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Doing myself, Watching him, Doing them, Swallowing cum

Posted by: Author: Age: 20 & 30 Posted on: 14 comments
19 likes 3907 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: Sister in-law

Wow what a fantastic site this is! I have rubbed my clit so much over the past few days reading so many stories.

I've been a very active masturbating female for a long long time. I can make myself cum as much as I need. I can rub off 8 at once so I suppose a normal day is about 15 orgasms give or take a few. I want to share one of my favorite memories with you & tell you all a bit about me & my body first. It's going to be so hot.

I'm 30 right now. The memory I'm about to share was back when I was 20 working as a house painter, a summer job my dad got me to help me get money for the school.

Back then I was a skinny 5'5" girl weighing 106 lbs. Even now I'm only 114 & I think it's all in my boobs now. Back then I had almost no boobs at all. I have a girlfriend I work with who also works out with me & sees me naked all the time. She tells me I have "ski jump" boobs. She says they look like a little man could ski jump off them taking off at the nipple. My boobs are curved up at the ends so my nipples point upward just a bit. My nipples are pretty long & since I think about sex all the time I think that's why they are always so long & hard.

Getting to the sexual memory, I worked with four guys & one other girl painting that summer. We painted prefab houses on site where they were built. The summer I worked there was really & I mean really hot. I only got along with two guys. Terry who was quite older, I think 32 at the time & Jon who was only a year older than me.

After the first week of working in the heat I decided to wear nothing under my overalls. It made me feel super sexy too. I could feel my body rubbing on the material & I felt almost nude working beside the guys. At lunch time I walked to the back of the parking lot & behind the trees was a spot where nobody could see me. I stripped off my overalls & laid naked in the hot sun. On the very first day I did that I masturbated thinking of how exciting it would be for somebody to walk back & catch me. I'd go back to work hot & horny thinking of how naughty I was.

One afternoon at break I was outside with Terry & Jon. They both opened their jump suits & let them fall tying the arms around their waists. Teasing, Terry told me I should do the same thing. I was as usual very horny that day so I grabbed Terry's painters hat, took my own off then turned my back to them & dropped my own suit to the ground. They got a good look at my entire nude body from the back. I pulled it up to my waist like them then turned with two white hats hanging off my long nipples. I thought they would both die right there by the way they looked at me.

That was the first time of many sexual little teasers I did to them but it was more to Jon. He was so shy & awkward but he had a lean tight body & I found out later he had a nice long cock. I was still a virgin at the time but my clit had years of practice. I was an orgasm machine by that time.

One afternoon we were breaking for coffee when my curiosity got the best of me. I asked Jon if he had plans that night. I was hoping he would say no plans so I could tease him about going home to jerk off. Well he had no plans & I began to tease. At first his face went red but the more I teased the more bold he got. It was not long before he admitted he went home every night to jerk off. I backed off on teasing & told him I too did the same thing. I asked him what he thought about it & we sat down on a curb talking.

It was a Wednesday night. My mom was as always in the summer at the cottage while my dad travelled during the week. I had a big house all to myself. I asked Jon to come back to the house for a drink with full intention of me masturbating while he watched me. It was something I had fantasized about for weeks & something I was determined to make come true.

Back at the house & once inside I dropped my backpack that held my sweaty overalls & lunch bag. I stripped my clothes off showing my naked backside again & walked away telling Jon I'd be a few minutes cleaning up. I came back showered & horny wrapped in a small towel then told him where the shower was.

While Jon showered I masturbated to three good hard orgasms warming up for what was about to follow. When Jon came back I had nothing but raw sexual pressure pushing me to show him how I could masturbate. He had on nothing but jeans. I asked him to come & sit down then I told him how much sexual pressure I was under & I faked that I had to release it or I would be sick. I told Jon to just sit back & watch, then I stood up & dropped the towel to show my nude body. What a rush I got standing in front of Jon naked & thinking about how I would be masturbating in just a few seconds while he watched me. It was a mind blower for me being the exhibitionist I was & still am today.

