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Caged - Part 2

Posted by: Age: 35 Posted on: 14 comments
3 likes 37 views Category: Sex Stories Couples Tags: male chastity, female masturbation
Keep my husband locked in his chastity cage and dress him up to do all my chores, with a small treat!


So now it’s finally Sunday, and I’m trying to steal a few minutes to scroll through my email que.  I’m finding it hard to concentrate though, because my thoughts keep drifting back to Friday night - I can still feel my butt stinging and can practically smell her…

Suddenly,  I hear her calling from the other side of the house. “Kevin, could you come in here for a minute?"

I groan as I get up, I’m so over chores, and take my time getting to the kitchen to see what she wants. When I finally get there,
she asks sweetly, "Would you do something for me please?"

“Now what?” groaning inside at the thought of another task,  but instead manage to reply with a semi cheerful "Sure, what is it?"

“This may sound strange,” she tells me, “but since we have the house to ourselves while the kids are away, why don’t you go take a shower, and don’t forget to shave - everything! ” I look at her with a smile as I feel my cock move in its cage.  “Then, I want you in by the bar, naked! Don't ask, just do it."

I’m very pleasantly surprised -  “Strange, indeed!” I think. A little, uncharacteristic of her, but perhaps she's horny and wants some fun this afternoon as I answer  "OK, if that's what you want. I'll be back in while."


The shower feels good after being itchy and sweaty from the seemingly endless list of honey do’s, and, after taking care to
carefully shave my face and my tight ball sack,  I linger there contemplating what she might have in mind for me. Finally, I dry myself off and per orders, march naked back to the bar where she’s popping open a beer.

"You look good enough to eat", she says. "Or at least parts of you. Too bad you are still locked up.” She tells me as she gives my cage a gentle tug. “Here, sit on the stool …” she continues, and then pats the bar stool next to her “... and now put your feet up here between my legs.”

I sit on the towel covered seat and put my feet between her open thighs, resting them on the edge of her stool. Anita reaches
into her purse and takes out a bottle of nail polish and gives me a wicked little smile. “We had fun getting our nails done together yesterday, didn’t we…do you like this color?” She asks me, waving a bottle under my nose.  Without waiting for a reply, she gently takes one foot and starts painting my toenails a bright pink.

“Very pretty!” She tells me a few minutes later, finishing the last nail and then dabbing a missed spot on my big toe. “Left hand…”

“Ummm…” I say as I hold my hand back.

“Don’t worry, you can take it off tomorrow…maybe” she says with a laugh, grabbing my hand lightly and quickly painting one hand
and then the other.

“Like?” She asks, now give these a few minutes to dry and then go over there to the table and put on that cute outfit I picked
out for you, but first you can get me another beer. And don’t kneel down,  bend over instead so I can see your cute ass. " 

“Yes, my lady” I reply as I fetch her beer, making sure to follow her instructions and give her a quick show, then I walk across
the room to find a sheer black petticoat, a crotchless body stocking, pearl string panties and impossibly high heels.

“Umm..,” is all I manage to say when I feel a sharp “THWACK” on my naked ass cheek!  “Yup, that’s for you! Don’t pretend to be shocked. I’ve seen you on the camera while I’m at work, prancing around in your lingerie and heels  - does it feel nice to get all dressed up in soft, slinky clothes?” She asks.

“Umm…” is all I can say again, my checks flushing red  - embarrassed now.

“Get a move on or you’ll feel this on the other cheek too” she says smiling, raising the riding crop for another smack.   

I do as I’m told.  Getting aroused, I slide the soft silk up my legs and push my imprisoned cock through the body stocking slit. She’s having a good time too, sitting at the bar sucking on her beer and laughing as I struggle to keep the lingerie straight and buckle on my heels. 

“You do look silly, but I bet that silky lingerie feels really good. Now come over here and bend your sexy butt over on this
barstool in front of me.”

Carefully, very carefully, I head over to the bar, all the while as she’s giggling at my timid walk.  I cross my arms on the seat she points to, bending over, my ass ending up way, way up high because of the four-inch heels I’m wearing.

She lifts my petticoat with the crop, and then gives my balls a good smack. “That’s for being testy yesterday”, she said followed by
two quick slaps to my ass.  

