago my fantasy was mutual masturbation with you" I sat there gaping at my screen, my rod jumped to life as if hit by an electric pulse, I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Aimee "Evan?" Evan "Yeah, I'm here. I'm....speechless. I have imagined the same thing with yourself many times. You're not messing with me are you?" Aimee "Oh, thank god, no, I'm not messing with you. I'm so turned on right now" Evan "Tell me about it! My heart is fluttering" Aimee "Well :D" Evan "Well what, it's too late for me to be coming over to your dorm. Too many people would be asking questions and rumors would start" Aimee "How about we complete that fantasy of ours tonight, let's go from the start so we both know what was happening" Evan "Done! :D You go first" And so she began her side of the story: Ah, the library, my refuge. With the end of examinations so near and everyone in a frenzy it's a place I can go to escape the stress in everyone as well as myself. But the library is something so much more, it is my place of passion! As I reach for every text, every journal, every resource that is needed for my course I think of what is to occur as soon as the others have left. I shiver and quiver and my crotch starts to become moist with anticipation, the books I carry rub across my chest making my small nipples grow hard. I spend most of my studying and researching with a grin on my face. It's amazing how much qaulity work can be completed when the prize at the end is a fully satisfying and exciting orgasm. I sat in an isle towards the back of the library with books spread all around. I'd decided that enough work had been done tonight, I'd finally finished studying for astro-physics and the exam wasn't for another week. All I'd need to do now was to re-read my notes every couple of days and I would be well prepared. I left the books where they were and took a quick look around, everyone had seemed to have left and I hadn't seen anyone for a an hour or so. I returned to my work area, sat down between my books and sighed deeply. I love the reward at the end of a long night of study! I laid back, my head nestled in the physics volumes behind me and I ran my hands down over my perk breasts, down my stomache, around my groin and I tickled my thighs. My breathing quickened and the beating of my heart lept forward a gear. It was summer so I had a thin shirt on and only a thin shirt, I knew how tonight was going to end so I thought there no need for a bra. Besides, It's exhilirating having the males look at my chest, seeing the outline of my small nipples at the centre of my well sized tits. They aren't large but they're definatly a hand full. I slowly undid my shirt with one hand while I explored my body with the other but always staying away from my slit. I slipped out of my shirt and my expectant breasts popped into my hands knowing the attention they deserved. I circled my fingers over my firm tits and goosebumps broke out all over my body. I slipped out of my denim shorts just leaving my lace panties on, they are already damp from the expectation and the attention my breasts had recieved. Leaving my left hand working on my erect nubs I slowly rubbed my vagina through my soft and silky panties, up and down my slit I ran my index finger and I occasionally grinded the palm of my hand into the mound above my clit. I was really getting going and my body ached to be satisfied so I finally sat up and slipped of my panties revealing my beautiful pussy. My pubes had been shaved except from a small line that seemed to continue on from my slit. I loved the look of a shaved pussy and it felt better too. My inner lips now protruded through the outter and the deep pink flesh was reaching out, yerning for a touch. I licked my index finger and ran it from my clit, to my arse and then back again. I circled around my pussy while my other hand proded my arse while never entering it. I finally gave into my bodies desires and slipped one finger into my pussy while quickening the pace of the fingers at my anus. This went on for quite some time, the pace getting quicker, my chest heaving harder and harder with the extasy, my back arching off the ground and my nipples seemed to stand even more erect if that was even possible! I'd mostly managed to hold off from my clit at this point in time but it was definatly overdue. I stopped my foreplay and straddled the isle, I placed one foot either side of the isle and pushed my body forward, this spread my thighs wider than I could usually hold for a long period of time. I then pulled the lips of my pussy apart and stared in wonder, what a most amazing thing this was, to give so much pleasure. I then lay back and started with attention only on my clit. My cunt was well and truly wet by now and I could feel the moisture drip down over my butt and onto the floor. I rubbed in a slow motion with the flat of my fingers. As the pleasure and excitement grew I inserted one, then two then as many fingers as I could in to my cunt as I continued to get hotter and hotter. I could feel the climax growing from the pit of my stomache and it grew throughout my whole body with the epicentre located at my pussy. My whole body bucked as the motion over my clit became faster and the noise from my fingers slipping in and out of my pussy got to the stage where it was audible. My tits where shaking up and down and all my attention was focused on my cunt when the unimaginable happened. Not only had I been caught but he was masturbating too, Evan! I used to have a huge crush and Evan and those feelings instantly returned as he stood there with his cock in his hand still pumping with an absolutly shocked look on his face. I don't think he even realised he was still stroking away. His eyes where darting from my face, to my tits then to my cunt and back again. Well, it was too late now, I was already on the point of no return and there was no denying what we were doing. The idea that I could be caught had always made my sessions more exciting but actually getting caught by another masturbator and that fact that we were good friends just shot me into the most amazing orgasm I've had in awhile. My body convulsed and I pushed hard against the bookshelves my feet where on, my hands pushed down while my body pushed up and my eyes where locked onto Evan's cock as he started to pump harder obviously realising my intentions where to keep going. Juices gushed from my pussy and I yelped a little as I had never cummed that much. Evan came closer, he was fixated on my vagina, sweat was beading on his forehead and his knob was so purple it looked about to burst. I was so excited to have an actual cock next to me that I pressed in for the second kill, something I rarely did but I was beyond horny. I returned full attention to my clit that was now very much un-masked as well as returning my hands to slipping in and out of my swollen hole that is still recovering from the first orgasm. I shifted myself so that his cock was closer to my view and so he had a better view of my pussy in full flight. He looked lost in though although he never blinked giving my eyes as much attention as my pussy and breasts. Finally he started to cum and he took care to make sure it went into his hand but that I got full view of it. Just watching him get off sent me going again, much faster than I imagined and I squeeled a little at the unbelievable wave of pleasure that pulsed through my body. His thrusting slowed down as he ejeculated a few more times. It was the first time I'd ever seen an erect penis before, I'd seen movies of course but in first person it was amazing. The afterglow set in and my body felt satisfied but I kept some small movements going down there as it still felt so good, and he was watching. I looked his body over as he looked at mine, I felt nervous but he smiled at me in such a genuine way that said he liked what he saw. We were both panting, I giggled and his smile was relief mixed with pure amazment. I can tell we are to do this again. Evan "You can tell that we are going to do this again can you?" Aimee "Yes Evan, how about tomorrow morning, for real?" Evan "Definatly, did you get off just now?" Aimee "It was a bit hard but I'm going to finish it off now, you?" Evan "Well, in a word, yes. But let me describe what happened to me before we met give you an opportunity to give yourself the freedom of both hands" Aimee "Go on, I've already started" End Part 2



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