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Discoverting Masturbation

Posted by: Author: Age: 56 Posted on: 22 comments
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I think most of us remember how we learned to masturbate and the intensity of that first orgasm. I definitely do and enjoy hearing other's stories of it.
I don't remember learning to masturbate exactly. It seems to just be something I always did but didn't understand what it was.

I remember once when I was trying to describe the horny or near cum feeling to my best buddy Alan. I described it as like you got to pee real bad. I don't think I was describing a dry orgasm but since I sometimes got erections when I did have to pee, it kind of felt the same. I remember one time I was going to show Alan how to do it but my mom made us both go outside and play since she had just made my bed. I don't know if she knew what we were up to or just didn't want us to mess the bed up. It never occured to me that anyone else did it or that I should show them how I did it.

Puberty hit a month or so after. I'd seen other boys in the gym showers for a year and knew that one day I too would get bigger and grow pubic hair but I didn't know any of the other effects of puberty. My penis was still only a couple inches long erect and I was hairless but I remember starting to get very hard erections every night when I went to bed and I'd have them every morning when I woke up. Although I tried to ignore them, I could not keep my hand from going to my crotch and then I'd roll over and hump my hand until I fell asleep. In the morning, I'd hump until my mom called me to get up for school. The lack of not being able to stop bothered me a little but there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew nothing about orgasms or semen. I only knew it felt good and I couldn't keep from doing it. I also don't remember ever getting a dry orgasm. I'd just do it til I got tired, fell asleep or mom called me to get up. One Saturday morning when I was humping and it was feeling especially good. I started going faster and faster and straining really hard. All at once I felt hot all over and something pulled down in my balls. Then my penis started pumping and waves of pleasure swept over my body as something hot and electric shot out of my penis. When it stopped, I raised up and pulled my white briefs down to see what had happened down there. I saw a single drop of slimy white stuff on the tip of my penis. I don't think I knew what it was but I didn't freak out.

Over the following weeks, I kept up my morning and nighttime humping and pretty soon all my briefs had little yellow stains. At first they weren't too big but then the drop or two became a teaspoon full or more. I tried to do the humping but hold off at the last second, raise up and catch it on some tissue but most times I wasn't fast enough. As my penis began to grow longer, the fist humping no longer worked so I'd either hump a small pillow or a ball of blanket.

I remember accidentally seeing my best friend, Jim, humping on his bed that summer when I came over and went up to his window to see if he was awake. I was embarrassed to catch him and backed away before he saw me. Unfortunately, I didn't bring it up and we never talked about it.

I think about a year or two after I stared cumming, I was doing sex research in the local library. There was no internet and we had no porn in the small town. I came across a description of how most boys masturbate using their hand. It said they make a fist and move their hand back and forth. I went home, closed my door and tried it. By now my erect penis was almost six inches but first time it didn't work. I didn't know you made a fist around your erection so I just tried rubbing my fist on the bottom of my penis. Not near enough stimulation. Next day I tried it the other way with my hand wrapped around my erection and success! Now I could masturbate without getting in bed and I didn't have to worry about the mess.

As a child and a teen I never talked with anyone else about masturbation or did anything with anyone. I do remember one friend talking about how on a sleep over with another friend, the other friend asked if he wanted to play 'milk the cow' but my friend freaked out and left when his host pulled out his erect penis. I kind of wish I'd arranged a sleep over with him so I could get to play 'milk the cow' but I didn't.

Well, that's about all my early history. Thanks.



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