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Elizabeth Opens Up a Little

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 3 comments
7 likes 39 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: Masturbation,
So, Elizabeth is living in as our housekeeper and she is utterly brilliant. The place looks immaculate, and she has cleaned dust from behind radiators that has been there for years! Just like her mum who is housekeeper for my mum and dad, she knows the job, loves it, and excels at it. All good then. 

Elizabeth keeps herself to herself, and never intrudes. Since we had our first talk about Emily and me being quite spontaneous and not caring where we make love, Elizabeth knows the score. Even so, we don’t want her to be a prisoner in her own room, and anyway, she is astute enough to pick up on if Em and I start to get sexy…it’s something I think girls are way more attuned to than boys. 

Sometimes, she spends the evening with us, either watching a movie, or just talking. Last night though something different happened, she started to open up about her (extremely limited) sex life. Em and I had told her we had been masturbating as individuals and even small groups since we were 13. To our surprise, Elizabeth said, “Yeah-me too.” I think we both -to our shame- looked surprised. “What…you think just because I’m still a virgin I haven’t had any sexual experiences?” 

Cue another bottle of wine, and a profound apology. Because Em and I are, well, totally uninhibited about sex, and very experienced, I guess we had both bought into the stereotype of ‘virgins do nothing’. I should have known better than to buy into such a ludicrous idea. 

Anyway, as the wine flowed, Elizabeth opened up more. “I came on at 13, and felt so horny…I mean 24/7. Some parts of the month were ok, but some were unbearable. I found out about masturbation through listening to my friends talk and a lot of experimentation. By 14-15 I could cum easily, and whenever I felt like it.” 

Yes, but what does she think about - talk about the elephant in the room! Neither Em or I were brave enough to ask.

Elizabeth brought both her feet off the floor and tucked them sideways under her bum giving us the briefest flash up her skirt. I wasn’t sure what she was wearing under there, but Miss Brain assured me it was a pink thong. “Panties form a V…a thong disappears between bum cheeks much more quickly.” (Oh well…that’s me told.) Elizabeth went on. 

“I had sleepovers, like everyone does, and I definitely heard girls fooling around in the darkness…sometimes with each other.” (And? For fucks sake don’t leave that hanging!) But she did. 

“I am straight - I think - but I sometimes wonder if any girl is ever 100% straight. We are way more tactile than boys, aren’t we, so I guess in the right circumstances, the right girl, well, never say never.” (Praise God from whom all blessings flow!) I had just taken a mouthful of wine when she calmly said, “When I masturbate, I think about boys mostly … but some nights I hear you two and it makes me cum.’ 

I was almost that cliche of spluttering a whole mouthful of excellent red wine out onto the carpet. “I do love the sounds you guys make…totally unfettered…you just make the sounds you need to make. It’s glorious.” 

Miss Brain screamed one of her, “DONT fucking say what you’re thinking.” So I didn’t. Emily said it instead. “Well, we never hear you,” followed by a really first class but entirely false giggle. “Maybe you save your noise making for when we’re out….or maybe you just don’t make any noise when you cum.” Miss Brain did the perfect face slap and thought, “ohhh shit.” Maybe Emily’s Miss Brain is better in some situations than mine, who does tend to err on the side of caution sometimes. It was, however, a brilliantly uttered remark. It could be taken as a statement or a question…and anyway, remember…girls talk about these things…far more readily than boys. 

“Actually, I’ve been keeping it down. I do like making noises…and saying…things…but it’s your home and..” Emily was on it like a Labrador on food. “Now listen. This is your home too - for as long as you want it to be. If you want to scream the roof off when you cum, you go for it girl.” How Emily managed the next sentence without a huge smirk, I shall never know, but she added, “We don’t mind.” 

The chat moved on to the pool and our builder’s brilliant solution to the heavy wooden cover which is, quite frankly, a fucking joke. We are having what he calls an ‘indoor-outdoor’ or ‘innie-outie’ solution. A glass structure will be constructed around it which will allow us to only need a simple plastic cover, and, better yet, in the summer months, two walls will slide away, leaving  the utility/pump room and sauna on one side and a glass wall on the other to protect from the winds. “I’ve heard about hot tubs and jacuzzis,” Elizabeth said, a definite twinkle in her eyes now - which could have been the wine…then again - “and I’ve always wondered if it’s true.”

