Hi James,
Yes, I'm a confidence coach. Because I'm rather high-profile, I keep the whole masturbation interest mostly under wraps. I think someday, I'll start being more public about all that, but am concerned it might be a problem with my career. I mean, can you imagine an article in a major magazine saying that I'm quite interested in masturbation? Cool as that would be, the notion scares me to death.
At the Masturbate-A-Thon, there was a famous television personality. I asked him whether he was concerned about being recognized. He said "no" and then explained that people always assumes he looks like the person he is, but is not actually that person. So, he just lets them go on with their assumption. I don't think I could get away with that.
I believe you mentioned you were a teacher.
It does take quite a bit of confidence to face a class for the first time, or any sort of groups, and the prospect of impromptu speeches can scare the bejeepers out of most people. So, congratulations on being able to do that so well!
As to placing ads on a website, for a while I was in a rural area, and didn't think anything would happen. There were only a few postings, and most didn't appeal to me. There were people who wanted to do cross-dressing, or wanted anal intercourse, etc. I'm rather specific in what I like, so I decided to post an ad specifically focusing on that. I figured if even one person responded, it would be fine. Surprisingly, there were several responses. So, the trick seems to be to post something, not to just respond to what's there. Interestingly, what I wrote that I wanted was rather specific. I have a copy of my ad if you'd like to see it. Furthermore, I was not in a position to host, and let that be known in my ad, and still, I got the responses. A few I was able to rule out right away. After being specific in my ad, they'd respond with interest in blow jobs, anal, and so on, as if they simply didn't read the body of the ad at all. With everyone I emailed, I requested pictures, to be sure they were real people. Of course even if they send cock pix, that doesn't prove anything. But I figured, if they were psychopathic homophobes, or serial killers, or anything like that, they'd never send pictures of anyone's cock. I'd email back and forth a few times, and if they got into details that sounded right, I was assured. If they might have stayed general in their responses, I'd rule them out, but no one did. As it turns out, there are a lot of men out there who do want to experience something more that solo jerking off, or sex with their wives. Many women seem to turn off after age 45 or so. I guess it is a hormonal change. Others, from what I've heard, consistently miss the point. Of course it doesn't help that their men are often too shy or restricted to talk about what they want. I mean, if you were a woman, and your man expressed interest in oral sex, or a doggy style, or bondage, or something you've not experienced, wouldn't you be willing to try it, or at least a minor variation, to satisfy him? To protect your marriage? To simply make him happy? Evidently, not so!
In my rural area at the time, I got a response from a fellow who sounded just right. He hadn't done anything with a man before, was 20 years younger than I, good looking (not that any of that matters, really), and able to host. After working out the details, I showed up at his RV, and was met at the door by his wife! Oops, what was that about? She invited me in, and seemed to know all about the arrangement. As I sat on their sofa, petting their little dog, they filled me in. They lived in the RV full time, and hadn't left the area in many years. They were happy. He was the son of a fisherman, and had worked in the fishing industry until a back injury. She had at one time weighed over 300 pounds. I was flabbergasted because she was thin and quite good looking now.
I won't say he was illiterate, but he was not an accomplished writer. He was intelligent, because he showed me some of the customizations he had done on his RV and they were impressive. Because he was not much good on a computer, his wife had responded to my ad for him. She said that first day, it was just to be him and I, but she wouldn't mind watching. While she and I talked a bit, he went to the bedroom, and came back naked, with a full erection. I had him sit on the sofa and just started in on a handjob. He didn't seem shy or nervous at all. It didn't take long before he came, way too soon. He thanked me, and I left.
They invited me back a week later, and she was in the bathroom for a very long time, while he and I made small talk on the sofa. Finally, she stepped out, as naked as the day she was born. She had been in the bathroom shaving everything, and she was beautiful, despite a weird flap of skin that hung over her stomach. That was from when she weighed so much. BTW, I asked her how she was able to lose all that weight. She said, "I just decided." We went into their bedroom. He and I stripped, and he had shaved everything also.
