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Catching Up With My Sister

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 10 comments
30 likes 9784 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: sisters, masturbating, tits, fingering
After being away at college for five years, one of my younger sisters and I finally had a chance to reconnect and ended up learning a lot about one another.

I was now twenty three years old and after graduating from college and a year of internship, both at a large city hours from home, I moved to a town that was about 20 miles from where I grew up to get started in my career. It was close enough to home to be comfortable, but also just far enough away to maintain my privacy. As you know from my earlier stories, I have an older brother and two younger sisters. When I left for college, my sisters were eleven and fifteen, and I wasn't very close with either of them. Growing up, my brother and I were the close older pair, and they were the younger pair. Outside of the generic highlights I'd hear about from my parents on holiday visits, I really didn't know much about either of them or what they were really up to.

Following a few months of getting settled in my apartment and my job, I got a phone call one evening from Shelly, my sister who was attending a small college in our hometown. Surprised to hear from her, we talked for about a half hour about a school related project she wanted advice on. It was a great conversation and I suggested we get together some time and hang out. She agreed and said she wasn't doing anything the Saturday after next and ask if she could come visit. I said certainly and gave her my address and directions.

That Saturday, Shelly arrived at my place around noon. That morning I was kinda nervous about her visit. I was excited, but as I said before, I was realizing how far apart we'd grown over the years. When she walked in we gave each other a big hug and were both all smiles, genuinely happy to see one another. As I went to the kitchen to grab some tea I took a second to look back at Shelly standing in my dining room. Having just turned twenty, she was really all grown up, looking absolutely nothing like the short, scrawny, awkward fifteen year old I remembered. Other than having identical green eyes, long blond hair and very similar facial features, she and I were quite the physical contrast. I was shorter with a toned athletic body from swimming. Shelly was easily 5 inches taller than me and had a very classic hourglass figure. She was in great shape with long legs, but also had some soft curves. Her butt was custom made for tight jeans and she had developed an amazing rack. I was proud of my 34Cs, but Shelly was easily a full 36D plus. Like I said, she was hardly the little sister I used to know.

We went out for lunch and hit the mall for a few hours, all the while talking about school and work and what the rest of the family had been up to lately. When we got back to my place it was early evening and Shelly said she'd probably head for home guessing that I had plans. I replied that I didn't and that she was welcome to stay as long as shed like. She agreed so we grabbed a few drinks and hit the living room to get comfortable.


After a few more boring family stories, I decided to lighten the conversation. Sooo, I started, tell me what you've really been up to the last few years, I mean the good stuff. Good stuff? she smiled and laughed. I said, yeah, you know guys, parties, sex, I mean I hope you've been having some kind of fun. She grinned and replied, well of course I have, but, she continued, nowhere near your level Dee. I grinned as well and said, whatever do you mean? Shelly raised her eyebrows and said, please, do you not think I've heard about your high school exploits. I chuckled a bit nervously and asked, such as? Well, she started, I know your title in 12th grade was the blowjob queen. I laughed loudly and said, really, oh boy, you win one contest at a party and suddenly you get a title. She then said, oh and the wet t-shirt contest, and the hot tub parties, and umm, I also know about Sue. Oh you do? I replied. Yeah she said, some of my friends used tease me and say your sister is a lesbian, which didn't quite make sense then considering the blowjob queen stories, but now it makes more sense.


Does it? I asked, how's that? Well, she said, I'm guessing it was an experimental phase. I answered, well it's true, Sue and I were together for a while, but it wasn't just a phase, her and I were in love, and I've been with other women since, I confessed, seeing Shelly's eyes widen a bit. But, I continued, there have been plenty of men also. I smiled and said simply that I really enjoy both. She grinned warmly and said, totally understandable, nothing wrong with that. I then questioned her, what about you? Well, she said, I've fantasized about girls, no lie, but that's about it. What about guys? I asked her. Oh of course, she said, I've had lots of sex, but its only been with a few different guys that I dated for long stretches. Outside of them I've blown a few guys on one nighter dates, but like I said my resume is tame by comparison.


I chuckled and said, as long as you're enjoying yourself, that's all that matters. She smiled and replied, don't worry, I enjoy myself plenty, especially during the dry spells. I fell back into the sofa cushions chuckling again. Well now there's something we have in common Shelly, I stated authoritatively. When did you start masturbating? I asked her. Around the time you left for college, she replied. One day I found Dads porno tapes in the garage. Now I almost fell off the sofa laughing. What? She asked. Oh my god, you're kidding me? I said, still laughing. That's exactly how I got my start as well. The only difference is, I continued, it was (our brother) who introduced me to those tapes. Now Shelly started laughing, no way, that's hilarious, we probably watched the same ones. Yeah, I said, completely, he and I used to watch them all the time.


Shelly paused abruptly catching me off guard, wait, you guys watched them together? I probably blushed, stuttering a little saying, well, yeah, sometimes. She was quiet for another moment, then asked, so like, did you guys masturbate while you watched them together? I bit my lower lip for a second and answered, um, yes. She looked at me wide eyed for a minute then we both started laughing again. I then started explaining with a touch of guilt, you gotta understand, he and I were very close in age and were in the same experimental stages at the same time. She smiled and said she understood. I continued explaining that our fun helped us blow off steam and probably kept us from making hasty mistakes with other people. She nodded and said, wait a minute, now shit is making sense. Why's that? I chuckled and asked. She then said, there were many nights, really late, when I heard you leave your room and go into his. I grinned, yeah, that was us playing around. She squinted her eyes in a humorously scolding way and asked, did you ever have sex? I exhaled and smiled, no, no we didn't. He and I agreed never any sex, oral or intercourse. She also exhaled and smiled, nodding. She then continued, but did you ever touch each other at all? I probably blushed again and said, yeah sometimes, we'd feel each other up and get each other off. Again she was silent for a moment. No shit, she stated. Again she paused for a long moment, finally finishing. That's fucking awesome, she said chuckling.