 “Umpf” is all I can manage, the sharp stings on my cheeks feeling sort of good after the smack to my poor balls.

“And that’s because it’s fun to smack your ass after you were such a shit, Mister! And you know what is even more fun?  I can simply walk away, and you can’t catch me, not so easy to walk in those shoes, is it?”

 “No”, I said, starting to stand up and am rewarded with another smack to the balls. 

“Ouch! What was that for?” I cry.

“How quickly you forget! The proper answer, my caged slave” she informs me with another smile, is “No My lady.”

“Yes, My lady. I mean, No My lady”  I reply quickly.  Seems like I’m a quick learner, especially when my wife has a riding crop aimed at my crotch!

“Looks like you forgot the rest of your outfit” she tells me, pointing at the pretty maids dress drapped over the bar chair.

“Put that on. You have some housework to do” she tells me “and then let’s see your best curtsey while you’re at it.”

 “Yes my lady” I say quietly as I slip on the maid's dress and attempt an awkward curtsey while trying to keep my balance. “We’ll have to practice that” she says chuckling at me wobbling on my shoes! “Before you start your chores, I’m starting to feel really good from these cookies I’ve been munching on, so put this cushion on the floor and kneel in front of me.”


“Yes my lady.” I answer quickly as I kneel down in front of her.  Wordlessly , she spreads her legs, resting each foot on the stool behind me and lifts her dress up. Underneath, she is wearing a black lace thong, which barely covers the edges of her freshly shaved lips.  I feel her hand in my hair as she pulls my face close to her pussy.

“Kiss me,” she orders.

Obediently, I place my mouth against the soft lace and give her lips a long gentle kiss.  As she holds my head, I can’t help but breathe in her scent and my cock starts to swell in it’s cage. A second later I open my mouth and surround her lips with mine, exhaling a warm breath and flicking my tomgue along her moistened slit.  

“Mmm…very nice” she says, pulling my head away and motioning for me to stand. “We’ll do much more of that later, but for now,  you can head on into the dining room and start your chores by folding those five loads of laundry”

Yes My lady” I reply again, moving as fast as my shoes will allow, hoping not to get another smack.


Folding the clothes take a while and after I finish putting them away, she leads me to the kitchen,  and instructs me empty the dishwasher, put away the stack of ‘air dried’ dishes and then  wipe down every counter. “And don’t forget to move the toaster and the coffee maker and clean underneath – I’m going to check when I get back!” She adds,  lifting my dress to rap my butt with two sharp smacks before disappearing into the bedroom.

“Ouch! Um, I mean, yes my lady.” I answer but she’s already gone. Carefully, I do as I’m told, finally finishing by scrubbing the counters and then polishing each with a dish cloth until they’re squeaky clean. As I’m sliding the coffee maker back in place, I jump when I feel the crop slide between my legs and give my scrotum a few light taps.

“It looks passable…” she says from behind me, “ …oh, did I scare you?”

“Wow – I didn’t hear you sneak up behind me!” I answer, my balls tingling as she continues to rub the soft leather against them.

“Sorry...” She tells me, “…not really. But now that you are done in here, as a maid in training, there’s another very important task you need to learn.” she says, snapping a leash onto my collar and  leading me out of the kitchen. I follow slowly behind - these heels are killer to walk in -  as she pulls me along back past the bar and into our bedroom.


As my eyes adjust to the dimness in the room – I understand now why she had me close the hurricane shutters, I realize – I finally notice what she’s wearing. As she turns to face me, I see that Anita has on a sheer black midriff crop top, a tight pair of black shorts that lace up the sides and a killer pair of heels herself.

“Let’s see your best curtsey,” she orders me.

“Yes, my lady.” I reply as I attempt to slide one foot behind the other, bending my knees as I bow.

“Better, but still terrible,” she tells me.

Brandishing the whip, she instructs me to kneel in front of her. “Kiss my feet.”

Gently, slowly, I kiss one foot then the other.

“More.” She tells me.

I pepper her feet with small light kisses, and then giggles a little when I suck on a toe. “Mmm, that’s nice.” She tells me, then turns and bends over, holding onto the bedpost with one hand. “Now kiss me here.” She directs me, touching a finger to her cheek.

