One man's Birthday Pesent never to be forgotten
Just had a birthday. A buddy showed up at the front door. He knew it ws my Birthday and after a brief chit-chat, we slipped out of our clothing for a usual jacking/sucking session. However this was a special offer on his part. I was to be exclusively on the receiving end, just for my Birthday. His hands ran all over my shaved body. He carassed my slender well shaped legs up to the 4' hanging balls. Rolling and tossing the balls around got me aroused, as expected. Following that with some preliminary stroking. Moving up to the hair free chest and nipples, he massaged both. Meanwhile, my cock was beginning to holler for assistance. The giver, realized that also and quickly slipped down to the upright member. More stroking and then his warm mouth over my prick. What a Birthday Gift he was giving me and I thouroughly enjoyed his attentions and thoughtfulness. The bed beneath us seemed to respond to the pleasures as well. His hand and mouth brought forth an explosion. I had not masturbated for several days and the supply was anxious to get out, and it did.
What a wonderful Birthday Present from a Buddy. Planning to respond on his birthday to give him a return on his investment. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you I am now 83 years young and still enjoy sex, and hands on activities with my hand or buddies hands. Visitors are alway welcome even if it is not a Birthday.
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Birthday Present
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Jim
Age: 83 Posted on: 01 Apr 2006
1 likes 358 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
1 likes 358 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
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