I started breathing again and said, really, I'm glad you understand, I was afraid you were gonna be heading for your car after that revelation. Earlier we'd spent hours discussing boring mundane stuff, and now in the last twenty minutes her and I had revealed our most personal secrets. I understand, she said, sounds like you guys had all kinds of fun. I replied, yes it was fun. And totally harmless, she finished the thought. Damn, she continued, I wish Id have been a couple years older back then.

At that moment, an interesting thought popped into my mind. As I looked at her sitting on my couch laughing and lamenting herself missing out, I could sense a sudden tinge of sexual tension. The x rated discussion already had my juices flowing and now having Shelly expressing her approval of what I revealed only upped the mood. I took a moment to sip my drink and get my composure before asking, do you still masturbate often these days? She looked at me and said, are you kidding, I've been single for the past six months, so yeah, at least once a day. I just replied, well that's good. She then asked, what about you? I answered, certainly, hardly ever miss a day. Another moment of intense silence set in with with anticipation. Shelly can I ask you something? Yeah, sure Dee, she said. Admittedly I was terribly nervous, but managed to get it out. So any chance you'd like to masturbate with your older sister tonight? I asked with a sheepish grin. She paused for a second and looked over at me asking, are you serious? I replied, absolutely. She smiled with a naughty look in her eyes and said, hell yeah, sounds like fun to me!

We both hopped up off the couch and started taking our tops and jeans off. I felt like a teen again as we were both smiling and giggling. I stopped for a second when Shelly took her shirt off, staring at the huge globes that were still suspended in her bra. My goodness girl, I said, I'll bet those get plenty of stares at the pool. She chuckled and replied, oh yes, they've gotten me out of a few speeding tickets as well. I was already topless, so I said, well come on, lets see them. With that she reached around and undid the hooks, letting the bra fall down her front. They looked marvelous, big and full, but surprisingly her nipples were identical to mine, half dollar round and dark with puffy areolas. I reached over and gave them a little squeeze and told her how great they looked.


Now that we were both nude, we sat on the sofa facing one another, a bout three feet apart with our legs spread. By this point we weren't giggling anymore as we quickly started rubbing our own pussies. As I was fingering myself, I was taking a good look at hers. It was unique and larger overall, very different in appearance from mine which was more subtle and petite. As she spread herself I could see she had very long pronounced lips which I found attractive. Again I noticed how large her vagina appeared to be and commented about it. She acknowledged, yeah sex is very comfortable, but it takes a pretty large cock to satisfy me. I giggled and replied nothing wrong with that. I could see she was also looking my body over as she fingered herself.


Abruptly she asked, so when you were with those women, you really enjoyed eating pussy? I purred a little and responded, umm hmmm, loved it. She smiled and said that was cool, and said she'd often thought about it and wondered how it would be. I moaned a bit as I was fingering and replied, trust me, once you get a taste, you'll be hooked. She giggled and said, maybe one of these days. I then said, Shelly, seriously, we really need to get you laid by a woman. She grinned a bit as she was picking up her pace. I then assured her, don't worry, I have a few girlfriends who'd be happy to do the honors.


We both got silent and started to really get into working ourselves. Shelly had been massaging her tits with her free hand the whole time, but suddenly she lifted one to her mouth and took her whole nipple into her mouth and began to suck. That did it for me. I started to cum vigorously, moaning and shaking. I opened my eyes and saw Shelly staring with a huge smile. That was really hot, she said. Thank you, I replied, you're really hot. Well thank you, she said. I added, I love your boobs, they are absolutely fantastic.


She started rubbing her pussy again for a few minutes while I watched. Finally she said, I must be nervous I can't quite get there, never had anyone watch me before. Really? I answered, not even a guy? Nope, she replied. I thought for a second and grinned, mind if I finish you off? She paused for a second as if pondering the idea. Yeah, she said, I think that would be pretty damn good. I giggled and told her to lay back and relax. I sat up closely between her legs and went to work with my right hand. I put three fingers in her loose pussy while grinding my palm against her clit and mound. With my left hand I reached up and started fondling her huge boobs, twisting and pulling her swollen nipples. It took about ten minutes but I finally had her shaking and humping back into my palm as she released with a loud screaming orgasm.

When she recovered, we got showers and discussed what had happened. We both agreed it was a lot of fun. It had gotten late so she decided to spend the night. In the morning we both woke up horny so we pretty much repeated our session from the night before, only this time she wanted to feel and explore my pussy with her hands, which was really nice. Before she left for home, she thanked me for the weekend and said she was thrilled to have finally joined the little club our brother and I started almost nine years ago. She also asked if she could visit occasionally, both to hang out with me and for some play fun. I said absolutely positively to both, telling her she was welcome anytime. It was great to reconnect with Shelly and our unexpected fun was a fantastic bonus. From then on she typically visited every three or four weeks and we really got comfortable with our masturbatory adventures. We threw in all types of twists, renting some super kinky porn, trying new toys, and even inviting a few of my friends over one time for a Saturday girls party night... which I'll tell you about next...stay tuned



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