I sat down on the couch & opened my long skinny legs as wide as they would go with my toes pressed to the carpet. I didn't have to part my pussy lips. They were wide open & ready for more fun. I cupped my right boob with my left hand while my right hand flicked fingers back & forth across my swollen hard clitoris. I could feel my body flush with excitement & my heart was pounding like I had just ran a mile. I watched Jon's eyes move from mine to my moving hand & back again every few seconds. He was taking in the whole show. It only took a few minutes until the obvious happened. As my orgasm approached I made sure to give a great performance. I could feel orgasm coming on & I usually go with it, you know, let my body move how it wants. This time I made sure to put a lot more effort into my orgasm just for show. As orgasm approached I arched back & moaned like crazy pushing my boobs out far & hard. I know from watching myself re-create the orgasm scene later that night in the mirror that my body looked very very hot! My ribs pressed through my skin & my nipples were as tight as they could be. My legs were open & my heels were high off the floor up on my tip toes while my body jerked with spasms of orgasm, my fingers never leaving the point of pleasure. As orgasm slowly passed my body slinked into the couch & my legs stretched straight out but still far apart to show my pulsing pussy still twitching. I opened my eyes to see Jon's eyes wide open like he just saw a ghost. I asked if he was ok, he just shook his head yes. A few awkward moments passed then I had to say something else. I asked if he wanted me to do it again & once more he shook his head yes.

I was still shaking with sexual desire & I held nothing back. I pulled my feet up on the couch with my knees high by my shoulders then I told him it was not fair & that he should do it for me too. I then just smiled at him while he looked with an awkward grin saying no. Then I told him again & told him not to be so shy & that I'd never tell anybody about our little secret. He sat silent for a few seconds then very quietly said OK. He stood up & pulled down his jeans. His cock flopped out almost fully hard & it was huge! What a sight it was. I'd never had the pleasure of a big cock being a virgin. One time only my girlfriends brother showed me his but it was not near that size.

Jon sat back down & at the same time my fingers went to my clit, his hand wrapped around his huge cock. I watched his hand move up & down & up & down. His foreskin looked so tight that it would hurt doing it. He started going faster then he asked me how long he should do it for. I told him to do it as long as he could. That turned out to be a very short time. Jon was maybe two minutes before he held his breath for a few seconds then softly said, oh here it comes. His head bobbed up & down like he was trying to shake something off his hair. His body jerked just a bit each time a long string of white cum shot out the end of his big cock. I was mesmerized with each string that shot up & landed back on his hand, his leg & tummy. There was so much cum! I wanted to go over & smear it all over my hands but I didn't. I actually stopped masturbating just to see him cum. It was such a thrill for my virgin eyes to see & something I new I had to see again. As soon as he was able to talk I asked him to do it again. He told me no so I went on my myself while he watched me again. His cock got half soft then I saw it getting hard again. I asked him once more to do it for me & this time he said OK.

Jon still had cum all over himself from the first time. Wow was it exciting! He did it a lot longer this time. I did it with him & came once more while doing at the same time. The orgasm was HUGE!!! I almost fainted, really almost fainted. The room went dull & white & I had to lay back & catch my breath. Soon after he was squirting his cum again. This time he shot one not too long string followed by a few tiny ones but his body was twice as jerky & it went on much longer than the first time.

We had such a great night together. We never kissed or touched each others privates. It was all just looking & being together. The next day at work was weird. Jon hardly talked to me & I had one more night without my folks at home but he said he was busy. We never did it again but I've done it with many others since, guys & girls. I think masturbating with someone is about the most fun you can have. I've had lots of sex but I still like going back to masturbating together or just me doing it while being watched.

The time with Jon was the best for me because it was the first. The next best thing for me is giving a hand job like I am a massage therapist. I did it one night for my old boyfriend & his two buddies. Each one laid on the kitchen table on a sheet while I oiled their cocks & stroked them off to a good orgasm. I did my boyfriend last & swallowed his cum while the other two watched. I had no choice but to sit up on the table afterwards & tell them I had to cum too. I was just too horny not to. My boyfriend was pissed off later because I did that but I figured I had a few coming since I did them all so nicely plus I swallowed his cum right there while his buddies watched. He should of been more thoughtful & not pissed off. I didn't care, I just had to cum & doing it in front of three guys at once was a blast! If I had it to do again I'd swallow each one as they came. It's such a nice way to finish a good hand job. I think it should be my next big fantasy that I make cum true. All I need is three good men, or more.



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