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Dusty's Story

Posted by: Age: 50s Posted on: 4 comments
2 likes 48 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: big, tits, milf, fiction, short story, Sister
Barry is worried that his cock is so big it is abnormal. Mrs Moone helps him see that a big dick is OK by telling him a story about big breasted Dusty.

Dusty’s Story

“Riiiiiinnnnnggggg”, the front door bell trills and Barry stands on the door-step waiting for the door to be answered.

Barry is calling on his mate Rod. It’s Saturday morning and Rod has informed Barry that he has some new porn mags for them to pore over. They both adore big boobed models and regularly share magazines and talk about whose tits are biggest, whose they lust over most, who they have wanked over and how hard and far they have shot their cum. Last week was a bit of a break from the normal routine as they had the house to themselves---Mr and Mrs Moon, Rod’s mum and dad were out shopping all day, and so they were able to spread the mags out all over Barry’s bedroom floor and wank together.

They had never jerked off in front of each other before so it was a bit embarrassing to start off with. They knelt down side by side and stroked their cocks to their chosen porn star---that morning it had been the gorgeous Letha Weapons (pity about the stupid name but she had a body and a face to die for).

Barry liked to imagine the two of them kneeling in front of the divine Letha each holding, squeezing and sucking one of her massive breasts---suckling at her tremendous globes while she stroked their cocks, one in each hand.

They had started slowly but began moaning as they got more and more excited and the tension rose and their cocks became engorged to bursting, at which point they lost all inhibition in front of each other. In fact they watched each other’s fists on cocks openly and avidly as they passionately pumped back and forth each imagining they were energetically fucking the gorgeous Letha. They even started competing with each other for how loud they could moan and chant her name and how long they could hold out before cumming. Finally Barry gave out a series of long, low moans as he orgasmed. He was trembling so much and the cry he gave out as he ejaculated tipped Rod over the edge and he released his wad seconds later. They both aimed their cum over the picture of Letha they were wanking over and a lovely, creamy mess it made over the glossy page as their spunks mixed and oozed over the paper.

As Rod stands there waiting for the door to be opened he speculates on whether they might get to the next stage where they would offer to wank each other. That would be fantastic he thought. So exciting. It wasn’t that either of them were gay or fancied each other, just that in the absence of a girl, a foreign hand on your cock enabled you to fantasise a little more effectively that you were inside the cunt, mouth or hand of your favourite porn-model-lover. He didn’t like to allow himself to imagine the further stage which would be to suck each other off and even swallow each other’s cum. That would be a step too far. Too intimate. A bit too gay. But all the same the thought of having your cock in someone’s mouth was very thrilling---the wet, soft lips---anyone’s lips--- around your yearning, throbbing member urging you to cum was mind- and ball-blowing.

Barry eases his pants around his cock as he is starting to get aroused by these reveries but his fantasising is brought to an abrupt stop by the opening of the door by Mrs Moon. Now we have to explain at this point that Mrs Moon, Rod’s mother, was no ordinary mum. She was the hottest MILF in the neighbourhood and the subject of just about every schoolboy’s sexual fantasies. She was tall, slim, and what the vulgar would call ‘well-stacked’. In short, she had massive breasts, and I mean massive! They were impossible to ignore and impossible not to lust over. And to round things off her tits were complemented by a full, well-padded arse. Barry’s overwrought adolescent imagination could not help but visualise every man she passed in the street getting an immediate boner as he caught a glimpse of those magnificent jugs and arse.

Rod was well aware of the lecherous comments made about his mum by local men and boys (and even several local women too for that matter!) and it was a source of continual embarrassment to him. He never talked about it to Barry who very tactfully avoided the subject. But there was no denying that Mrs Moon had all the attributes of a woman that Rod desperately wanted to fuck. When he saw the massive cups of his mum’s lacy bra, clearly designed to squeeze her lush breasts into a deep and welcoming cleavage, and her brief panties, hanging on the washing line, he went into a state of painful sexual confusion. “No, No, No, he mustn’t think of her like that! For God’s sake she was his MUM!”

Barry for his part had no qualms about fucking Mrs Moon---in his mind at least. She was a delicious woman who had the kind of tits and arse every red-blooded, straight boy, longed for. He didn’t really appreciate Rod’s agony. In fact he felt envious that Rod could get to see those huge jugs any time he wanted by just peeking through the crack in the bathroom door as his mother showered. He felt that if he were Rod and has access to the most luscious woman any of them had ever seen he would be spying on her all time---and wanking as he watched.

“Hi Barry”, says the object of his lust standing at the open door. Can he pull himself together and not blush and stumble over his words as he normally did whenever he met her?

