This is a follow-up from my earlier story, 'First Time While on Holiday'.
In my story 'First Time While on Holiday', I wrote about my first sex experience with Lewis, a boy I met on holiday. But I also said that I wanted to do stuff with Ron, a boy who has been a friend since we started school. I'd never done anything with him, though we've talked about wanking and things, because I didn't want to lose him as a friend. But I've thought a lot about Ron, and when wanking I've tried to imagine what it would be like with him. I thought I'd got a chance to find out the next weekend after my story appeared here because Ron's parents were going away and he was coming to stay with me. But his folks didn't go so he didn't come.
I'd better tell you though what's happened with Lewis. He'd invited me to go and stay with him during the school Christmas holiday, but because of family arrangements I couldn't. The day after Boxing Day though, Lewis came to our house. He'd driven over in his dad's car. I was surprised but pleased to see him, but I told him again I couldn't go to stay with him. He said he knew that but asked if we could go for a drive. My mum was pleased to see Lewis too (though she's no idea what we did together when in Blackpool). Yes, she said, it was fine to go for a drive, so off we went.
As soon as we were away, Lewis asked, 'Are there any quiet places around here?' so I knew what he was planning, and my dick started to stiffen in my jeans. I led him to a quiet wooded hillside which overlooks a river valley and he stopped the car. He said to me, 'Let's go and sit in the backseat.' As soon as we were in, he put his arm around me and then he slipped his hand down between my legs and started to unzip my jeans, and I didn't stop him. He soon had them round my ankles and told me to do the same for him. We took hold of each other's dick and started to rub, and all the time Lewis kept kissing me. It soon got me worked up and I kept remembering what we'd done on holiday, and I really wanted to cum.
I was soon building up, but then Lewis stopped tossing me off and whispered, 'Do it hard, Ben! I'm going to cum!' I did do it hard and in about thirty seconds he was squirming and groaning, and as I looked down, his dick exploded all over his belly. (I should have said we had also taken our shirts off.) I kept tossing him until he stopped me and then he grabbed my dick again and rubbed me so hard that it was almost hurting, but it also felt terrific so I didn't stop him and soon I was also cumming hard, all over both of us.
When I had finished, we held each other close for a while, and then Lewis produced some paper tissues and we wiped each other dry. We sat there quietly for a time, and then Lewis laid me across his legs and started to play about with by dick and balls, and he kept kissing me. As you can guess, I was soon hard again, and I knew he was because I could feel his hard erection pressing against my bare ribs.
I saw Lewis was looking around and guessed what he was thinking. 'It's deserted her,' he said, 'so let's step outside and do it.' I wasn't too sure about that but I let him persuade me. We slipped out of the car, and Lewis opened both the front and the back doors so that we were shielded from view. We faced each other and took hold of each other's dick and started to rub. I was still a bit scared, and cold! So I did it very hard and fast. Lewis was soon panting and groaning and after no more than a couple of minutes, he shot his load, not so much as the first time, but he still seemed to really enjoy it.
As soon as he had cum, I said, 'Lewis, I don't like doing it out here. Le's get back into the car.' He grinned at me and we slid back inside. He pulled me on to his knees, wiping his sticky dick on my bum! Grinning, he forced me backwards and started to rub me again. I felt safe back in the car and I relaxed and let him do what he wanted. It wasn't long before my climax was mounting again, and I started to breathe heavily. Realising what was happening, Lewis tossed me hard and in only moments, I was cumming again. Like Lewis, I didn't cum as much, but It was still a good orgasm.
For a while we sat together, and then Lewis said, 'We had better get you home, young man, because I have got to go back. Are you sure I can't persuade you to come with me?' I told him I couldn't really, so we wiped ourselves, especially my sticky bum. Once dressed, he drove me home. My mother invited him in for tea, but Lewis said he had a long drive home so he had better go. As he prepared to drive off, he said he would telephone later and still hoped I could go to stay with him soon. I said I didn't think I could manage it until school half term break which is at the end of February. Lewis seemed happy with that and drove off. I went inside to spend the evening thinking about what had happened that afternoon.
I had better tell you now about what has happened between Ron and me. Three weekends before Christmas, Ron's parents did at last go away and Ron came to stay on the Thursday evening. I really wanted to find out about wanking with him, though as I have said I was scared of losing his friendship. That evening we played computer games and listened to CDs until we went to bed about 9-00pm. We were both in my bed, me on the right and Ron on the left. We talked a lot but I could not find a way to talk about wanking together, so we went to sleep and then got up the next morning and went off to school.
On Friday evening, I wanted to bring up wanking again, but I was still scared of spoiling our friendship and chickened out. At last Ron fell asleep but I didn't. I laid there looking at him. I could see him clearly because I keep a little lamp lit beside my bed because I do not like sleeping in complete darkness. Ron is a good looking boy. He is about average height and has black wavy hair which he always keeps well trimmed. He has dark brown eyes and smooth skin, and when he smiles his face is just, well, beautiful. I have often seen him naked, like in the gym and at the swimming pool. He is not really muscular, but he is well made. His uncut dick is about the same size as mine (though I had never seen it hard) and his pubic hair is also average for his age with only the faintest snail-trail. I looked at him for ages and had a hard-on and wanted to kiss him like I had Lewis but I didn't, and then I fell asleep.