Anyway, we all played on their bed. A lot of handjobs back and forth, including her. She particularly enjoyed when I played with her nipples, and put a finger gently in her ass. He and I played quite a bit including I ran a finger around his asshole, and finally into it. She then wanted to try fisting, and I was happy to do that. I couldn't get my whole hand in, even though she said it didn't hurt, and I was pressing and twisting quite hard. Oddly, I couldn't feel her cervix. It turns out, she had had a hysterectomy. After a while, we decided that the fisting thing would be something we'd have to practice from time to time until I could get my hand all the way in. I asked why her husband doesn't do it, and she said he doesn't want to, while he grinned sheepishly. There were a couple of other things he didn't want to do also. Like put his finger in her ass. She loved it, yet he wouldn't do it. Go figure! Finally, he came. I was happy that he was able to play for us an hour before ejaculating. I was afraid he'd always lose it too soon. She came numerous times. Finally, after he was massaging my balls for quite a while, she tried sticking her little finger in my peehole. She got it in almost all the way to the first knuckle. I came right away, and my cum was blocked by her finger, which made the orgasm last longer.
Everyone was quite happy, and I visited them several more times. Eventually, they broke up, she moving up north, and he staying in the RV. He and I got together a couple of times, but the energy wasn't quite the same.
BTW, you asked why I don't get together with some of the men from the circle jerks I've occasionally attended. When you asked, I thought about that. Somehow, it hasn't occurred to me, plus I only have contact information on the organizer, who is out of the country for the next month or so. I guess I actually have too many opportunities. For instance, there's another guy. He claims to be fully gay. He texts me from time to time. We've gotten together three times in the past year or so, but there's something not quite compatible. I think I prefer bisexual people for some reason. He seems to want more, like laying on top of each other and all that. Perhaps I'm somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum, since I really just enjoy massage/handjob sorts of things, except with my wife. I can hug her for hours. Go figure! Anyway, this gay guy is kind of interesting. Once again, he is younger, like early 40s. He is Hispanic, and for some reason, has a rather small penis, which I find enjoyable. He has yet to cum, and doesn't stay hard very easily. He says he is satisfied after I cum, when i offer to reciprocate. You'd think I'd want to visit with him every few days, but for some reason, I tend to stay away.
Cheers! - Jst
Back again, Jst. From what youve written here [yesterday] and in a couple of ST stories I had a hunch that your professional work involved life coaching, along with perhaps some specialized counseling therapy. Im probably using the wrong terms, but the mention of building self-confidence [and masturbation being a great way to get in touch with ones self] would seem to fall into the life coaching realm, unless I misunderstand it. Fascinating. Have you been involved in this sphere of coaching / counseling most or all of your professional life?
I had to chuckle about your online ad comments. . . . on the occasion when you get horned up! Im surprised you get as many as 12 responses, but Im kinda curious as to why you might not instead just hook up with one or another of your acquaintances in your circle jack group. I tend to have a somewhat jaded view of posting local ads online, I guess . . . and have always been skittish about what I might be getting myself into. Maybe I should give it a chance, and get some advice as to how you screen the responses. Speaking of responses, I was on the list again this morning, and there was a grand total of 14 postings under the personals male/male category and get this from Oct. 1st thru today! Thatll give you a good indication of the relatively rural area Im in. Closest person posting was 20 miles distant. The furthest was 45 miles. As to your getting really horned up, funny thing about the word horny, and its variants. I dont know if youve ever seen a definition in print but there isnt any meaningful one out there, as far as I can tell from my idle research!. That includes Urban Dictionarys woefully inadequate definition. Just for the hell of it I think Ill prepare one and submit it to U.D. Will let you know.