“Is Rod in this morning, Mrs Moon? We agreed to hang out a bit today”.

“Sorry sweetie, he’s gone out with his dad and won’t be back till this afternoon, but come in anyway and talk to me. I’ve just cooked some biscuits. I’m trying out a new recipe. You can tell me if they are any good.”

Barry follows Mrs Moon down the corridor to the kitchen gazing at the delicious bum swaying as she walks. Mr Moon is the luckiest guy in the world he thinks, being able to share his bed every night with this goddess. He must be fucking her every night and morning---and six times at weekends. His prick must be worn out and sore and his balls must be completely dry. Barry knew that his balls would be empty pretty soon the amount of fucking he would be giving Mrs Moon if he were married to her.

He perches himself on a kitchen stool and nibbles the proffered biscuits Mrs Moon gives him.

“So how are you doing at school these days, Barry?”

“Oh, OK I suppose”.

“You don’t sound your normal upbeat self today. What’s the matter?"

"It’s the other boys in my class. They keep making fun of me.”

“What about sweetie? That doesn’t sound very kind”.

“Well it’s very personal and embarrassing. I don’t like to talk about it. It happens when we are in the showers after sports.”

“It’s OK sweetie. I’m a mum and I’m a trained nurse so I can help with physical and medical things. Why don’t you tell me all about it.”

She lays a reassuring hand on Barry’s thigh which does nothing to relax him.

“Oh alright, it’s like this---but you mustn’t laugh---”

“I wont laugh. Promise.”

“Well, when we are naked in the shower the boys all laugh at my penis and say its too big. Its a giant’s penis they say. I’m worried I might be abnormal, Mrs Moon."

“Well I need to have a look at it first before I can say for certain. Let’s go into the toilet so I can do a proper medical examination.”

They both go into the toilet and Barry slips off his trousers, pants and socks at Mrs Moon’s prompting. He sits on a chair and Mrs Moon kneels down so her face is now at penis level. He feels her warm breath on his member and it starts to rouse. She is peering at it from different angles giving it a thorough, professional evaluation.

“Do you mind if I touch it she says. Purely medical, you understand.”

“Of course...”, he says uncertainly.

She gets a toothbrush off a shelf and using the handle she lifts his penis and moves it around.

“Is that hygienic?” Barry asks.

“It’s OK”, she replies, “it’s only my husband’s toothbrush. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

Barry’s penis is now fully erect with all the attention it’s getting. Mrs Moon puts the toothbrush down on the floor and gently takes Barry’s cock in her hand and closes a fist around it. She is impressed that it is big enough to fill her whole hand. She rather unnecessarily gives the cock a couple of gentle tugs.

“Well, it is certainly working OK”, she says, gazing at the rock-hard member.

Barry looks shy. “I’m sorry”, he says.

“No need to apologise. I’d be worried if a boy at your age were not in a state of permanent erection.”

“So is my penis OK?” Barry asks.

“Well”, says Mrs Moon, “I wouldn’t call it a simply penis and I wouldn’t say it’s just OK. It’s far more than that. No it’s a LOVELY BIG FAT COCK which is going to give a lot of girls a lot of pleasure, believe me. Don’t worry about what the other kids say. They are only jealous. Come into the other room with me and I’ll tell you a story that will help. Its alright, don’t put your pants back on. You won’t need them for this.”

She leads him into the bedroom and sits him down on side of the bed.

“The story goes like this Barry. Once upon a time there was a young girl. We will call her Dusty for convenience. She was a plain ordinary girl, until, that is, when she hit puberty at thirteen, when she blossomed. And when I say blossomed---man! she really grew---in all directions. She grew from a beanpole into a fully rounded voluptuous young woman in a matter of months. All the kids in her class made fun of her just like they did with you. They asked if she had a couple of basket balls hidden under her blouse and called her a milk cow. She hated her body and felt she was abnormal. She used to wear the baggiest and most unattractive clothes she could find in order to hide her massive boobs.

“This went on until she was 16 when she started dating boys properly. Then everything changed. Instead of laughing at her big chest it became obvious to Dusty that boys liked her tits very much and couldn’t get enough of them. Boys were desperate to get their hands on her mams, feel, squeeze and caress them. It became the main focus of dating her. They exploited any chance they got to brush their hands over her curves and the boldest even cupped a breast and gave it a delicate squeeze when opportunity presented itself. The very boldest even tried slipping a hand under her clothes so they could rub their hand over the smooth, tense fabric of her bra. Dusty never objected as she was starting to enjoy the attention and the power. Her willingness to let boys ‘cop a feel’, as they termed it, was starting to get Dusty a reputation for being a bit of a tart but she didn’t mind, she loved the attention after all those years of teasing. Now she was the one who got to do the teasing.