The next day, Saturday, seemed to pass slowly even though we were doing things together. By 9-30pm we were in bed with me still wanting to find out about wanking together, but I could not think of any way of doing it. We talked for a long time but never about wanking.
It was about 11-00pm when Ron suddenly asked about Lewis. I had told Ron all about my Blackpool holiday and about Lewis, but I had never mentioned us wanking together. Ron asked if I was going to visit Lewis in the Christmas holidays like he asked me to and I said no. As we talked about Lewis, I knew the moment had come to talk about wanking or I never should. My heart was pounding and I was really nervous. I gulped and said, 'Ron, there is something I should like to tell you about Lewis and me, but I am scared it will ruin our friendship if I do. I don't know how you would take it, and I don't want to lose you as a friend.'
Ron said, 'We have been friends a long time, Ben, so it has got to be something really bad to part us. Anyway, there is only one way to find out and that is to tell me.' There was now no going back, but my heart was beating madly and I was shivering slightly.
I gulped two or three times and said, 'It is nothing bad,' and then I just blurted out all that me and Lewis had done. When I had finished, Ron was quiet, and then he asked, 'Did you enjoy it?' I seemed to have run out of both breath and words so I just nodded. I was really dithering by this time, afraid I had ruined everything. I really wanted Ron to say something, and what he said astonished me.
'You know Barry Nicholls, don't you?' Ron asked me. (He is a boy in our form at school.) I nodded, and Ron said, 'I have wanked with him three times. Twice in the toilets at school during lunch break and once at his house when he invited me to tea.' I could not believe my ears! Ron had also wanked with another boy! I tried to say something but the words would not come. Instead, and I know this sounds girlie and soppy, I started to cry! Ron put his arms round me and held me close, and then he said, 'You are wondering if we could do it, aren't you?' and I replied, 'I have wanted to do it with you, Ron, since I was about 14. I have not dared suggest it in case it ruined our friendship. So does it?'
Ron made no reply but rolled me on to my back. He slowly slid his left hand inside my pyjama pants (Ron is left handed) and felt for my dick. It was soft and small, but he gently squeezed and stroked it into life. I could not believe Ron was playing with my dick!
As soon as I was hard, he untied my pyjama pants and pushed them down. I unbuttoned his, and together we kicked our pants off. We took our jackets off, and we were naked together! We pushed the blankets off and Ron reached for my stiff dick and began to slide my foreskin up and down. I reached for his, the first time I had ever touched it, and did the same to him. His dick was stiff and about the same size as mine, but it felt more silky and smooth than mine does.
Soon we started rubbing each other's dicks really hard. In only a couple of minutes I whispered that I was cumming. Ron just croaked and rubbed harder and I blew. We were laid close together so I shot my load across Ron's belly and into his pubic hair. It was a wonderful orgasm, one of the best I have ever had, even better than with Lewis, and it was Ron who had done it for me.
As soon as I finished, I really tossed Ron off hard. He began to moan and I felt his dick harden and start to throb. I looked down just as the first spurt left his dick and landed on my belly. It was now my turn to hold him until his orgasm ended.
For quite a long time afterwards we laid in each other's arms. Then I took paper tissues from my bedside table drawer where I keep them so I can clean up after I have wanked in bed. We dried ourselves and then laid together in silence because neither of us could believe what had just happened. Then, I turned to Ron and asked, 'After tonight, Ron, are we still friends?' and to my relief he replied, 'After tonight I think we are more friends then ever.'
We cuddled each other for a long time, and then Ron told me that he had wanted to do it with me but thought I would not be interested. I was so pleased to hear this that I turned to him and kissed his cheek. He didn't object, so I raised up on my elbow and kissed him on the lips, just as Lewis had taught me. Ron responded and we were soon kissing eagerly. My dick was hard again and I reached down between Ron's legs and discovered that he was again hard and stiff. Ron started groaning and writhing as I started to play about with his dick.
Soon though, we were tossing each other as fast as we could go. It took us longer this time, but at last I felt that glorious tingle in my hard dick and with a groan, I came again all over Ron's chest and stomach. As I finished cumming, Ron croaked, and as his body stiffened, he spurted sperm all over my chest. We enjoyed those climaxes which felt marvellous.
When we had both finished, I rolled on top of Ron, and though our dicks were softening, it still felt great, and we laid like that for some minutes before rolling apart. With more paper tissues we cleaned up, and then we laid side by side, still with our arms around each other, and then, naked and happy, we fell asleep.
The next morning, we woke up early and after kissing for some time, we tossed each other off again until we had both cum really hard. For the rest of the time Ron was with us, we kept doing each other at every chance, just wanking I mean. I am really happy because of what I have done with Ron and we are still friends, better friends I think.
When Ron went home, I wrote down what we had done while the details were clear in my mind. It was a wonderful weekend and I want to remember always all that happened with Ron because it was something I have wanted for such a long time. I really enjoyed it, and we have had two or three more sessions since, and I hope we do more.
I must tell JB and Rob, two guys who commented on my first story, that their advice was correct. They told me not to force things, just to take my time and it would happen. They were right, it did. Thanks, guys!
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Ben and Lewis - and Ron at Last!
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Ben
Posted on: 08 Jun 2018
6 likes 1312 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Blowjob
6 likes 1312 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Blowjob
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