Wow . . .I almost envy your occasional circle jerk group gatherings. Sounds like great fun . . . years ago I met [online] a guy in a retirement community in Arizona who was part of such a group also. Sometimes Ive fantasized about finding/joining a group like this but then, deep down I think my own preference is to engage with just one other person, at a time, rather than in a group setting. At this point in my life, anyway. In re the prospect of accidentally bumping into someone you know [friend, relative, etc.], yeah, what a thought. Youre more well traveled than I these days, so who knows. . it just could happen. Let me know!
Off to bed . . .
Great stuff, thanks for writing back! As to my clientele, of course I can't reveal any specifics, but can talk about them in a general way. Most are not very interesting. Well, actually, they are all quite interesting, but with most, the subjects of sex and masturbation don't come up. When it does come up, it is like suddenly they become kindred spirits. These conversations generally start because at some point, I often recommend masturbation as a great way to get in touch with one's self (literally and otherwise), and it is a good first step in overcoming blocks to confidence. The second step is quite an ice-breaker for many. Or, specifically, for those for whom it is appropriate. I recommend talking about wanking, but in controlled, rehearsed circumstances, and the magic that then comes from that can be quite impressive. I usually start by confessing something about the 'taboo' subject in a very off-hand way, and they see my confident approach to something that has always troubled them. I'm sure you get the idea. Others among my clientele have come to me specifically because of the masturbation angle. They have friends who tell them what I do, and how I do it, and if for the original clients, masturbation was a 'thing' then they convey that to their friends and associates, who then want to become clients also. I have not often jerked off with my clients, but have occasionally, generally after our sessions are finished, so it won't interfere with their progress.
On the occasion that I get horned up, I used to place a local ad online, stating very specifically what I want (play with handjobs, especially edging, no kissing, frotting, anal, no blow jobs). Interestingly, I usually get around 8 or 12 responses. A couple are obviously flakes, but the others are generally legit. After a bit of emailing back and forth, I'll pick one to play with. I've done it with perhaps 6 guys that I met online, and all have been great. Most are my age, or at least in their 40s. Some of the stories I've written up on ST. I haven't actually posted an online ad in quite a while. There are two guys who live nearby that really 'get it.' They are good friends, and I'll get together with one or the other every few weeks.
One of the two, my favorite, is rather a masochist. He likes really hard hand jobs, with lots of testicle squishing, and a lot of glans polishing. He likes to squirm and NOT say the safeword. He enjoys sounding and even anal fisting. Yet, he is gentle with me. Sometimes too gentle, because I like it a bit rough sometimes too. But sometimes gentle. And when he is rough, it's not too rough. Good guy. He is around 38 or 40 years old, but doesn't seem to care a bit that I'm old enough to be his father. Interestingly, he doesn't always get hard for the first 1/2-hour or so, and sometimes doesn't ejaculate, but he enjoys it very much no matter what.
There's also an occasional circle jerk here in town involving 8 to 10 men. It's not always the same group. There's generally one or two new faces in the crowd. I'm looking forward to the day when someone I recognize shows up. Like a client who doesn't know about my bisexual side, a friend, a retail clerk, or a distant family member. Wouldn't that be something to see somebody you know in that situation? Suddenly, you'd both be like, "You, too?!" I'd probably feel an initial pinch of trepidation, followed by delight. Can you imagine such a situation?
Terrific! I haven't been on ST for a few days so I hadn't seen the story yet. Will check it out tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know . . .and for the compliment posted on the site! Much appreciated . . . especially coming from a special ST penpal!!
Hi James,
I see your new story on SoloTouch has received half again more viewers than any other submitted to SoloTouch at around the same time. Congratulations. I read it again, and it is really a great, well-told story.
- Jst
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Correspondence about Circlejerks, Three-Ways, and Things I've Done
Posted by: jstfrths
Age: 62 Posted on: 14 Nov 2016
1 likes 1338 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: mutual mastrubation, three-way, circlejerk
1 likes 1338 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: mutual mastrubation, three-way, circlejerk
I've been emailing about masturbation and such with a penpal I met right here on Solotouch. I thought you might be interested in some of what was written, which is a sort of a summary of some of the stories I've published here. So here is a part of our correspondence:
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