“What, you’ve never been in one?” I mean, most girls have at least tried a swimming pool jet! What the…?


“Well, what about a swimming pool jet then?” Emily was really perplexed.

“What about them? When I go swimming I go to swim.”

“Oh sweetie….do you have some fun coming.”

And so I sat back while Emily explained in graphic detail (and I mean graphic) exactly what a well placed jet of water can do for a girl. 

“What about a shower head?” The words were out of my mouth before I realised…maybe Miss Brain was in control.

“What about it? I’ve lived in the same house all my life - show shower head is..well…the shower. It’s fixed to the wall.” (Oh poor girl.)

Emily had, as I said, used increasingly graphic and crude words while describing a jaccuzi’s ability to make a girl cum repeatedly. She spoke of ‘stimulation’ and ‘vulvas’ to begin with, but it wasn’t long before ‘clits’ and ‘cunts’ we’re in the air. Miss Brain tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, “look at her.” And there it was….the dilated eyes, the slightly flaring nostrils, and just above her t shirt, a distinct pink rash that hadn’t been there before. 

“When either the weather turns more mild, or the guys build the glass structure, you simply have to try the jaccuzi!” Emily said gleefully. 

My mouth opened, “I’ve tried it already. It’s great being in warm to hot water when there’s snow everywhere….and trust me…that jaccuzi is a girl’s best friend…in many ways.” Cue all round giggling, and another shift in position from Elizabeth. One foot up on the chair, one on the floor, and a clear line of sight up her skirt. Pink thong (Miss Brain was right) and…wait…what’s this…yes, unmistakably a few whisks of hair! I haven’t seen pubic hair on a girl in like, forever! And I found it such a turn on! While memories of the horrors of pubes and periods flitted through my brain for a split second, they were instantly replaced by Miss Brain asking me, “Can you imagine how warm and musky she would smell? All that trapped scent…her virgin cunt wetness…and sweat that you like so mech, all contained in one place like that?” 

The conversation lasted another 45 minutes or so and by the end, we were all a little tipsy, and the language was ripe to say the least. Emily went up to bed first, and I took the glasses and two bottles through to the kitchen, while Elizabeth followed me and hugged me briefly from behind, reminding me it was her job to do that. I felt her hands on my lower tummy and her firm boobs in my back and had some very inappropriate thoughts. For a nanosecond, I actually considered turning round and hugging her face to face and see where that led…but again, Miss Brain was throwing a hissy fit and told me no. 

In bed, Emily and I discussed what we had learned from Elizabeth. How on earth she could have not had a guy - at least once - we must find out why before much longer. We talked about how uninhibited she had got as the wine flowed and the chat got naughtier…and then..faintly at first, but growing louder, we heard moans….then a much louder, “Ohh yesss…..” we almost didn’t breathe. It reminded me so much of listening to mum and dad having sex. Emily wondered exactly how Elizabeth was doing herself…I am sure that’s something we may find out in the future…meanwhile, now with no hint of restraint, “Ohh fuckkk….fuckkkkkk….fuuuuuuuuck” 

When we knew Elizabeth had cum, Emily and I fell on each other. I told her about finding a pair of Elizabeth’s panties on the stairs, and rubbing one out while smelling her scent on my thumb, which made Emily insanely jealous. ‘You might have kept the panties for me..bitch..” Then we played, “who’s Elizabeth?” And we both took turns role playing being Elizabeth as the other gave her her first full-on g/g experience. 

Yes, yes, I know….this is dangerous territory. Neither of us will actually do anything with Elizabeth, and I’m pretty sure in the cold light of day, she doesn’t want to do anything with us. 

It is plain, however, that Elizabeth has some sexual growing up to do. She is a long long way behind others of her age in what she has actually done - which is little more than some kissing, apparently. 

It will be interesting to see how she develops in a totally unrestricted and very sexually orientated household. 



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