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Encounter With An Angel

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 8 comments
12 likes 27 views Category: Masturbation General Tags: The perfect body, biking, nurse

She cared for me and likely saved my life

I had been out of cycling for some time and was quite out of shape but decided to get back into mountain biking.

I was starting from scratch, I bought a new lower end $800 hard tail because I knew I had several crashes in my future, being the newbie.

The Balm Boyette Scrub preserve had it all, cross country flats, sand, berms, black diamond trails with names like the ‘abyss and ‘Ridge Line. Great workout trails named ‘Golf Cart’ and ‘Spider berm’

I hit the trails with minimal gear. I had a hydration back pack, helmet, no gloves and was not clipping in yet. I wore a road cycling jersey and a pair of old spandex cycling shorts with the seat pad removed. The shorts were tight and supportive. They held my privates in the right place so I could take an unplanned hit by the saddle without pain.


 It was a slow weekday, less faster riders to get in the way of and less people to see me crash. I still had the skills but was not yet tuned and toned for this very intense sport.


I had a lot of pain to work through.

Off I went.

I did notice the cute little woman who said, “I’m doing a speed run through the quads then I’ll restart at Loch ness, “I’ll see you out there”.

It was common to let other riders know your route and how you were planning to ride it. 

A speed run meant an all out effort, look out for me. I said, “Its been a while and I’m out of shape and need cardio” she smiled and said, “great, be careful”


She rode past me and out of the parking area.


I then noticed her clothes. Not suited for mountain biking I thought.

She was clipping in with proper shoes but wore only the thinnest tight tank top under a sports bra and then thinnest grey cotton ladies bike shorts. The kind they wear under other clothes or maybe when out walking the dog or something. I could almost see her ass skin right through them. 

Hey it was a hot sunny July day in Florida so thin clothes was a good idea. I watched her ass as she rode away, a nice wet sweat stripe oh my I felt a familiar stiffness and had to work to readjust these too tight shorts. I had put on 10 pounds since I last wore them.


   Off I went, two miles down the dirt two track and I stopped to stretch. The shorts were bothering me a bit, restricting my ‘comfort in the crotch’ so to say. I pushed on to Loch Ness and baby Nessie. I was gulping air and was soaked in sweat. I’d be lucky to do ten miles with my 70 ounce hydration pack. I should have worn the 100 ouncer. 

I needed a break but the old truth always prevails, “No pain No Gain” I hollered out loud and I started into the Spider berm. This trail became my favorite.

It has a bail out between the two sides and I was determined to make it there. My head was pounding and I was becoming aware I was over doing it but I pressed on. 


Next thing I notice is out of nowhere that little woman was right behind me. These single tracks, you can’t just pull over anywhere to let faster riders go by so pride took over and I poor’ed on the coals. 


She saw this and said, “ No no ease up I don’t need to pass this is my rest trail” 

Tuned in shape riders rest on the bike never stopping to allow the legs to dump, 

This is the Way !

I eased up, the bail out was 200 yards away then she said, “Stop if you need to, I doubt there’s anyone out here to block” I couldn’t speak I was at max ‘Q’ 

She was aware of this and said, “ the opening is coming up, you stop there or I’ll knock you off the trail crazy man”

She probably meant it.

I made it there and barely had the legs left to dismount the bike. I dropped the bike and started walking in a circle to slow my breathing. It was 92 degrees out there when I started, at noon. 


Then the lights went out.



I came to and was flat on my back in the dirt. This little woman was standing up directly over me with one foot on each side of my hips and was squeezing a stream of water out of her hydration pack, letting it fall on my head, neck and chest. 


I looked to my right and there was my hydration pack obviously empty and there was my jersey, bike shorts and shoes and socks. She had stripped me naked!

She says with a smile of relief on her face, “Oh hey your back” 

She stepped off me then sat down cross legged and wiggled til my head was in her lap. She stuck her hydration pack tube in my mouth and said drink just a sip.

