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Emotions Running High

Posted by: Age: 19 Posted on: 6 comments
6 likes 18 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Anger, horniness, masturbation,

I learned today how close anger and horny live to each other. I’m not an angry person at all. I can usually see the good in anyone, even people who are loud-mouthed, self-opinionated and derisive of anyone else’s views on the world.  So, when a student left the hostel (and the university) there was an empty room on my floor...next door, in fact. Then in moved Bridget.

The politest way I can describe her is “what a stuck up fucking cow!” Day one, she reorganised the communal kitchen, actually measuring how much storage we all had in the fridge, including the extra space allocated to a girl who is diabetic and stores her insulin in the fridge. (“It’s not our problem, and she shouldn’t expect extra space.”) On the evening of the second day, we found little slips pushed under our doors calling a House Meeting for Wednesday morning, a time when no one has any lectures. 

When it came, it was a list of complaints. “Dirty washing should not be left in the drying room....it makes it smell......I don’t like the noises some of you make at night.....NO men in the hostel, EVER....I have a right not to feel threatened....” and so it went on. Then she looked at me and Nikki: “And I don’t know what YOU two are up to at night, but I will not tolerate the noises coming from your room....OR the dirty language. If you MUST play with yourselves, kindly do it when I’m not here.”

And that’s when I got the red mist, something that’s only happened to me twice in my life before: once when my younger brother was being beaten up by two older boys (both went home with bruised balls) and the second time when someone keyed my dad’s car, quite deliberately, and announced, “Tough fucking shit”. (He went home with a broken nose and his house keys down a drain.) 

Then, the heat of anger gave way to a coldness. Actually I was quite scared of how I felt and I needed to NOT talk to Bridget there and then, so I got up and walked off. “Hey....I HAVEN'T finished yet,” she called. I turned on my heel and said, softly as I could, “Oh yes you have!”

The rest of the day was a mixture of high emotions for me....really high emotions. So I talked to Nikki and asked her if she would be up for putting Bridget firmly in her place. I outlined my plan and Nikki agreed. 

That night, at 8:00pm we knocked on her door, and asked if we could talk to her. “I can give you ten minutes,” came the haughty reply. (How the FUCK did this girl survive secondary school? Surely someone would have thumped her by now?) Once inside,  we both pushed her into a chair and I hissed, “Now, bitch, fucking sit there, shut the fuck up and listen.” Even I was scared at the force of the venom in my voice. 

I told her precisely what she could do with her list of demands, that she was no more important in this hostel than any one of us, and that we would certainly not be living our lives according to her demands. 

Fuck I felt good! As Bridget sat there, wide eyed and frightened, I also felt extremely horny. I hissed at Bridget, “Now sit the fuck there and don’t move....unless you want to be looking for a nose job!”

Then I turned to Nikki. My hand was up her skirt and in her panties in seconds, and we were kissing passionately. To my surprise, Nikki was wetter than I’ve known her so far. She whispered in my ear, “Fucking hell....you were so forceful, so dominant....oh shit, you’ve GOT to do that to me!” Nikki and I fingered each other to a (deliberately) very noisy orgasm each. 

Bridget sat white faced, but I noticed was breathing hard and deep and her pupils were widely dilated. 

“Now, little miss Hitler. People will do as they wish in this hostel. They will cook what they want when they want, they will come in and out when they want. There will be no noise curfew, and (I leaned in really close) they will fuck who they want, how they want, where they want.....got it?"

That said, Nikki and I did a particularly effective flounce out of the door and back to our room next door. 

Yes, we listened carefully at the wall, which, being a cheaply built University hostel is paper thin anyway. For a while we heard nothing. She hadn’t even moved from the chair. Then we heard the unmistakable sound of arousal. She was rubbing out out. 

Well, I couldn’t resist it could I? Bang, bang, bang on the wall. “Hey! Keep it down in there!”

i think I’d made my point to the stroppy Bridget, but it’s strange how anger and horny are two sides of the same coin. So much so, I went to the library and did a little reading. It turns out Male Dogs will show dominance by jumping their rivals who are expected to submit. Lions pee and rub their scent glands to mark their territories. Marking using sexual fluids is quite common it seems. As for anger turning into lust, Freud remarked that couples having a physical fight may suddenly copulate. The punches or slaps can turn in an instant to fucking. 

Weird, huh? 



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