“As she let a boy kiss her goodnight after a date, she would deliberately press her tits against his chest and she enjoyed the feel of his erect cock against her leg. It never failed. Whenever she kissed a boy he got a boner and then he always made a reach for her tits which she never rebuffed. On one occasion she could swear she felt her boy’s hard cock pulsing against her leg and when they drew apart she was sure there was a big wet patch on the front of his trousers. She couldn’t be absolutely certain but it really looked as if he had cum in his pants! Cum for her! He couldn’t control himself. He wanted her so much he had spunked himself! Dusty was amazed and went home sightly dizzy at the thought of men cumming over her without her even touching them!

“Dusty somehow managed to retain her virginity until she was 18 despite lots of attempts to get inside her panties. She gave many hand jobs to her boys, it’s true, so she wasn’t by any means a pure virgin. She felt sorry for all those frustrated lads whom she had aroused and felt the least she could do was to relieve them of all that tension she had built up in them.

At night she would lie in her bed and wonder, with a warm tingle in her cunt, how many pints of spunk she had milked from her boys over the two years since her sexual awakening. Of course none of this wanking was done in the privacy of a house but in the local woods, normally against a tree but sometimes in the summer they could lie down and press their fully clothed bodies together while she slipped out her boy’s cock and rubbed it to orgasm. Normally they came very quickly because even being near her excited her boys intensely. Dusty never let her boys near her naked pussy. She was saving herself for some real experienced grown-up men who could play her tits, arse, mouth and cunt like a virtuoso performer. She wanted the real sex that a fumbling boy could never give her.

“As she got older more mature men started taking an interest in her and she was able to start dating them once she had left school. Then there was no holding her back. At 18 she became a true tart and had so many men she couldn’t even remember who the first one was---the one to whom she lost her virginity. The big advantage of older men was that they had a home of their own where they could let rip on their carnal adventures.

“Dusty learned a lot very soon. Every guy she went out with was desperate to get her naked as soon as they got alone but she learned a little teasing led to more explosive orgasms for both parties later on in the evening. She learned how to undress in a seductive manner which maximised her partner’s arousal.”

At this point Dusty begins to unbutton her crisp white blouse and reveal her lacy bra, full to overflowing and under frighteningly high tension.

“What are you doing Mrs Moon?”, Barry asks anxiously.

“I’m just wanting to illustrate the difficulties Dusty had coming to terms with her massive breasts and how she overcame her problem. I can’t really tell the story effectively without showing you what she did. This is simply to help you with your big cock problem, you understand?”

“OK, If you say so”, replies Barry, a bit doubtful.

Dusty slips off her pure white top and then reaches round to unfasten her bra clip. She can’t quite reach it so she turns round and offers her back to Barry.

“Could you be a sweetie, my love, and undo my bra for me?”

Barry complies with a gulp and goggling eyes. He can’t believe that all his wet dreams are coming true at once.

The two ends of the bra strap curl round to Dusty’s front but the bra does not fall as she is cupping her hands over her globes.

“Dusty learnt this early on”, she says. “You have to undress slowly in front of your man so as to tease him. She would hold the bra cups against her tits like this until the last moment and then let the bra slip allowing her massive tits to drop and bounce. Can you see how they bounce Barry? Do you like the way the swing?”

The bra slips onto the bed and Barry stares in disbelief at the two massive mams in front of him that he has been dreaming of for so long. His cock is aching now.

Mrs Moon looks down and says, “Yes that’s exactly the effect Dusty got every time. It never failed. I’m glad you are getting to understand her story so well.

“At this point her partner was never quite sure whether to reach out and grab the tits or to bend down and suck them so Dusty always took control and moved things along at her own pace. She would take her lover’s hands like this Barry and press them against her tits like this so there was no doubt that she wanted them squeezed, caressed and fondled.”

Barry’s hands are sweating as he starts to feel the warm, yielding tit-flesh against each palm. He is afraid he will cum in his pants too.

“She would wait awhile so that her lover could fully relish the feel of her tits---allowing him to weigh them in his hands, notice the way they overflowed his eager hands, feel the hard nipple against his palms. You get the idea Barry?”

“Ohhhhh yessss”.

“When the lover had finished his fondling, Dusty would move to the next stage when she would take a tit in both her hands---it had be two hands as each tit was too big for one hand alone. She would move over to the lover and offer him the nipple to be sucked---just like this Barry.”