I did as I was told, she took my pulse and said  that’s better.

Then she helped me up to a sitting position and stayed against my back with her legs now out around my hips. I could tell if she let go of me I’d fall back on the ground.

She poured more water on my head and just held me like a mom would a sick kid.

Next a banana was peeled and she made me eat it all, potassium, I desperately needed.

Then a sip of water.

I was feeling better.

Thankfully my dick stayed down. 

This was not sexy, I was a muddy sticky wet mess, we were both soaked in sweat.

She was filthy from holding me up and undressing me. But I was enjoying the calmness and the shade of a big oak tree. 


Then she said, “Now you want to get up but I know you can’t just yet so stay still and enjoy the peace and quiet we have out here”


“It’s a week day, it’s super hot and I’m quite sure we are the only people out here so just relax.” 

“I don’t want to have to go find a cell signal and call rescue out here, you’ve suffered heat exhaustion and I don’t want it to become heat stroke so just relax” 

I fell in love with this woman right then and there.

I raised my arm and sort of did a one handed hug around her on one side and said, “Thank you so much, I’ll never be able to repay you for this” I started crying. She rocked me and patted my bare chest and said,”You are most welcome, it was my pleasure, and all you have to do to repay me is promise to pay it forward one day to someone in trouble out here.” I promised.

We sat like that and chatted for a good hour.

Then she got up and helped me up. There was a small creek nearby and we both needed a rinsing. She was still in charge, she said leave the bikes. 

She said your cycling shorts were part of the problem. They are just too tight. 

She then turned her back to me and pulled off her cotton bike shorts and picked up my shorts and put them on. She turns and says, “Yeah I know this is kinda gross but I want you to put on my shorts, they are thin light cool and stretch forever. I did as she instructed. 

They were very comfortable. She held my arm like a nurse would and we walked the short distance to the two foot wide six inche deep slow flowing creek. 


She without any hesitation stripped naked and started washing herself. I did as she did. 


Oh my was she pretty. A mom with baby marks and all plus a few well placed scars from Mountain bike crashes, C-section, and a couple of well placed tattoos in a rather private location. She was so imperfect she was a warrior goddess in my minds eye.

She stood straight up naked and smiled at me as she watched and let me look her over.

5’5” 120 pounds of toned muscle. A strong little thing that without a doubt could kick my ass. She had no fear like most adrenaline junkies. She was killer beautiful.

My penis thickened. She saw it and smiled saying, “I appreciate the complement but your body is in no shape to follow your little brains desire” I started to apologize, she stopped me.

We were good, a bond had developed, a deep trust suddenly formed.

It’s a mountain biker thing.

We took our time walking the bikes out, we had over three miles to go and almost no water. We wisely took it slow, stopped many times in the shade. Two hours later we made the parking area. 

It was late afternoon now about five pm,

We were a sight and several bikers heading out stared at us.

Me in her thin little stretchy shorts her in my men’s cycling shorts.and only her sports bra. I was shirtless. She loaded her bike and mine in my van. And asked if I was married. I said yes, so was she.

She asked if my wife was cool and I said as cool as you. She locked up her car and drove me home. I was in no shape to drive.

She helped me in the house, Her and my wife talked while I took a shower. Then she took a shower and my wife found her some clean clothes. We told the whole story. 

Turns out she was a nurse in a trauma center,

Imagine that ! I was in the best of hands that day.

They made me get in bed. I was done for the day. 

With the both of them standing next to me in bed they both made me promise to only go out there the next couple of times when my nurse friend would be out there.

My wife took her back to get her car. She came back to our house to get her bike and check on me.

I was up, I hugged her and started crying again. I’m like that some days.


I had a fantastic month of daily masturbation sessions with my angles body as the primary image.


To this day from that one two minute look at her nude body I can still see every single mark, scar, tattoo and imperfection and it all added up to utter perfection to me.

This Is The Way


A most Outstanding encounter with an Angle



A100% true story




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