I sit up and obey and then she tells me “And the other.”

I move my face and after I plant a long kiss on her other cheek through the black skin-tight shorts that she’s changed into and
then says, “Now, in between - with your tongue!” Bending over further and spreading her cheeks open wide with her hands.

As she moves, I can see the small strip of material between her legs is sopping wet and molded to her pussy. I touch my tongue to the wet fabric, breathing in deep as I do and I’m rewarded with a wonderful aroma - a heavenly mixture of her pussy juices, coconut  and vanilla! I can only manage a deep moan and I feel my entire self become electrified, pleasure suddenly coursing from
somewhere deep inside and running all the way to the tips of my toes. Urgently I start flicking my tongue up and down, my saliva mixing with her moisture to quickly soak  the crack between her shorts until it’s her turn to jump, moaning a soft “OH GOD! Yes!… THERE!”   

I continue probing, up and down, getting her wetter and wetter, my tongue softly grazing her hole with every flick until finally, her legs trembling,  she pushes me away with a quiet “Stop!”

 “Stand up, face the wall and take your dress off.” she instructs me after taking a moment to catch her breath,

My lips are still numb, my heart is racing, and my cock is straining to escape. I climb up from my knees, my tongue tingling, my nostrils still filled with her scent. In a fog, I turn around and untie my apron and let it drop to the floor and then slowly lift my dress, barely noticing the anticipated smack on the butt.

“Quicker” she says, and then a moment later grabs my arm and pulls it behind me.

I feel metal snap around my left wrist and then a second later my right hand is secured too. I’m surprised, but then realize that
she had probably found the cuffs last week when she moved our “toy box”. We've used them only a couple of times, so my surprise is more that she had gone there. And then another more concerning thought flits into my mind – “What else might she have gotten?” before  I’m in total darkness when she ties a blindfold over my eyes!

"What's this?" I blurt out.

"Relax, Kevin. Just go along with me and do what I say. You'll have a good time. Maybe! Now what’s the right answer?"

“Yes, My lady” I again reply quickly.

"Alright! Now that I have your complete attention, here's the deal. For a week now, you’ve been stuck inside the house. You have run out of things to do and are at loose ends. You're driving me crazy. I can't concentrate on the things that I have to do around the house, or that I want to do. So, I'll keep you here, where you'll be out of sight and I can go about my business. Don't worry, though, I'll check up on you occasionally to be sure you're OK.

Oh, and, by the way, let's use a safe word, 'UNICORN', if you absolutely must be freed.”   “Just remember, though, if you use the safe word, there won't be any more 'parties' for, say, at least three months. So, think twice.”

“Let me take this gag out of your mouth for a minute. Now open wide and let me put this little blue pill on your tongue  and here's some water. Take a sip and swallow the pill. That's a good Slave.”

“You know how I love your big, hard cock, and in case I'm in the mood for one later I want you to be ready, willing and able."
I moan softly as she strokes my ever-growing cock through the slits in the cage with the tips of her fingernails.

"Quiet Slave!" she says, and I can’t help but moan some more as she continues to run her fingernails along my scrotum. “

“Let me tell you another secret” she whispers softly in my ear as she puts the gag back in my mouth.  “I’m really, really wet now – did you enjoy your treat?” She asks with a laugh. “Ooh, and I see you remember that vanilla smell!  Well, maybe later we’ll surprise you with a visit from an old friend. 

Now, just one more thing before I leave you to your thoughts."

I hear ice cubes rattle just as a deluge of ice-cold water drenches my cock.

I can only gasp out loud, the sudden shock leaving me speechless, but then the pain my trapped cock has been enduring suddenly
goes away as it shrinks down in an instant from the cold bath.   

“That should help the swelling go down” she says with a chuckle.  

"I'll leave you now", she says, giving me a kiss, "but I'll be back in while to check on you, and, who knows, maybe entertain you."


“And so, that's how I ended up here, waiting in the darkness, the pleasure from the pot slowly spreading in my body, hearing
nothing but the last of the dripping water from my cold caged cock. I think she closed the doors in the rest of the house, so I have no idea what she's doing or where she is. How long will I be kept like this? And, most importantly… who is the old friend coming to visit?




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