Barry’s mouth opened wide to receive the proffered nipple which was hard against his tongue (so Mrs Moon was aroused too he thought!) but he couldn’t hold a tit that big in his mouth so he gave up and just sucked on the nipple as she mashed the massive mam against his face. The mass of tit-flesh totally covered his face and caused him to moan and gasp with ecstasy breathlessness.

Mrs Moon pulled away from Barry to save him from suffocation but his hands continued to hold on to her left tit while he licked and kissed it hungrily.

“Once she had started on the tit-play there was no stopping Dusty. She had other tricks up her bra, as you might say. She would give her lover a little show where she would caress and squeeze her own breast like this and then hold one up to her own mouth and suck it. She would then push her lover back onto the bed like this Barry and kneel over him allowing her massive tits to dangle down each side of his face like this. Then she would then tit-whip him like this swinging her pendulous mams against each side of his face until he couldn’t take any more and called out for mercy. Then she would squeeze his face between her tits just like this. Then without a rest she would begin lowering each tit into his mouth in turn, a little more gently this time, giving him time for a full, hard suck on each. Do you like this Barry? Every guy Dusty went with loved being abused by her massive tits, Finally, she would move down his body, like this Barry, dragging her hot tits over his chest and legs until she came to rest over his cock. She would squeeze her tits around his rampant member totally enclosing it as if it were a second cunt she possessed. Many men could not endure this and would cum hard between her tits, which she loved, as it validated the worship of her tits and she loved it when a guy smeared his spunk all over her breasts. But what she really loved, Barry, was a man like you who could hold out a bit longer so that they could consummate their relationship with a cunt full of cum. Can you hold out a bit longer Barry?”

“I think so”, says Barry, but he fears he is lying!

“Dusty was a lover of oral sex so there was little she liked more that having her clit gently licked to climax. She lay back like this, Barry my sweetie, with her legs spread wide apart like this and invited her lover to press his face between her thighs. That’s right Barry, you have got the idea. That is the way it’s done my sweet.”

Barry licks Mrs Moon’s clit as instructed, first gently with the tip of his tongue and then pressing harder with the root of his tongue exactly as she describes. Then she teaches him Dusty’s trick of getting her lover to flick her clit against his teeth which sends a jolt of electricity through her. Mrs Moon is moaning and writhing and rolling her head as she tries not to lose complete control.

“Oh Barry Barry Barry...”, she moans and then without warning she suddenly arches her pelvis upwards almost dislocating Barry’s neck with the force of the movement and lets out a wild, primitive, orgasmic cry... “Oh Baaaaarrrryyy!” as she cums and Barry presses his tongue deep into friends mum’s pulsating cunt.

Mrs Moon is obviously shattered by her orgasm and has to rest in silence for a couple of minutes. Then she says, “Barry it’s time you experienced a Real Fuck from a Real Woman, the kind of woman that Dusty was. I am going to show you what it is like to fuck a full, mature, complete woman like Dusty. Lie on your back and let me see that full-fat cock of yours reaching for the sky.”

Mrs Moon Mounts Barry. “Now I’ll guide your big fat cock into my cunt just like Dusty would do”.

Mrs Moon’s fingers close around Barry’s massive cock and she eases her labia lips open to receive the heavy love-club. Mrs Moon’s cunt is well lubricated from all the licking she has received from Barry tongue and so the cock slides in slickly. Barry feels the hot cunt-flesh enclosing his cock open up to receive him and is overwhelmed by the thought that this is his first time with a real, experienced, sexually accomplished woman and this is THE women whom he has been lusting over for years. She pushed down on him till she has enclosed him hard, down to the hilt. She leans forward and presses his hands over her tits so her can squeeze them hard while he fucks her.

Barry pushes into her gently at first but as he gets more excited he pushes in harder and faster and Mrs Moon starts moaning with satisfaction and rolling her head  as he begins to fuck her more enthusiastically. She is going to cum again, he can tell. What an incredibly sexy woman. He can’t hold back any longer. It’s too much, He feels the cum start to surge up from the base of his cock as his mouth opens and he lets out a roar as the spunk pulses from his member and just doesn’t seem to stop. The pulsing of his cock is longer and more powerful than anything he has ever known. Certainly, his wanking even at its best, was never as intense as this.

Mrs Moon climaxes shortly after Barry and they lay there exhausted and spent.

After a while Barry rolls off Mrs Moon and lays beside her.

“So you now understand Dusty better, Barry, and I hope you have learned something from her story”.

“Oh yes, Mrs Moon it was a very enlightening story. By the way, can I ask, were you Dusty?”

“Perhaps I was, Barry, or perhaps it was a cock and bull story I made up just to get to use that magnificent cock of yours! Who knows?”



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