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College Heat

Posted by: Author: Age: Ripe middle age Posted on: 1 comments
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Cast my memory back... over thirty years ago. My girlfriend and I had been sexually active for a couple of years by the time this incident happened during our first year of college. We discovered sex together, and advanced from making out to making love over the course of our senior year of high school. One of my strongest memories is of the strength of her orgasms. She was very vocal when she came and repeatedly would call my name punctuated with gasps, moans, and cries.

This particular weekend, we had gone to another campus to visit friends. In those days many of us had more hair than sense at times, and after a typical Saturday night revel, several of us simply crashed on the living room of the apartment where the party had been held.

Jennie (not her real name) and I had curled up together and lay-like the five or six other folks in the room-fully clothed on the floor. At some point in the early morning, I awoke. I could see faint daylight through the windows, but it wasn't the light that had disturbed me. By the time I realized what was going on, I could feel Jennie slithering up my right leg. She did not speak but moved up to straddle my thigh. As soon as she got positioned, she began to hump her pussy against my leg.

I was nonplussed. Her left leg was bent at such an angle that it rested against my cock which had quickly sprung to attention. I began an involuntary moan, but Jennie quickly said 'Shh' and continued thrusting her hips against me. I managed to move against her as well. It didn't take either of us long. I could feel her climax approach as her thrusting became quicker and her legs clamped tighter around my own. She came as hard as she usually did, except this time she made not a sound. I could feel her spasm against me three or four times, and also silently I came with her.

She slid off, and we both rolled over and went back to sleep. I'm not sure if anyone else in the room was aware of what happened, and I don't recall that Jennie and I ever discussed it afterwards Nevertheless, the incident remains vivid to me. It was a spontaneous expression of pure sexuality. Jennie needed release, and masturbating against my leg was the only option available. Never a particularly daring person, she still risked getting herself off by humping my leg surrounded by other people sleeping. The fact that her desire overcame any reticence, that the urge to come became so strong she was willing to get herself off regardless has fueled many of my own subsequent solo visions.



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